Mod Tool/Scripting: Difference between revisions

From OniGalore
(how to get position of points (moving and sorting more content from MT main page))
m (using Image: consistently to make it easier to find all image refs on a page)
(16 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 14: Line 14:

* [ xsi wiki page about scripting]
* [ xsi wiki page about scripting]
* '''[ many vbscript examples]'''
* '''[ many vbscript examples]'''
* '''[ vbs commands]'''
* '''[ vbs commands]'''
* [ objFSO/objWSHShell: Scripts to manage Files] (replace "Wscript.Echo" with "logmessage")
* [ objFSO/objWSHShell: Scripts to manage Files] (replace "Wscript.Echo" with "logmessage")
* [ objFSO/objWSHShell: Scripts to manage Text Files]
* [ objFSO/objWSHShell: Scripts to manage Text Files]
* [ using external scripts]
* [ using external scripts]
* [,topicNumber=si_om_XSIUIToolkit_html progress bar and open file dialog<!-- (hm, InitialDirectory code for quick save idea ?)-->]
* [,topicNumber=si_om_XSIUIToolkit_html progress bar and open file dialog<!-- (hm, InitialDirectory code for quick save idea ?)-->]
<!--* [,topicNumber=d30e11980,hash=WS34BA39B437A993419C80CAB58E3BEFA1-0059 text box]-->
<!--* [,topicNumber=d30e11980,hash=WS34BA39B437A993419C80CAB58E3BEFA1-0059 text box]-->

Line 83: Line 83:
  logmessage GetGlobal ("MyGloVar")
  logmessage GetGlobal ("MyGloVar")

Further information are found over [ HERE.]
Further information are found over [ HERE.]

Line 100: Line 100:
  logmessage XSIUtils.Environment("MyVar")
  logmessage XSIUtils.Environment("MyVar")

As the information is a string you need to convert it back to what it was meant originally e.g. with cBool and cInt. For more conversion see [ HERE]
As the information is a string you need to convert it back to what it was meant originally e.g. with cBool and cInt. For more conversion see [ HERE]

Line 130: Line 130:

===Object and scene fundamentals===
logmessage selection.count
logmessage selection(0).Name
Loading objects on startup can fail in some aspects even though you use the same function for OnActivate.
For example a console might get correct position but wrong rotation.
logmessage selection(0).Materials(0).Name
logmessage selection(0).Materials(0)
In that case you might want to switch to another program and then back to XSI to use the OnActivate event. Or you do something else e.g. let the user click on a button. With that everything that happened OnStartup should had enough time to process.
logmessage selection(0).Materials(0).shaders(0).name
logmessage selection(0).Materials(0).CurrentImageClip.source.filename.value
logmessage selection(0).Materials(0).CurrentImageClip.source.Parameters("XRes").Value
logmessage selection(0).Material.CurrentImageClip.source.Parameters("YRes").Value
  function siOnActivateEventTest_OnEvent( in_ctxt )
Application.LogMessage "State: " + cstr(in_ctxt.GetAttribute("State"))
  logmessage selection(0)
  ' TODO: Put your code here.
  ' Return value is ignored as this event can not be aborted.
logmessage selection(0).activeprimitive.geometry.clusters(0).name
siOnActivateEventTest_OnEvent = true
' look for UV cluster names
  end function
' xsi-generated: "Texture_Coordinates_AUTO"
' onisplit-generated: "NodeProperties"
logmessage selection(0).sclx.value
logmessage selection(0).scly.value
logmessage selection(0).sclz.value
logmessage selection(0).rotx.value
  logmessage selection(0).roty.value
logmessage selection(0).rotz.value
  logmessage selection(0).posx.value
logmessage selection(0).posy.value
logmessage selection(0).posz.value
logmessage selection(0).rotorder.value

'''State becomes "False" when XSI loses its focus.'''

====Materials and textures====
'''State becomes "True" when XSI regains focus.'''
'''get all targets of an image clip'''

set imgClip = GetValue("Clips._marker_blackness_tga")
Exchanging data between XSI and other programs is rather difficult.
set imgClipTargets = imgClip.GetShaderParameterTargets

logmessage imgClipTargets.count
Instead, whenever "True" is detected XSI could look into an exchange folder or exchange file*.
for each t in imgClipTargets
logmessage t
: *OniSplit GUI could save a vbs script to file and then it gets executed by XSI
:: Application.ExecuteScript( FileName, [Language], [ProcName], [Params] )

'''Get all material libraries and materials
Full example (FillFile would have to be done by the GUI)

  for each ml in Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.MaterialLibraries
  Dim fso, wText, bInteractive, TestFile
logmessage ml
for each m in ml.items
logmessage ' (material)
logmessage "--------------------------"
  ' INFO : Sources.Materials.DefaultLib
  ' INFO : Scene_Material
  ' NAME: FillFile
  ' INFO : sosMatBarrier
  ' INFO : sosMatBlackness
  ' INPUT:
  ' INFO : sosMatDanger
  ' INFO : sosMatGhost
  ' DESCRIPTION: Fill the test file
  ' INFO : sosMatImpassable
' INFO : sosMatStairs
  sub FillFile (in_file)
' INFO : --------------------------
  wText.WriteLine "Main()"
' INFO : Sources.Materials.MaterialLibrary
  wText.WriteLine ""
' INFO : --------------------------
'''Check an object's main material for TwoSided-ness'''
' test and toggles an object's main material for TwoSided-ness
' this is also a prerequired test for transparency
  ' the difficulty is to get the TextureObject (often named Image)
' the magic happens at FindShaders, I often fail to find such trivial stuff
' imo the xsi is terrible incomplete/unintuitive
' e.g. look at "Find (ShaderCollection)" in the help
' it will give you information about meshes such as cubes ...
  wText.WriteLine "sub log_some_messages(an_int, a_string)"
  wText.WriteLine "logmessage ""the int : "" & an_int"
  wText.WriteLine "logmessage ""the string : "" & a_string"
  wText.WriteLine "end sub"
  wText.WriteLine ""
matLib = selection(0).Materials(0)
  wText.WriteLine "sub main()"
  wText.WriteLine "CreatePrim ""Sphere"", ""NurbsSurface"""
  wText.WriteLine "end sub"
end sub
  set mat = selection(0).Material
  sub main()
materialName =
  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set wText = fso.CreateTextFile( TestFile, 1)
' let us see if there is an Image TextureObject
  FillFile TestFile
set shaders = mat.FindShaders(siShaderFilter)
textureObj = "Image"
'if typename(shaders(textureObj)) = "Texture" then ' if not it is Nothing
  ExecuteScript TestFile
' logmessage "material has texture object ""Image"""
'end if
Set list = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
  dim aParams
  for each n in shaders
  aParams = Array(123456789, "toto")
  ExecuteScript TestFile,,"log_some_messages", aParams
  end sub
  ' this event is fired 4 times (2 local, 2 global)
' everytime when created, translated, rotated, or scaled
' we only want one global
firstValue = false
function siOnValueChangeEventTest_OnEvent( in_ctxt )
foundShaderParameterTransparency = false
  if instr(cstr(in_ctxt.GetAttribute("Object")), "") > 0 then
'foundUniqueShaderName = false
  if firstValue = false then
shaderName = ""
  if list.Contains(textureObj) = true then
set oColorShareShader = GetValue("Sources.Materials." & matLib & "." & & "." & textureObj)
set oTargets = oColorShareShader.GetShaderParameterTargets("")
scriptObjArray = split(oTargets(0), ".")
' add more exit conditions here
'logmessage scriptObjArray(0) ' Sources (fixed name? Could be considered a folder.)
' e.g. selection mode
'logmessage scriptObjArray(1) ' Materials (fixed name? Could be considered a folder.)
' selection count
'logmessage scriptObjArray(2) ' MaterialsLib (usually each object has its own MaterialsLib)
  ' if obj is not an Oni obj or camera
'logmessage scriptObjArray(3) ' Material
'logmessage scriptObjArray(4) ' Shader e.g. Phong
shaderName = scriptObjArray(4)
for each t in oTargets
logmessage t
if = "transparency" then
foundShaderParameterTransparency = true
exit for
end if
  end if
if foundShaderParameterTransparency = false then
logmessage "material is not TwoSided, lets reverse now"
SIConnectShaderToCnxPoint "Sources.Materials." & matLib & "." & materialName & ".Image", "Sources.Materials." & matLib & "." & materialName & "." & shaderName & ".transparency", False
logmessage "material is TwoSided, lets reverse now"
RemoveAllShadersFromCnxPoint "Sources.Materials." & matLib & "." & materialName & "." & shaderName & ".transparency", siShaderCnxPointBasePorts
end if
Output example:
' INFO : Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.diffuse
' INFO : material is not TwoSided, lets reverse now
SIConnectShaderToCnxPoint "Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Image", "Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.transparency", False
' INFO : Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.diffuse
    if selection.count > 0 and not replace(cstr(in_ctxt.GetAttribute("Object")),"", "") = "Camera_Interest" then
' INFO : Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.transparency
        logmessage "Object at: " & selection(0).posx.value & " " & selection(0).posy.value & " " & selection(0).posz.value
  ' INFO : material is TwoSided, lets reverse now
    end if
  RemoveAllShadersFromCnxPoint "Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.transparency", siShaderCnxPointBasePorts
    if replace(cstr(in_ctxt.GetAttribute("Object")),"", "") = "Camera_Interest" then
        logmessage GetValue("") & " " & _
          GetValue("") & " " & _
  logmessage "Obj is cam"
    end if
    firstValue = true
    firstValue = false
  end if
end if
end function
  ' INFO : Object at: -22,0187049984705 6,63004918144234 5,08830153431981
  ' INFO : Obj is cam
This could be used to track camera and sound spheres positions. They values could be passed as command line argument to GUI.

