XML:TRAM: Difference between revisions

2,184 bytes added ,  1 September 2020
Added a script for adjusting forward throw target anims in Blender. Snippet is pretty long; if you have a better idea of formatting it or putting it elsewhere let me know.
mNo edit summary
(Added a script for adjusting forward throw target anims in Blender. Snippet is pretty long; if you have a better idea of formatting it or putting it elsewhere let me know.)
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====Forward throws====
====Forward throws====
Scenario: you load two characters into Mod Tool and rotate (+/-180°) the throw target character because you need them to stand face to face as you work on an animation. When you are done animating, the target animation would need to be reversed again. This means multiplying the velocities by -1; the rotation also needs correcting. So it looks like you need *(-1) for the x rotation and -/+180° (depending on your initial change) for the y rotation.
Scenario: you load two characters into Mod Tool and rotate (+/-180°) the throw target character because you need them to stand face to face as you work on an animation. When you are done animating, the target animation would need to be reversed again. This means multiplying the velocities by -1; the rotation also needs correcting. So it looks like you need *(-1) for the x rotation and -/+180° (depending on your initial change) for the y rotation.
====Blender Forward throw adjustment script====
This is a Blender script for rotating -/+180° and adding PositionOffset to a forward throw Target animation. This will be documented soon.
<pre>import bpy
from math import pi, radians
from mathutils import Matrix, Quaternion, Vector
obj = bpy.context.active_object
scene = bpy.context.scene
def add_object_offset_about_cursor_Z(object,x,y,z): #Translation function
cursor_loc = bpy.context.scene.cursor.location #3D Cursor location
mat = (Matrix.Translation(cursor_loc) @
Matrix.Translation((x,y,z))) #PositionOffset translation applied
object.matrix_world = mat @ object.matrix_world #Change applied to object
def rotate_object_about_cursor_Z(object, degrees): #Rotation function
cursor_loc = bpy.context.scene.cursor.location #3D Cursor location
mat = (Matrix.Translation(cursor_loc) @
  Matrix.Rotation(radians(degrees), 4, 'Z') @
  Matrix.Translation(-cursor_loc)) #Rotation applied
object.matrix_world = mat @ object.matrix_world #Change applied to object
"""def is_keyframe(ob, frame, data_path, array_index=-1):
if ob is not None and ob.animation_data is not None and ob.animation_data.action is not None:
for fcu in ob.animation_data.action.fcurves:
if fcu.data_path == data_path:
if array_index == -1 or fcu.array_index == array_index:
return frame in (p.co.x for p in fcu.keyframe_points)
return False
bpy.types.Object.is_keyframe = is_keyframe  """
obj.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame = 0)
obj.matrix_world.translation += Vector((-100, 0, 0)) #no idea what this is doing
obj.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame = 100)
scene.frame_set(0) #set start frame
for i in range(0, 100): #loop for every frame
#if obj.is_keyframe(i, obj.path_from_id("location")): Bugged keyframe-check
rotate_object_about_cursor_Z(obj, 180) #rotate object
add_object_offset_about_cursor_Z(obj,1,1,1) #translate object
obj.keyframe_insert(data_path="rotation_euler", frame=i) #keyframe rotation
obj.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=i) #keyframe location