'does a certain cluster type exist ?
'set cls = selection(0).activeprimitive.geometry.clusters.find( siPolygonCluster )
' more interesting is how many of that type exist
for each n in selection(0).activeprimitive.geometry.clusters
    logmessage "Cluster " & & " is of type " & n.type
' "poly" = polygon cluster
' "sample" = UV cluster

Output example:
===Suppress events in batch processing===
' INFO : Cluster Polygon4 is of type poly
Events that get triggered by code inside functions don't delay the function for processing the event.
' INFO : Cluster Polygon1 is of type poly
' INFO : Cluster Texture_Coordinates_AUTO is of type sample

The events are precessed after the function finished.

This can pose a serious problem with batch processing where you might create and select each object several times.
'''check if obj is member of layer'''
logmessage isMemberOfLayer(selection(0), "layerNameToTest")
function isMemberOfLayer(obj, layerName)
dim list
set list = selectMembers ("Layers." & layerName, 0) ' 0 = for not changing the current selection
for each o in list
if o = obj then
isMemberOfLayer = "yes"
exit for
end if
end function

'''Get layer name of an object'''
  logmessage RecursiveEnum (selection(0), false, false)
  function XSILoadPlugin( in_reg )
in_reg.Author = ""
  function RecursiveEnum( in_Comp, in_Type, in_FirstParentOnly )
in_reg.Name = "Sel Plug-in"
  dim list, elem, layerNameToCheck
in_reg.Major = 1
  set list = EnumElements( in_Comp, in_Type )
in_reg.Minor = 0
  if TypeName(list) <> "Nothing" then
in_reg.RegisterEvent "Selection",siOnSelectionChange
      for each elem in list
XSILoadPlugin = true
          if instr(elem, "Layers") = 1 and instr(elem, ".Members") > 1 then
  end function
          layerNameToCheck = replace(replace(elem,"Layers.", ""),".Members", "")
  function XSIUnloadPlugin( in_reg )
      if not layerNameToCheck = "" then
dim strPluginName
RecursiveEnum = layerNameToCheck
strPluginName = in_reg.Name
end if
Application.LogMessage strPluginName & " has been unloaded.",siVerbose
      exit for
XSIUnloadPlugin = true
          end if
end function
function Selection_OnEvent( in_ctxt )
  end if
' get select event, ignore unselect events (0)
if cstr(in_ctxt.GetAttribute("ChangeType")) = 1 then
exit function
end if
if XSIUtils.Environment("IgnoreMe") = "true" then
exit function
logmessage "hi !"
end if
Selection_OnEvent = true
  end function
  end function
' INFO : Layer_Default

Code to be called from somewhere else.

XSIUtils.Environment.Setitem "IgnoreMe", "true"
SelectObj "cylinder", , True
XSIUtils.Environment.Setitem "IgnoreMe", "false"

The selection event outputs "hi !" despite "IgnoreMe" is set to "true" at the beginning.
Loading objects on startup can fail in some aspects even though you use the same function for OnActivate.
For example a console might get correct position but wrong rotation.

In that case you might want to switch to another program and then back to XSI to use the OnActivate event. Or you do something else e.g. let the user click on a button. With that everything that happened OnStartup should had enough time to process.
That's because the event becomes processed after the function finished after "IgnoreMe" was set to "false".

  function siOnActivateEventTest_OnEvent( in_ctxt )
  function XSILoadPlugin( in_reg )
  Application.LogMessage "State: " + cstr(in_ctxt.GetAttribute("State"))
in_reg.Author = ""
' TODO: Put your code here.
in_reg.Name = "Sel2 Plug-in"
' Return value is ignored as this event can not be aborted.
in_reg.Major = 1
  siOnActivateEventTest_OnEvent = true
in_reg.Minor = 0
in_reg.RegisterEvent "Selection2",siOnSelectionChange
XSILoadPlugin = true
end function
function XSIUnloadPlugin( in_reg )
dim strPluginName
strPluginName = in_reg.Name
  Application.LogMessage strPluginName & " has been unloaded.",siVerbose
XSIUnloadPlugin = true
end function
function Selection2_OnEvent( in_ctxt )
if cstr(in_ctxt.GetAttribute("ChangeType")) = 1 then
exit function
end if
IgnoreCount = GetGlobal ("IgnoreThis")
if IgnoreCount > 0 then
SetGlobal "IgnoreThis", (IgnoreCount - 1)
logmessage "Hi 2 !"
end if
  Selection2_OnEvent = true
  end function
  end function

'''State becomes "False" when XSI loses its focus.'''
Code to be called from somewhere else.
'''State becomes "True" when XSI regains focus.'''
Exchanging data between XSI and other programs is rather difficult.
Instead, whenever "True" is detected XSI could look into an exchange folder or exchange file*.

: *OniSplit GUI could save a vbs script to file and then it gets executed by XSI
Be aware of what can trigger the unwanted event and use a '''''global ignore variable'''''.

:: Application.ExecuteScript( FileName, [Language], [ProcName], [Params] )
for i=1 to 5
SetGlobal "IgnoreThis", GetGlobal ("IgnoreThis") + 1
SelectObj "cylinder", , True
' Don't use that variable where you want to trigger the event intentionally.
SelectObj "cylinder", , True

Full example (FillFile would have to be done by the GUI)
logmessage XSIUtils.ResolvePath("$XSI_USERHOME/")
  Dim fso, wText, bInteractive, TestFile
' directory to addons and exported resources
  logmessage XSIUtils.ResolvePath("$XSI_HOME/")
  ' directory to a few imported core files that must be modified (Model.vbs, ModStartup.js, ...)
  ' example:
' INFO : C:\Users\Paradox-01\Autodesk\Softimage_2015\
' INFO : C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Softimage 2015\
  ' INFO : C:\Users\Paradox-01\Autodesk\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\
  ' NAME: FillFile
  ' INFO : C:\Softimage\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\
  ' INPUT:
  ' this can be useful for default locations like when selecting a folder
DesktopPath = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop")
  ' DESCRIPTION: Fill the test file
  logmessage DesktopPath
  sub FillFile (in_file)
  wText.WriteLine "Main()"
===Message box===
  wText.WriteLine ""
  ' okay-only
  msgbox "message", 0, "title"
  ' okay and cancel
  MyVar = msgbox ("message", 1, "title")
  wText.WriteLine "sub log_some_messages(an_int, a_string)"
if MyVar = 1 then
  wText.WriteLine "logmessage ""the int : "" & an_int"
logmessage "OK button clicked"
  wText.WriteLine "logmessage ""the string : "" & a_string"
logmessage MyVar ' = 1
  wText.WriteLine "end sub"
  wText.WriteLine ""
logmessage "Cancel button clicked"
logmessage MyVar ' = 2
end if
===Input box===
MyVar = inputbox ("message", "title" , "pre-entered content")
  wText.WriteLine "sub main()"
if MyVar = false then
  wText.WriteLine "CreatePrim ""Sphere"", ""NurbsSurface"""
logmessage "Cancel button clicked"
  wText.WriteLine "end sub"
logmessage "OK button clicked"
  end sub
logmessage MyVar
  end if
sub main()
  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set wText = fso.CreateTextFile( TestFile, 1)
===Dealing with different decimal marks===
Decimal sign is either period or comma.
  FillFile TestFile
  ExecuteScript TestFile
  dim aParams
  aParams = Array(123456789, "toto")
  ExecuteScript TestFile,,"log_some_messages", aParams
end sub

Detect the used sign:
  ' this event is fired 4 times (2 local, 2 global)
logmessage Mid(FormatNumber(0.1, 1, true, false, -2), 2, 1)
  ' everytime when created, translated, rotated, or scaled
  ' we only want one global
OniSplit always uses the period sign but XSI uses the system used one, which is language-specific.
When xml files are loaded into XSI, the OniSplit formatted values need to be converted if necessary. Example:
if Mid(FormatNumber(0.1, 1, true, false, -2), 2, 1) = "," then
    posX = cdbl(replace(posX, ".", ","))
    posY = cdbl(replace(posY, ".", ","))
    posZ = cdbl(replace(posZ, ".", ","))
end if
Actually you only the replacement function because it will skip the operation if the sign to replace is not found.
When xml files are written, comma signs have to be replaced again.
posX = replace(posX, ",", ".")
  posY = replace(posY, ",", ".")
  posZ = replace(posZ, ",", ".")
===Check executable version===
  ' taking OniSplit as example
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
logmessage objFSO.GetFileVersion("F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\install\onisplit.exe")
firstValue = false
  ' result looks like this:
function siOnValueChangeEventTest_OnEvent( in_ctxt )
  ' INFO :
if instr(cstr(in_ctxt.GetAttribute("Object")), "") > 0 then
  if firstValue = false then
  ' add more exit conditions here
  ' e.g. selection mode
' selection count
' if obj is not an Oni obj or camera
    if selection.count > 0 and not replace(cstr(in_ctxt.GetAttribute("Object")),"", "") = "Camera_Interest" then
        logmessage "Object at: " & selection(0).posx.value & " " & selection(0).posy.value & " " & selection(0).posz.value
    end if
    if replace(cstr(in_ctxt.GetAttribute("Object")),"", "") = "Camera_Interest" then
        logmessage GetValue("") & " " & _
          GetValue("") & " " & _
  logmessage "Obj is cam"
    end if
    firstValue = true
    firstValue = false
  end if
end if
end function

' INFO : Object at: -22,0187049984705 6,63004918144234 5,08830153431981
' INFO : Obj is cam

This could be used to track camera and sound spheres positions. They values could be passed as command line argument to GUI.
===Build an vbs executable===
Executable, app(lication), program. Whatever you call it, sometimes it might be necessary to compile the script into an actual program.

Even though vbs is a script language and not a programming language, it can be done.

===Suppress events in batch processing===
VbsEdit is an editor to fulfill such task with ease.
Events that get triggered by code inside functions don't delay the function for processing the event.

The events are precessed after the function finished.
: Just goto ''File > Convert into Executable''. Choose output path, 32/64-bit version and hit OK.

This can pose a serious problem with batch processing where you might create and select each object several times.

===OS bitness===
if GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2:Win32_Processor='cpu0'").AddressWidth = 64 then
logmessage "64"
logmessage "32"
end if

  function XSILoadPlugin( in_reg )
  Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
in_reg.Author = ""
  if instr(WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0\Identifier"), "64") > 0 then
in_reg.Name = "Sel Plug-in"
  logmessage "64"
in_reg.Major = 1
in_reg.Minor = 0
  logmessage "32"
in_reg.RegisterEvent "Selection",siOnSelectionChange
end if
XSILoadPlugin = true
  end function
function XSIUnloadPlugin( in_reg )
dim strPluginName
strPluginName = in_reg.Name
Application.LogMessage strPluginName & " has been unloaded.",siVerbose
XSIUnloadPlugin = true
end function
function Selection_OnEvent( in_ctxt )
' get select event, ignore unselect events (0)
if cstr(in_ctxt.GetAttribute("ChangeType")) = 1 then
exit function
  end if
if XSIUtils.Environment("IgnoreMe") = "true" then
exit function
logmessage "hi !"
end if
Selection_OnEvent = true
end function

Code to be called from somewhere else.

XSIUtils.Environment.Setitem "IgnoreMe", "true"
===XSI/Softimage bitness, version and license===
SelectObj "cylinder", , True
There are three possibilities to detect the program's bitness:
XSIUtils.Environment.Setitem "IgnoreMe", "false"

The selection event outputs "hi !" despite "IgnoreMe" is set to "true" at the beginning.
logmessage Platform
logmessage XSIUtils.ResolvePath("$XSI_CPU/")
logmessage XSIUtils.Is64BitOS
' output for 32-bit installation
' INFO : Win32
' INFO : nt-x86\
' INFO : False
' output for 64-bit installation
' INFO : Win64
' INFO : nt-x86-64\
' INFO : True

That's because the event becomes processed after the function finished after "IgnoreMe" was set to "false".

For program's version:
logmessage version
' examples:
' INFO :
' INFO :

For program's license:
  function XSILoadPlugin( in_reg )
logmessage license
in_reg.Author = ""
' examples:
in_reg.Name = "Sel2 Plug-in"
  ' INFO : Softimage
in_reg.Major = 1
' INFO : Mod Tool
in_reg.Minor = 0
in_reg.RegisterEvent "Selection2",siOnSelectionChange
DAE files saved with XSI/Softimage contain license information.
XSILoadPlugin = true
end function
function XSIUnloadPlugin( in_reg )
===Read registry===
dim strPluginName
This reads the registry with forced 64/32-bit path (RegType). In this example Oni's install location gets revealed.
strPluginName = in_reg.Name
Application.LogMessage strPluginName & " has been unloaded.",siVerbose
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
XSIUnloadPlugin = true
  if instr(WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0\Identifier"), "64") > 0 then
  end function
OS_bitness = 64
function Selection2_OnEvent( in_ctxt )
if cstr(in_ctxt.GetAttribute("ChangeType")) = 1 then
  OS_bitness = 32
exit function
  end if
end if
IgnoreCount = GetGlobal ("IgnoreThis")
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
if IgnoreCount > 0 then
SetGlobal "IgnoreThis", (IgnoreCount - 1)
  sPath = ReadRegStr (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _
  "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{B67333BB-1CF9-4EFD-A40B-E25B5CB4C8A7}}_is1", _
logmessage "Hi 2 !"
"InstallLocation", _
  end if
Selection2_OnEvent = true
  end function
  logmessage sPath
Code to be called from somewhere else.
Be aware of what can trigger the unwanted event and use a '''''global ignore variable'''''.
  for i=1 to 5
  SetGlobal "IgnoreThis", GetGlobal ("IgnoreThis") + 1
  SelectObj "cylinder", , True
' Don't use that variable where you want to trigger the event intentionally.
SelectObj "cylinder", , True
logmessage XSIUtils.ResolvePath("$XSI_USERHOME/")
' directory to addons and exported resources
logmessage XSIUtils.ResolvePath("$XSI_HOME/")
' directory to a few imported core files that must be modified (Model.vbs, ModStartup.js, ...)
  ' example:
  Function ReadRegStr (RootKey, Key, Value, RegType)
' INFO : C:\Users\Paradox-01\Autodesk\Softimage_2015\
  Dim oCtx, oLocator, oReg, oInParams, oOutParams
' INFO : C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Softimage 2015\
  ' INFO : C:\Users\Paradox-01\Autodesk\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\
  Set oCtx = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet")
' INFO : C:\Softimage\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\
  oCtx.Add "__ProviderArchitecture", RegType
  ' this can be useful for default locations like when selecting a folder
  Set oLocator = CreateObject("Wbemscripting.SWbemLocator")
DesktopPath = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop")
  Set oReg = oLocator.ConnectServer("", "root\default", "", "", , , , oCtx).Get("StdRegProv")
  logmessage DesktopPath
  Set oInParams = oReg.Methods_("GetStringValue").InParameters
  oInParams.hDefKey = RootKey
  oInParams.sSubKeyName = Key
  oInParams.sValueName = Value
  Set oOutParams = oReg.ExecMethod_("GetStringValue", oInParams, , oCtx)
  ReadRegStr = oOutParams.sValue
End Function

===Message box===
===Run other programs===
' okay-only
'''via XSI System'''
msgbox "message", 0, "title"

  ' okay and cancel
  'relative pathes don't seem to work with this method
  MyVar = msgbox ("message", 1, "title")
  OniSplitLocation = "C:\Softimage\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\OniXSI_resources\OniSplit.exe"
inputFile =  "M3GMU_security_tv_wall_0.oni"
  if MyVar = 1 then
  inputPath  = "C:\Softimage\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\OniXSI_resources\test a" & "\" & inputFile
logmessage "OK button clicked"
  outputPath = "C:\Softimage\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\OniXSI_resources\test a"
logmessage MyVar ' = 1
ApplicationParam  = "-extract:xml " & """" & outputPath & """" & " " & """" & inputPath & """"
appResult = System( OniSplitLocation & " " & ApplicationParam )
logmessage "Cancel button clicked"
  Select Case appResult
logmessage MyVar ' = 2
    Case 0 LogMessage "Ok."
  end if
    Case Else LogMessage "Error."
  End Select

'''Via CMD'''
===Input box===
' relative path
  MyVar = inputbox ("message", "title" , "pre-entered content")
  ' the "GameDataFolder" isn't inside the "install" folder
' so we will use ..\ to go one folder backwards
  if MyVar = false then
  ' additional quote signs tells the program where the
logmessage "Cancel button clicked"
' paths strings start and end in case the path contains spaces
logmessage "OK button clicked"
' if you are going to use the xml file right after its extraction (which is likely)
logmessage MyVar
' then the "/wait" argument inside the onisplit_action string is important
  end if
' without it the code would continue and might try to read the not existing xml file and produce an error
onisplit_location = "F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\install"
===dealing with different decimal marks===
input_folder = """..\GameDataFolder\level19_Final\ONLVcompound.oni"""
Decimal sign is either period or comma.
output_folder = """..\GameDataFolder"""
  onisplit_action = "cmd /C start /wait OniSplit.exe -extract:xml " & output_folder & " " & input_folder
Detect the used sign:
logmessage "relative path: " & onisplit_action
  logmessage Mid(FormatNumber(0.1, 1, true, false, -2), 2, 1)
' expected logmessage:
  ' INFO : relative path: cmd /C start OniSplit.exe -extract:xml "..\GameDataFolder" "..\GameDataFolder\level19_Final\ONLVcompound.oni"
OniSplit always uses the period sign but XSI uses the system used one, which is language-specific.
XSIUtils.LaunchProcess onisplit_action, 1, onisplit_location
When xml files are loaded into XSI, the OniSplit formatted values need to be converted if necessary. Example:
' absolute path
'adapt paths so it works on your computer
onisplit_location = "F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\install"
input_folder = """F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\GameDataFolder\level19_Final\ONLVcompound.oni"""
output_folder = """F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\GameDataFolder"""
onisplit_action = "cmd /C start /wait OniSplit.exe -extract:xml " & output_folder & " " & input_folder
logmessage "absolute path: " & onisplit_action
' expected logmessage:
  ' <small>INFO : absolute path: cmd /C start OniSplit.exe -extract:xml "F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\GameDataFolder" "F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\GameDataFolder\level19_Final\ONLVcompound.oni"</small>
XSIUtils.LaunchProcess onisplit_action, 1, onisplit_location
' you can also lunch bat files
onibat = "cmd /C start run_wind.bat"
onilocation = "F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition"
XSIUtils.LaunchProcess onibat, 0, onilocation

if Mid(FormatNumber(0.1, 1, true, false, -2), 2, 1) = "," then
    posX = cdbl(replace(posX, ".", ","))
    posY = cdbl(replace(posY, ".", ","))
    posZ = cdbl(replace(posZ, ".", ","))
end if

Actually you only the replacement function because it will skip the operation if the sign to replace is not found.
'''Via winmgmts'''
When xml files are written, comma signs have to be replaced again.
posX = replace(posX, ",", ".")
posY = replace(posY, ",", ".")
posZ = replace(posZ, ",", ".")
===Check executable version===
' taking OniSplit as example
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
logmessage objFSO.GetFileVersion("F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\install\onisplit.exe")
  ' result looks like this:
  ' slightly modified code from [ that site]
  ' INFO :
  ' ''logmessage "onisplit finished."'' will be executed after the conversion finished, there should be also an delay of 3 seconds to support very slow computers
' if you are going to use this method consider to extent the code to check if input file and output directory exist
osp_loca = "C:\OniAE\Edition\install\OniSplit.exe"
===Build an vbs executable===
osp_action = "-extract:xml"
osp_output = """C:\OniAE\Edition\GameDataFolder"""
Executable, app(lication), program. Whatever you call it, sometimes it might be necessary to compile the script into an actual program.
osp_input = """C:\OniAE\Edition\GameDataFolder\level1_Final\AKEVEnvWarehouse.oni"""
osp_total = osp_loca & " " & osp_action & " " & osp_output & " " & osp_input
logmessage osp_total
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2:Win32_Process")
objWMIService.Create osp_total, null, null, intProcessID
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
' wait 3 second to find event - should be enough time for single actions on a slow computer
Set colMonitoredProcesses = objWMIService.ExecNotificationQuery _
    ("Select * From __InstanceDeletionEvent Within 3 Where TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_Process'")
Do Until i = 1
    Set objLatestProcess = colMonitoredProcesses.NextEvent
    If objLatestProcess.TargetInstance.ProcessID = intProcessID Then
        i = 1
    End If
logmessage "onisplit finished."
' now you can work with the extracted xml file

Even though vbs is a script language and not a programming language, it can be done.
VbsEdit is an editor to fulfill such task with ease.
: Just goto ''File > Convert into Executable''. Choose output path, 32/64-bit version and hit OK.

===Detect a running program===
detectProgram = "Simple_OniSplit_GUI.exe"
programIsActive = false
sComputerName = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & sComputerName & "\root\cimv2")
sQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_Process"
Set objItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(sQuery)
For Each objItem In objItems
    if = detectProgram then
        programIsActive = true
        exit for
    end if
logmessage programIsActive

===OS bitness===
outputs either True or False
if GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2:Win32_Processor='cpu0'").AddressWidth = 64 then
logmessage "64"
logmessage "32"
end if

The code above triggers a bug. When Mod Tool gets minimized you can't bring it back to front.
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
if instr(WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0\Identifier"), "64") > 0 then
logmessage "64"
logmessage "32"
end if

ExecuteScript doesn't help.

===XSI/Softimage bitness, version and license===
===Taking a viewport screenshot===
There are three possibilities to detect the program's bitness:
SetDisplayMode "Camera", "texturedecal"
cf = ActiveProject.Properties.Item("Play Control").Parameters.Item("Current").Value
set oViewportCapture = Dictionary.GetObject("ViewportCapture")
oViewportCapture.NestedObjects.Item("Start Frame").Value = cf
oViewportCapture.NestedObjects.Item("End Frame").Value = cf
oViewportCapture.NestedObjects.Item("OpenGL Anti-Aliasing").Value = 4
oViewportCapture.NestedObjects.Item("File Name").Value = "C:\Oni\AE\Tools\Simple_OniSplit_GUI\OutputFolder\test.jpg"
CaptureViewport  2, false

logmessage Platform
command-line access via:
logmessage XSIUtils.ResolvePath("$XSI_CPU/")
logmessage XSIUtils.Is64BitOS
' output for 32-bit installation
' INFO : Win32
  ' INFO : nt-x86\
' INFO : False
' output for 64-bit installation
' INFO : Win64
' INFO : nt-x86-64\
' INFO : True

For CMD options use "true" and Help > Command Line Options
CaptureViewport  2, true

For program's version:
It might be possible to further automate html creation with this.
logmessage version
' examples:
' INFO :
' INFO :

For program's license:
When screenshots are big enough the info text doesn't overlay object and can be cut away in further image processing.
logmessage license
' examples:
' INFO : Softimage
' INFO : Mod Tool

DAE files saved with XSI/Softimage contain license information.
==Write file==
===Export DAE===
Before you go crazy, yes, the command "CreateExportCrosswalkOptions" doesn't get logged in the script history.
set oProps = ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root.Properties
if typename (oProps.find("ExportCrosswalkOptions")) = "Nothing" then
CreateExportCrosswalkOptions , "ExportCrosswalkOptions"
end if
' sets the extension to dae
SetValue "ExportCrosswalkOptions.Format", 1
' set export path and file name
SetValue "ExportCrosswalkOptions.Filename", CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop") & "\export_test.dae"
' selection only
SetValue "ExportCrosswalkOptions.ExportSelectionOnly", True
' export
ExportCrosswalk "ExportCrosswalkOptions"
===Export FBX===
FBXExportLights (false)
FBXExportSelection (true)
' mark FBXExport and hit F1 to get more options
FBXExport (CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop") & "\export_test.fbx" )

===Read registry===
===Write text file===
This reads the registry with forced 64/32-bit path (RegType). In this example Oni's install location gets revealed.
  txt_location = "C:\Softimage\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\test.txt"
  Set fso = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  Set wText = fso.CreateTextFile (txt_location, 1)
if instr(WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0\Identifier"), "64") > 0 then
  wText.WriteLine "I'm a test file."
OS_bitness = 64
  wText.WriteLine "Yo!"
OS_bitness = 32
end if
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
sPath = ReadRegStr (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _
"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{B67333BB-1CF9-4EFD-A40B-E25B5CB4C8A7}}_is1", _
"InstallLocation", _
  logmessage sPath
Function ReadRegStr (RootKey, Key, Value, RegType)
  Dim oCtx, oLocator, oReg, oInParams, oOutParams
  Set oCtx = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet")
  oCtx.Add "__ProviderArchitecture", RegType
  Set oLocator = CreateObject("Wbemscripting.SWbemLocator")
  Set oReg = oLocator.ConnectServer("", "root\default", "", "", , , , oCtx).Get("StdRegProv")
  Set oInParams = oReg.Methods_("GetStringValue").InParameters
  oInParams.hDefKey = RootKey
  oInParams.sSubKeyName = Key
  oInParams.sValueName = Value
  Set oOutParams = oReg.ExecMethod_("GetStringValue", oInParams, , oCtx)
  ReadRegStr = oOutParams.sValue
End Function

===Run other programs===
'''via XSI System'''

  'relative pathes don't seem to work with this method
==Read file==
OniSplitLocation = "C:\Softimage\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\OniXSI_resources\OniSplit.exe"
===Import DAE===
  inputFile =  "M3GMU_security_tv_wall_0.oni"
  CopyPaste, filePath, parentObject, 2
inputPath  = "C:\Softimage\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\OniXSI_resources\test a" & "\" & inputFile
outputPath = "C:\Softimage\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\OniXSI_resources\test a"
'use scene object if you don't want to group the imported object under a parent, e.g.:
ApplicationParam  = "-extract:xml " & """" & outputPath & """" & " " & """" & inputPath & """"
  CopyPaste, filePath, ActiveProject.ActiveScene, 2
appResult = System( OniSplitLocation & " " & ApplicationParam )
Select Case appResult
    Case 0 LogMessage "Ok."
===Import DAE (and get name)===
    Case Else LogMessage "Error."
Sometimes you want to get the name of the object you just imported.
End Select

'''Via CMD'''
In that case you use "ImportModel" instead of "CopyPaste"
  ' relative path
ImportModel filePath, [parentObject], , , "0"
  ' the "GameDataFolder" isn't inside the "install" folder
logmessage selection(0).parent
  ' so we will use ..\ to go one folder backwards
logmessage selection(0) 'this gets root object (file name)
logmessage selection(0).children(0) 'this gets first object of file
  ' additional quote signs tells the program where the
  ' paths strings start and end in case the path contains spaces
If you want to remove the null object and select the new parent you add these lines:
set nullObject = selection(0)
set newParent = selection(0).children(0)
CutObj newParent
  DeleteObj nullObject
  SelectObj newParent
===Read text file===
  Set objFileToRead = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile("C:\Softimage\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\test.txt", 1)
  do while not objFileToRead.AtEndOfStream
    strLine = objFileToRead.ReadLine()
    logmessage strLine
  ' INFO : I'm a test file.
  ' INFO : Yo!
  ' if you are going to use the xml file right after its extraction (which is likely)
  ' then the "/wait" argument inside the onisplit_action string is important
  Set objFileToRead = Nothing
  ' without it the code would continue and might try to read the not existing xml file and produce an error
===Read binary file===
  onisplit_location = "F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\install"
  sub scan_AKEV_file_table
input_folder = """..\GameDataFolder\level19_Final\ONLVcompound.oni"""
' ##############################################
output_folder = """..\GameDataFolder"""
OniInputFile = "H:\Oni\AE\GameDataFolder\level1_Final\AKEVEnvWarehouse.oni"
onisplit_action = "cmd /C start /wait OniSplit.exe -extract:xml " & output_folder & " " & input_folder
' ##############################################
logmessage "relative path: " & onisplit_action
' expected logmessage:
Set OniInputFileStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
' INFO : relative path: cmd /C start OniSplit.exe -extract:xml "..\GameDataFolder" "..\GameDataFolder\level19_Final\ONLVcompound.oni"
OniInputFileStream.Type = 1
XSIUtils.LaunchProcess onisplit_action, 1, onisplit_location
OniInputFileStream.LoadFromFile OniInputFile
' ### read AKEV textures table offset and size
ByteNum = 4
' ##############################################
TOffset = cLng("&H" & "28")
' ##############################################
OniInputFileStream.Position = TOffset
BArr1 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)
' absolute path
ByteNum = 4
' ##############################################
TSize = cLng ("&H" & "2C")
' ##############################################
OniInputFileStream.Position = TSize
BArr2 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)
'adapt paths so it works on your computer
onisplit_location = "F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\install"
input_folder = """F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\GameDataFolder\level19_Final\ONLVcompound.oni"""
output_folder = """F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\GameDataFolder"""
onisplit_action = "cmd /C start /wait OniSplit.exe -extract:xml " & output_folder & " " & input_folder
logmessage "absolute path: " & onisplit_action
' expected logmessage:
' <small>INFO : absolute path: cmd /C start OniSplit.exe -extract:xml "F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\GameDataFolder" "F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\GameDataFolder\level19_Final\ONLVcompound.oni"</small>
XSIUtils.LaunchProcess onisplit_action, 1, onisplit_location
' ### get AKEV textures table offset and size
TOffsetHex = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr1)
for i = ubound(TOffsetHex ) - 1 to 0 step -1
newhex = newhex & hex(Asc(TOffsetHex(i)))
logmessage newhex
logmessage "name table offset: " & cLng("&H" & newhex)
TOffsetInt = cLng("&H" & newhex)
newhex = ""
TSizeHex = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr2)
for i = ubound(TSizeHex) - 1 to 0 step -1
newhex = newhex & hex(Asc(TSizeHex(i)))
logmessage newhex
logmessage "name table size: " & cLng("&H" & newhex)
TSizeInt = cLng("&H" & newhex)
  logmessage "------------------------------"
' you can also lunch bat files
' ### read table content
ByteNum = TSizeInt
onibat = "cmd /C start run_wind.bat"
OniInputFileStream.Position = TOffsetInt
onilocation = "F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition"
BArr3 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)
XSIUtils.LaunchProcess onibat, 0, onilocation
TContent = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr3)
' ### name grapper
'''Via winmgmts'''
NG = ""
for each n in TContent
' slightly modified code from [ that site]
if not Asc(n) = 0 then
' ''logmessage "onisplit finished."'' will be executed after the conversion finished, there should be also an delay of 3 seconds to support very slow computers
NG = NG & n
' if you are going to use this method consider to extent the code to check if input file and output directory exist
osp_loca = "C:\OniAE\Edition\install\OniSplit.exe"
'if instr(NG, "TXMP") = 1 then
osp_action = "-extract:xml"
' write TXMP to array ?
osp_output = """C:\OniAE\Edition\GameDataFolder"""
logmessage NG
  osp_input = """C:\OniAE\Edition\GameDataFolder\level1_Final\AKEVEnvWarehouse.oni"""
'end if
osp_total = osp_loca & " " & osp_action & " " & osp_output & " " & osp_input
NG = ""
logmessage osp_total
end if
  end sub
  strComputer = "."
  Function SimpleBinaryToString(Binary)
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2:Win32_Process")
ReDim tmpArr(LenB(Binary) - 1)
objWMIService.Create osp_total, null, null, intProcessID
For I = 1 To LenB(Binary)
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
S = Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary, I, 1)))
tmpArr(I - 1) = S
  ' wait 3 second to find event - should be enough time for single actions on a slow computer
  Set colMonitoredProcesses = objWMIService.ExecNotificationQuery _
SimpleBinaryToString = tmpArr
    ("Select * From __InstanceDeletionEvent Within 3 Where TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_Process'")
  End Function
  Do Until i = 1
    Set objLatestProcess = colMonitoredProcesses.NextEvent
  ' INFO : 0E40
    If objLatestProcess.TargetInstance.ProcessID = intProcessID Then
  ' INFO : name table offset: 3648
        i = 1
' INFO : 0A4A
    End If
' INFO : name table size: 2634
  ' INFO : ------------------------------
  logmessage "onisplit finished."
  ' INFO : AKEVEnvWarehouse
  ' now you can work with the extracted xml file
' INFO : AGDBEnvWarehouse
  ' [...]

===Detect a running program===
====AKEV AGQG====
  detectProgram = "Simple_OniSplit_GUI.exe"
programIsActive = false
sComputerName = "."
sub read_AGQG_binary
  Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & sComputerName & "\root\cimv2")
OniInputFile = "C:\Oni\AE\GameDataFolder\L3\AKEVlab.oni"
sQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_Process"
' ##############################################
  Set objItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(sQuery)
  For Each objItem In objItems
Set OniInputFileStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    if = detectProgram then
OniInputFileStream.Type = 1
        programIsActive = true
        exit for
OniInputFileStream.LoadFromFile OniInputFile
    end if
data_table_offset = "&H20"
logmessage programIsActive
AGQG_table_offset = "&H94"
AGQG_table_size  = "&H9C"
outputs either True or False
The code above triggers a bug. When Mod Tool gets minimized you can't bring it back to front.
ByteNum = 4
OniInputFileStream.Position = clng(data_table_offset)
ExecuteScript doesn't help.
BArr0 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)
===Taking a viewport screenshot===
ByteNum = 4
SetDisplayMode "Camera", "texturedecal"
OniInputFileStream.Position = clng(AGQG_table_offset)
BArr1 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)
cf = ActiveProject.Properties.Item("Play Control").Parameters.Item("Current").Value
set oViewportCapture = Dictionary.GetObject("ViewportCapture")
ByteNum = 4
oViewportCapture.NestedObjects.Item("Start Frame").Value = cf
OniInputFileStream.Position = clng(AGQG_table_size)
oViewportCapture.NestedObjects.Item("End Frame").Value = cf
BArr2 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)
oViewportCapture.NestedObjects.Item("OpenGL Anti-Aliasing").Value = 4
oViewportCapture.NestedObjects.Item("File Name").Value = "C:\Oni\AE\Tools\Simple_OniSplit_GUI\OutputFolder\test.jpg"
CaptureViewport  2, false
newhex = ""
data_table_offset_hex = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr0)
command-line access via:
for i = ubound(data_table_offset_hex) - 1 to 0 step -1
h = hex(Asc(data_table_offset_hex(i)))
if len(h) = 1 then
For CMD options use "true" and Help > Command Line Options
h = "0" & h
CaptureViewport  2, true
end if
newhex = newhex & h
It might be possible to further automate html creation with this.
logmessage newhex
When screenshots are big enough the info text doesn't overlay object and can be cut away in further image processing.
logmessage "data table offset: " & cLng("&H" & newhex)
data_table_offset_int = cLng("&H" & newhex)
==Write file==
===Export DAE===
newhex = ""
Before you go crazy, yes, the command "CreateExportCrosswalkOptions" doesn't get logged in the script history.
AGQG_offset_hex = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr1)
for i = ubound(AGQG_offset_hex) - 1 to 0 step -1
set oProps = ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root.Properties
h = hex(Asc(AGQG_offset_hex(i)))
if typename (oProps.find("ExportCrosswalkOptions")) = "Nothing" then
if len(h) = 1 then
CreateExportCrosswalkOptions , "ExportCrosswalkOptions"
h = "0" & h
  end if
end if
newhex = newhex & h
logmessage newhex
logmessage "AGQG table offset: " & cLng("&H" & newhex)
AGQG_offset_int = cLng("&H" & newhex)
newhex = ""
AGQG_size_hex = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr2)
for i = ubound(AGQG_size_hex) - 1 to 0 step -1
h = hex(Asc(AGQG_size_hex(i)))
if len(h) = 1 then
h = "0" & h
end if
newhex = newhex & h
logmessage newhex
logmessage "AGQG table size: " & cLng("&H" & newhex)
AGQG_size_int = cLng("&H" & newhex)  
  logmessage "------------------------------"
  AGQG_start = data_table_offset_int + AGQG_offset_int - 8
  AGQG_end  = data_table_offset_int + AGQG_offset_int + AGQG_size_int - 8
  logmessage "AGQG_start: " & AGQG_start
' AGQG array size
  ByteNum = 4
OniInputFileStream.Position = AGQG_start + 28
BArr3 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)
TContent = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr3)
  logmessage "------------------------------"
newhex = 0
for i = ubound(TContent) to 0 step -1
h = hex(Asc(TContent(i)))
if len(h) = 1 then
h = "0" & h
end if
newhex = newhex & h
AGQG_array_size = clng("&H" & newhex)
logmessage "AGQG array size: " & clng("&H" & newhex)
' reduce number by header space
ByteNum = AGQG_size_int - 31
' skip bytes used by header
OniInputFileStream.Position = AGQG_start + 32
BArr4 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)
TContent2 = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr4)
c = -1
loop_count = 1
h = ""
newhex = ""
color = 0
logmessage "----------"
logmessage "element: 1"
for i = 0 to ubound(TContent2) - 1
c = c + 1
if c = 56 then
c = 0
loop_count = loop_count + 1
logmessage "----------"
logmessage "element: " & loop_count
end if
h = hex(Asc(TContent2(i)))
if len(h) = 1 then
h = "0" & h
end if
newhex = newhex & h
if i mod 56 = 32 then
color = 1
end if
if i mod 56 = 48 then
color = 0
end if
if i mod 56 = 52 then
objid = 1
end if
if i mod 56 = 0 then
objid = 0
end if
' sets the extension to dae
if len(newhex) = 8 then
SetValue "ExportCrosswalkOptions.Format", 1
if color = 1 then
' set export path and file name
logmessage newhex & " (color: " & clng(("&H" & left(newhex, 2))) _
SetValue "ExportCrosswalkOptions.Filename", CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop") & "\export_test.dae"
& " " & clng("&H" & mid(newhex, 3, 2)) _
  ' selection only
& " " & clng("&H" & mid(newhex, 5, 2)) _
  SetValue "ExportCrosswalkOptions.ExportSelectionOnly", True
& " " & clng("&H" & mid(newhex, 7, 2)) & ")"
  ' export
elseif objid = 1 then
  ExportCrosswalk "ExportCrosswalkOptions"
if newhex = "FFFFFFFF" then
logmessage newhex & " (object id: -1)"
logmessage newhex
end if
logmessage newhex
end if
newhex = ""
end if
  end sub
  Function SimpleBinaryToString(Binary)
ReDim tmpArr(LenB(Binary) - 1)
For I = 1 To LenB(Binary)
S = Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary, I, 1)))
tmpArr(I - 1) = S
'logmessage "hex = " & hex(AscB(S))
SimpleBinaryToString = tmpArr
End Function

===Export FBX===
==Modify file==
FBXExportLights (false)
FBXExportSelection (true)
[[Image:Before_and_after_binary_patching_with_vbs.png|thumb|400px|Before and after patching.]]
' mark FBXExport and hit F1 to get more options
Change FilePath and in case of binary patching use function "StringToByteArray".
FBXExport (CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop") & "\export_test.fbx" )

FilePath = "C:\path_to\AKEVEnvWarehouse.oni"
==Read file==
===Import DAE===
  ' ### create stream objects
  CopyPaste, filePath, parentObject, 2
Set InputStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
InputStream.Type = 1
'use scene object if you don't want to group the imported object under a parent, e.g.:
  CopyPaste, filePath, ActiveProject.ActiveScene, 2
Set OutputStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
OutputStream.Type = 1
===Import DAE (and get name)===
Sometimes you want to get the name of the object you just imported.
' ### load input stream from file
  InputStream.LoadFromFile FilePath
In that case you use "ImportModel" instead of "CopyPaste"
  ' ### copy first 16 signs of input stream to output stream
  ImportModel filePath, [parentObject], , , "0"
  OutputStream.Write InputStream.Read(16)
  logmessage selection(0).parent
  logmessage selection(0) 'this gets root object (file name)
' ### apply patch
  logmessage selection(0).children(0) 'this gets first object of file
' # ASCII patching
patch_data = "ABCD"
If you want to remove the null object and select the new parent you add these lines:
  patch_data_length = len(patch_data)
  set nullObject = selection(0)
  '  patch_data_length = 4
  set newParent = selection(0).children(0)
InputStream.Position = InputStream.Position + patch_data_length
  CutObj newParent
OutputStream.Write CreateObject("System.Text.ASCIIEncoding").GetBytes_4(patch_data)
  DeleteObj nullObject
  ' # binary patching
SelectObj newParent
  'OutputStream.Write StringToByteArray("41424344")
  sub scan_AKEV_file_table
  ' ### re-add data that was cut off
' ##############################################
OutputStream.Write InputStream.Read
OniInputFile = "H:\Oni\AE\GameDataFolder\level1_Final\AKEVEnvWarehouse.oni"
' ##############################################
' ### unloader
Set OniInputFileStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
Set InputStream = Nothing
  OniInputFileStream.Type = 1
' ### modes: 2 = overwrite; 1 = dontoverwrite
' test: save to new file
  OniInputFileStream.LoadFromFile OniInputFile
' FilePath2 = "C:\path_to\AKEVEnvWarehouseB.oni"
OutputStream.SaveToFile FilePath, 2
Set OutputStream = Nothing
===String -> byte array===
function StringToByteArray(ThisString)
  for i = 1 To Len(ThisString) Step 2
str = str & Chr("&h" & Mid(ThisString, i, 2))
  ' ### read AKEV textures table offset and size
  Set stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
  ByteNum = 4
  With stream
' ##############################################
TOffset = cLng("&H" & "28")
.CharSet = "Windows-1252"
' ##############################################
.Type = 2
OniInputFileStream.Position = TOffset
' ### 2 = text
BArr1 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)
.WriteText str
.Position = 0
.Type = 1
' ### 1 = binary
StringToByteArray = .Read
End With
end function
ByteNum = 4
' ### usage
' ##############################################
ByteArray = StringToByteArray(ThisString)
TSize = cLng ("&H" & "2C")
' ##############################################
OniInputFileStream.Position = TSize
===Byte array -> string===
BArr2 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)
Function ByteArrayToString(Binary)
  'Antonin Foller,
  'Optimized version of a simple BinaryToString algorithm.
' ### get AKEV textures table offset and size
TOffsetHex = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr1)
  Dim cl1, cl2, cl3, pl1, pl2, pl3
for i = ubound(TOffsetHex ) - 1 to 0 step -1
  Dim L
newhex = newhex & hex(Asc(TOffsetHex(i)))
  cl1 = 1
  cl2 = 1
logmessage newhex
  cl3 = 1
logmessage "name table offset: " & cLng("&H" & newhex)
  L = LenB(Binary)
TOffsetInt = cLng("&H" & newhex)
newhex = ""
  Do While cl1<=L
    pl3 = pl3 & Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary,cl1,1)))
TSizeHex = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr2)
    cl1 = cl1 + 1
for i = ubound(TSizeHex) - 1 to 0 step -1
    cl3 = cl3 + 1
newhex = newhex & hex(Asc(TSizeHex(i)))
    If cl3>300 Then
      pl2 = pl2 & pl3
logmessage newhex
      pl3 = ""
logmessage "name table size: " & cLng("&H" & newhex)
      cl3 = 1
TSizeInt = cLng("&H" & newhex)
      cl2 = cl2 + 1
      If cl2>200 Then
  logmessage "------------------------------"
        pl1 = pl1 & pl2
        pl2 = ""
        cl2 = 1
      End If
    End If
  BinaryToString = pl1 & pl2 & pl3
End Function
' ### read table content
' ### usage
ByteNum = TSizeInt
MyString = ByteArrayToString(ByteArray)
OniInputFileStream.Position = TOffsetInt
  BArr3 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)
  TContent = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr3)
===Euler rotation -> matrix===
' ### name grapper
function cosn (n)
NG = ""
  cosn = cos(XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(n))
for each n in TContent
end function
if not Asc(n) = 0 then
function sinn (n)
NG = NG & n
  sinn = sin(XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(n))
end function
'if instr(NG, "TXMP") = 1 then
' write TXMP to array ?
' ################
logmessage NG
logmessage "input"
'end if
x = 60 : logmessage x
NG = ""
y = 60 : logmessage y
  end if
z = 60 : logmessage z
logmessage "##################"
logmessage "converted"
set RotMatX = XSIMath.CreateMatrix3(1, 0, 0, 0, cosn(x), sinn(x), 0, -sinn(x), cosn(x))
set RotMatY = XSIMath.CreateMatrix3(cosn(y), 0, -sinn(y), 0, 1, 0, sinn(y), 0, cosn(y))
set RotMatZ = XSIMath.CreateMatrix3(cosn(z), sinn(z), 0, -sinn(z), cosn(z), 0, 0, 0, 1)
RotMatZ.MulInPlace RotMatY
RotMatZ.MulInPlace RotMatX
for i=0 to 2
for j=0 to 2
  logmessage RotMatZ (i, j)
  end sub
  Function SimpleBinaryToString(Binary)
  ' INFO : input
ReDim tmpArr(LenB(Binary) - 1)
' INFO : 60
For I = 1 To LenB(Binary)
' INFO : 60
S = Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary, I, 1)))
' INFO : 60
tmpArr(I - 1) = S
' INFO : ##################
' INFO : converted
SimpleBinaryToString = tmpArr
' INFO : 0,25
  End Function
' INFO : 0,808012701892219
' INFO : 0,53349364905389
' INFO : -0,433012701892219
' INFO : -0,399519052838329
' INFO : 0,808012701892219
  ' INFO : 0,866025403784439
' INFO : -0,433012701892219
' INFO : 0,25

===Matrix -> Euler rotation===
  ' INFO : 0E40
  Function Atan2(y, x)
' INFO : name table offset: 3648
  If x > 0 Then
' INFO : 0A4A
    Atan2 = Atn(y / x)
' INFO : name table size: 2634
  ElseIf x < 0 Then
' INFO : ------------------------------
    Atan2 = Sgn(y) * (XSIMath.PI - Atn(Abs(y / x)))
' INFO : AKEVEnvWarehouse
  ElseIf y = 0 Then
' INFO : AGDBEnvWarehouse
    Atan2 = 0
    Atan2 = Sgn(y) * XSIMath.PI / 2
  End If
  End Function
  ' [...]
  function ToEuler(M00, M10, M20, M21, M22)
            a = M00
            b = M10
==Modify file==
            dim c, s, r
[[Image:Before_and_after_binary_patching_with_vbs.png|thumb|400px|Before and after patching.]]
Change FilePath and in case of binary patching use function "StringToByteArray".
FilePath =  "C:\path_to\AKEVEnvWarehouse.oni"
' ### create stream objects
            if b = 0 then
Set InputStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
                c = Sgn(a)
InputStream.Type = 1
                s = 0
                r = Abs(a)
Set OutputStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
OutputStream.Type = 1
' ### load input stream from file
            elseif a = 0 then
  InputStream.LoadFromFile FilePath
                c = 0
                s = Sgn(b)
' ### copy first 16 signs of input stream to output stream
                r = Abs(b)
OutputStream.Write InputStream.Read(16)
            elseif Abs(b) > Abs(a) then
                t = a / b
                u = Sgn(b) * Sqr(1 + t * t)
                s = 1 / u
                c = s * t
                r = b * u
                t = b / a
                u = Sgn(a) * Sqr(1 + t * t)
                c = 1 / u
                s = c * t
                r = a * u
' ### apply patch
    end if
' # ASCII patching
patch_data = "ABCD"
patch_data_length = len(patch_data)
'  patch_data_length = 4
InputStream.Position = InputStream.Position + patch_data_length
OutputStream.Write CreateObject("System.Text.ASCIIEncoding").GetBytes_4(patch_data)
' # binary patching
'OutputStream.Write StringToByteArray("41424344")
' ### re-add data that was cut off
            Z = -Atan2(s, c)
OutputStream.Write InputStream.Read
            Y = Atan2(M20, r)
            X = -Atan2(M21, M22)
' ### unloader
Set InputStream = Nothing
' ### modes: 2 = overwrite; 1 = dontoverwrite
' test: save to new file
' FilePath2 = "C:\path_to\AKEVEnvWarehouseB.oni"
OutputStream.SaveToFile FilePath, 2
Set OutputStream = Nothing
===String -> byte array===
function StringToByteArray(ThisString)
for i = 1 To Len(ThisString) Step 2
str = str & Chr("&h" & Mid(ThisString, i, 2))
Set stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    X = XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(X)
With stream
    Y = XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(Y)
    Z = XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(Z)
.CharSet = "Windows-1252"
.Type = 2
    ToEuler = array(X, Y, Z)
' ### 2 = text
.WriteText str
.Position = 0
.Type = 1
' ### 1 = binary
StringToByteArray = .Read
End With
  end function
  end function
  ' ### usage
  ' ################################
  ByteArray = StringToByteArray(ThisString)
  set RotMat = XSIMath.CreateMatrix3( _
0.25, 0.808012701892219, 0.53349364905389, _
-0.433012701892219, -0.399519052838329, 0.808012701892219, _
===Byte array -> string===
0.866025403784439, -0.433012701892219, 0.25 )
Function ByteArrayToString(Binary)
  'Antonin Foller,
  'Optimized version of a simple BinaryToString algorithm.
' convert matrix to euler rotation and store values to array
ReXYZ = ToEuler(RotMat(0,0), RotMat(1,0), RotMat(2,0), RotMat(2,1), RotMat(2,2))
  Dim cl1, cl2, cl3, pl1, pl2, pl3
  Dim L
logmessage "reconverted"
  cl1 = 1
logmessage ReXYZ(0)
  cl2 = 1
logmessage ReXYZ(1)
  cl3 = 1
logmessage ReXYZ(2)
  L = LenB(Binary)
' INFO : 60
  Do While cl1<=L
' INFO : 60
    pl3 = pl3 & Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary,cl1,1)))
' INFO : 60
    cl1 = cl1 + 1
    cl3 = cl3 + 1
    If cl3>300 Then
===Euler rotation -> quaternion===
      pl2 = pl2 & pl3
dim x, y, z, dRotation, qRotation
      pl3 = ""
x = 90
      cl3 = 1
y = 0
      cl2 = cl2 + 1
z = 0
      If cl2>200 Then
        pl1 = pl1 & pl2
set dRotation = XSIMath.CreateRotation(XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(x), XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(y), XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(z))
        pl2 = ""
  set qRotation = XSIMath.CreateQuaternion()
        cl2 = 1
      End If
    End If
  BinaryToString = pl1 & pl2 & pl3
  End Function
' ### usage
dRotation.GetQuaternion (qRotation)  
MyString = ByteArrayToString(ByteArray)
LogMessage qRotation.W
LogMessage qRotation.X
LogMessage qRotation.Y
  LogMessage qRotation.Z
===Euler rotation -> matrix===
' INFO : 0,707106781186548
function cosn (n)
' INFO : 0,707106781186547
  cosn = cos(XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(n))
  ' INFO : 0
end function
' INFO : 0
function sinn (n)
  sinn = sin(XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(n))
end function
  ' ################
  ' to calculate oni quaternions from euler rotations use this setup:
  logmessage "input"
  ' LogMessage qRotation.X
  x = 60 : logmessage x
  ' LogMessage qRotation.Y
  y = 60 : logmessage y
  ' LogMessage qRotation.Z
  z = 60 : logmessage z
  ' LogMessage qRotation.W * -1
logmessage "##################"
  logmessage "converted"
===Quaternion -> Euler rotation===
  dim qW, qX, qY, qZ, qRotation, x, y, z
set RotMatX = XSIMath.CreateMatrix3(1, 0, 0, 0, cosn(x), sinn(x), 0, -sinn(x), cosn(x))
qW = 0.707106781186548
set RotMatY = XSIMath.CreateMatrix3(cosn(y), 0, -sinn(y), 0, 1, 0, sinn(y), 0, cosn(y))
qX = 0.707106781186547
set RotMatZ = XSIMath.CreateMatrix3(cosn(z), sinn(z), 0, -sinn(z), cosn(z), 0, 0, 0, 1)
qY = 0
qZ = 0
  RotMatZ.MulInPlace RotMatY
  set qRotation = XSIMath.CreateQuaternion (qW, qX , qY, qZ)
RotMatZ.MulInPlace RotMatX
for i=0 to 2
qRotation.GetXYZAngleValues x, y, z
  for j=0 to 2
logmessage XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(x)
logmessage RotMatZ (i, j)
  logmessage XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(y)
logmessage XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(z)
' INFO : 89,9999999999999
  ' INFO : 0
' INFO : 0
  ' INFO : input
  ' to calculate euler rotations from oni quaternions use this setup:
' INFO : 60
'qX = ...
' INFO : 60
'qY = ...
' INFO : 60
'qZ = ...
' INFO : ##################
'qW = ... * -1
' INFO : converted
  'set qRotation = XSIMath.CreateQuaternion (qW, qX, qY, qZ)
' INFO : 0,25
' INFO : 0,808012701892219
' INFO : 0,53349364905389
' INFO : -0,433012701892219
' INFO : -0,399519052838329
' INFO : 0,808012701892219
  ' INFO : 0,866025403784439
' INFO : -0,433012701892219
' INFO : 0,25

===Matrix -> Euler rotation===
==Check selection mode==
  Function Atan2(y, x)
  If x > 0 Then
'use sub to make use of the exit command
    Atan2 = Atn(y / x)
  ElseIf x < 0 Then
sub checkfilter
    Atan2 = Sgn(y) * (XSIMath.PI - Atn(Abs(y / x)))
Select Case Selection.Filter.Name
  ElseIf y = 0 Then
'caution: case-sensitive
    Atan2 = 0
    Atan2 = Sgn(y) * XSIMath.PI / 2
  End If
End Function
Case "object"
logmessage "object mode"
Case "Edge"
logmessage "edge mode"
Case "Vertex"
logmessage "point mode"
Case "Polygon"
logmessage "polygon mode"
Case Else
logmessage "unknown mode"
exit sub
  End Select
end sub
==3D mesh==
===General mesh information===
logmessage selection.count
  function ToEuler(M00, M10, M20, M21, M22)
  logmessage selection(0).Name
            a = M00
            b = M10
            dim c, s, r
            if b = 0 then
                c = Sgn(a)
                s = 0
                r = Abs(a)
            elseif a = 0 then
                c = 0
                s = Sgn(b)
                r = Abs(b)
            elseif Abs(b) > Abs(a) then
                t = a / b
                u = Sgn(b) * Sqr(1 + t * t)
                s = 1 / u
                c = s * t
                r = b * u
logmessage selection(0).Materials(0).Name
                t = b / a
logmessage selection(0).Materials(0)
                u = Sgn(a) * Sqr(1 + t * t)
logmessage selection(0).Materials(0).shaders(0).name
                c = 1 / u
logmessage selection(0).Materials(0).CurrentImageClip.source.filename.value
                s = c * t
logmessage selection(0).Materials(0).CurrentImageClip.source.Parameters("XRes").Value
                r = a * u
logmessage selection(0).Material.CurrentImageClip.source.Parameters("YRes").Value
    end if
logmessage selection(0)
            Z = -Atan2(s, c)
logmessage selection(0).activeprimitive.geometry.clusters(0).name
            Y = Atan2(M20, r)
' look for UV cluster names
            X = -Atan2(M21, M22)
' xsi-generated: "Texture_Coordinates_AUTO"
' onisplit-generated: "NodeProperties"
    X = XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(X)
logmessage selection(0).sclx.value
    Y = XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(Y)
logmessage selection(0).scly.value
    Z = XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(Z)
logmessage selection(0).sclz.value
    ToEuler = array(X, Y, Z)
logmessage selection(0).rotx.value
  end function
  logmessage selection(0).roty.value
logmessage selection(0).rotz.value
  ' ################################
  logmessage selection(0).posx.value
set RotMat = XSIMath.CreateMatrix3( _
logmessage selection(0).posy.value
0.25, 0.808012701892219, 0.53349364905389, _
logmessage selection(0).posz.value
-0.433012701892219, -0.399519052838329, 0.808012701892219, _
0.866025403784439, -0.433012701892219, 0.25 )
  logmessage selection(0).rotorder.value
' convert matrix to euler rotation and store values to array
ReXYZ = ToEuler(RotMat(0,0), RotMat(1,0), RotMat(2,0), RotMat(2,1), RotMat(2,2))
logmessage "reconverted"
  logmessage ReXYZ(0)
logmessage ReXYZ(1)
logmessage ReXYZ(2)
' INFO : 60
' INFO : 60
' INFO : 60

===Materials and textures===
====Get all targets of an image clip====
set imgClip = GetValue("Clips._marker_blackness_tga")
set imgClipTargets = imgClip.GetShaderParameterTargets

===Euler rotation -> quaternion===
  logmessage imgClipTargets.count
dim x, y, z, dRotation, qRotation
  for each t in imgClipTargets
x = 90
  logmessage t
y = 0
z = 0
set dRotation = XSIMath.CreateRotation(XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(x), XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(y), XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(z))
  set qRotation = XSIMath.CreateQuaternion()
  dRotation.GetQuaternion (qRotation)
LogMessage qRotation.W
LogMessage qRotation.X
LogMessage qRotation.Y
LogMessage qRotation.Z
' INFO : 0,707106781186548
' INFO : 0,707106781186547
' INFO : 0
' INFO : 0
' to calculate oni quaternions from euler rotations use this setup:
  ' LogMessage qRotation.X
' LogMessage qRotation.Y
' LogMessage qRotation.Z
' LogMessage qRotation.W * -1

===Quaternion -> Euler rotation===
====Get all material libraries and materials====
  dim qW, qX, qY, qZ, qRotation, x, y, z
  for each ml in Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.MaterialLibraries
logmessage ml
for each m in ml.items
logmessage ' (material)
logmessage "--------------------------"
qW = 0.707106781186548
' INFO : Sources.Materials.DefaultLib
qX = 0.707106781186547
' INFO : Scene_Material
qY = 0
  ' INFO : sosMatBarrier
qZ = 0
  ' INFO : sosMatBlackness
  ' INFO : sosMatDanger
  set qRotation = XSIMath.CreateQuaternion (qW, qX , qY, qZ)
' INFO : sosMatGhost
' INFO : sosMatImpassable
qRotation.GetXYZAngleValues x, y, z
  ' INFO : sosMatStairs
logmessage XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(x)
  ' INFO : --------------------------
logmessage XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(y)
' INFO : Sources.Materials.MaterialLibrary
logmessage XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(z)
' INFO : 89,9999999999999
' INFO : 0
' INFO : 0
  ' INFO : --------------------------
  ' to calculate euler rotations from oni quaternions use this setup:
'qX = ...
'qY = ...
'qZ = ...
'qW = ... * -1
  'set qRotation = XSIMath.CreateQuaternion (qW, qX, qY, qZ)

==Check selection mode==
====Check an object's main material for TwoSided-ness====
' test and toggles an object's main material for TwoSided-ness
  'use sub to make use of the exit command
  ' this is also a prerequired test for transparency
  ' the difficulty is to get the TextureObject (often named Image)
' the magic happens at FindShaders, I often fail to find such trivial stuff
' imo the xsi is terrible incomplete/unintuitive
' e.g. look at "Find (ShaderCollection)" in the help
' it will give you information about meshes such as cubes ...
  sub checkfilter
  matLib = selection(0).Materials(0)
Select Case Selection.Filter.Name
'caution: case-sensitive
Case "object"
set mat = selection(0).Material
logmessage "object mode"
  materialName =
Case "Edge"
logmessage "edge mode"
Case "Vertex"
logmessage "point mode"
Case "Polygon"
logmessage "polygon mode"
Case Else
logmessage "unknown mode"
exit sub
  End Select
  end sub
==3D mesh==
'''Bounding box values'''
  ' this could be useful to create a bounding box for [[OBD_talk:OFGA#XML|OFGA files]]
  ' let us see if there is an Image TextureObject
set shaders = mat.FindShaders(siShaderFilter)
textureObj = "Image"
  ' let's get the bounding box of a simple cylinder
  'if typename(shaders(textureObj)) = "Texture" then ' if not it is Nothing
  ' the output values will be absolute positions
  ' logmessage "material has texture object ""Image"""
CreatePrim "Cylinder", "MeshSurface"
'end if
  dim xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax
  Set list = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
dim list
  for each n in shaders
'if you use SelectionList the objects will be treated as one single object
'set list = GetValue( "SelectionList" )
  set list = GetValue( selection(0) )
GetBBox list, TRUE, xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax
LogMessage "Lower Bound: " & xmin & " / " & ymin & " / " & zmin
  LogMessage "Upper Bound: " & xmax & " / " & ymax & " / " & zmax
  ' expected output:
  foundShaderParameterTransparency = false
  ' INFO : Lower Bound: -1 / -2 / -1
  'foundUniqueShaderName = false
  ' INFO : Upper Bound: 1 / 2 / 1
  shaderName = ""
  if list.Contains(textureObj) = true then
set oColorShareShader = GetValue("Sources.Materials." & matLib & "." & & "." & textureObj)
===Get position of points (with selection mode point)===
set oTargets = oColorShareShader.GetShaderParameterTargets("")
' a point must be selected
' gets xyz position of first selected point of the first selected object
  logmessage Selection(0).SubComponent.ComponentCollection(0).position.x
logmessage Selection(0).SubComponent.ComponentCollection(0).position.y
logmessage Selection(0).SubComponent.ComponentCollection(0).position.z
===Get position of points (with selection mode object)===
' an object must be selected
' gets xyz position of point 0 of the first selected object
logmessage selection(0).activeprimitive.geometry.Points(0).Position.x
logmessage selection(0).activeprimitive.geometry.Points(0).Position.y
logmessage selection(0).activeprimitive.geometry.Points(0).Position.z
===Get and set position of points (without selection) right after object creation===
' point positions are relative to the object's center
' to get the absolute point positions add center to point
' to set the absolute point positions subtract center from point
set oRoot = application.activeproject.activescene.root
scriptObjArray = split(oTargets(0), ".")
set oObj = oRoot.addgeometry( "Cube", "MeshSurface", "test" )
'logmessage scriptObjArray(0) ' Sources (fixed name? Could be considered a folder.)
'logmessage scriptObjArray(1) ' Materials (fixed name? Could be considered a folder.)
' to test our code move center to somewhere else
'logmessage scriptObjArray(2) ' MaterialsLib (usually each object has its own MaterialsLib)
Translate oObj, 9, 11, 13, siRelative, siGlobal, siCtr, siXYZ, , , , , , , , , , 0
'logmessage scriptObjArray(3) ' Material
SaveKey oObj & ".kine.local.posx," & oObj & ".kine.local.posy," & oObj & ".kine.local.posz", 1, , , , True
'logmessage scriptObjArray(4) ' Shader e.g. Phong
shaderName = scriptObjArray(4)
for each t in oTargets
logmessage t
if = "transparency" then
foundShaderParameterTransparency = true
exit for
end if
end if
  FreezeObj oObj
  if foundShaderParameterTransparency = false then
set oGeometry = oObj.activeprimitive.geometry
logmessage "material is not TwoSided, lets reverse now"
aPositions = oGeometry.Points.PositionArray
SIConnectShaderToCnxPoint "Sources.Materials." & matLib & "." & materialName & ".Image", "Sources.Materials." & matLib & "." & materialName & "." & shaderName & ".transparency", False
' get old position
'                                        (xyz, point)
logmessage "material is TwoSided, lets reverse now"
logmessage "old point 0 posx: " & aPositions(0, 0) + GetValue(oObj & "")
RemoveAllShadersFromCnxPoint "Sources.Materials." & matLib & "." & materialName & "." & shaderName & ".transparency", siShaderCnxPointBasePorts
logmessage "old point 0 posy: " & aPositions(1, 0) + GetValue(oObj & "")
  end if
  logmessage "old point 0 posz: " & aPositions(2, 0) + GetValue(oObj & "")
Output example:
  ' set new position
  ' INFO : Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.diffuse
aPositions(0, 0) = -7 - GetValue(oObj & "")
  ' INFO : material is not TwoSided, lets reverse now
  aPositions(1, 0) = -7 - GetValue(oObj & "")
SIConnectShaderToCnxPoint "Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Image", "Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.transparency", False
aPositions(2, 0) = -7 - GetValue(oObj & "")
  ' update the array
  ' INFO : Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.diffuse
oGeometry.Points.PositionArray = aPositions
  ' INFO : Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.transparency
  ' get new position
  ' INFO : material is TwoSided, lets reverse now
logmessage "new point 0 posx: " & aPositions(0, 0) + GetValue(oObj & "")
RemoveAllShadersFromCnxPoint "Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.transparency", siShaderCnxPointBasePorts
  logmessage "new point 0 posy: " & aPositions(1, 0) + GetValue(oObj & "")
logmessage "new point 0 posz: " & aPositions(2, 0) + GetValue(oObj & "")
' INFO : old point 0 posx: -4
' INFO : old point 0 posy: -4
' INFO : old point 0 posz: -4
' INFO : new point 0 posx: -7
' INFO : new point 0 posy: -7
' INFO : new point 0 posz: -7

===Get global point position===
  set oObj = selection(0)
  'does a certain cluster type exist ?
  set oTrans = oObj.Kinematics.Local.Transform
'set cls = selection(0).activeprimitive.geometry.clusters.find( siPolygonCluster )
set oPoint0 = oObj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Points(0)
  set oPoint7 = oObj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Points(7)
' more interesting is how many of that type exist
  set oPos0 = oPoint0.Position
  for each n in selection(0).activeprimitive.geometry.clusters
  set oPos7 = oPoint7.Position
    logmessage "Cluster " & & " is of type " & n.type
  ' "poly" = polygon cluster
  ' "sample" = UV cluster
Output example:
' INFO : Cluster Polygon4 is of type poly
' INFO : Cluster Polygon1 is of type poly
  ' INFO : Cluster Texture_Coordinates_AUTO is of type sample
====Bounding box values====
' this could be useful to create a bounding box for [[XML:OFGA|OFGA files]]
  ' scaling must be frozen to 1 before we can calculate the size from local values
  ' let's get the bounding box of a simple cylinder
  ResetTransform selection(0), siCtr, siScl, siXYZ
' the output values will be absolute positions
  CreatePrim "Cylinder", "MeshSurface"
  logmessage "local p0: "& oPos0.X & " " & oPos0.Y & " " & oPos0.Z
  dim xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax
set oGlobalPos0 = XSIMath.MapObjectPositionToWorldSpace( oTrans, oPos0)
dim list
  logmessage "global p0: "& oGlobalPos0.X & " " & oGlobalPos0.Y & " " & oGlobalPos0.Z
'if you use SelectionList the objects will be treated as one single object
'set list = GetValue( "SelectionList" )
set list = GetValue( selection(0) )
GetBBox list, TRUE, xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax
LogMessage "Lower Bound: " & xmin & " / " & ymin & " / " & zmin
  LogMessage "Upper Bound: " & xmax & " / " & ymax & " / " & zmax
logmessage "local p7: "& oPos7.X & " " & oPos7.Y & " " & oPos7.Z
  ' expected output:
set oGlobalPos7 = XSIMath.MapObjectPositionToWorldSpace( oTrans, oPos7)
  ' INFO : Lower Bound: -1 / -2 / -1
logmessage "global p7: "& oGlobalPos7.X & " " & oGlobalPos7.Y & " " & oGlobalPos7.Z
  ' INFO : Upper Bound: 1 / 2 / 1
logmessage "size: " & oPos7.X - oPos0.X & " " & _
oPos7.Y - oPos0.Y & " " & _
oPos7.Z - oPos0.Z
  ' with a rotation of: -3,8792 16,4039 -13,5017
  ' INFO : local p0: -4 -4 -4
  ' INFO : local p7: 4 4 4
' INFO : global p0: -5,74764582364017 -3,00250371537919 -2,43916767056426 ' TRGV start point
' INFO : global p7: 5,74764582364017 3,00250371537919 2,43916767056426
' INFO : size: 8 8 8

====Get the scaling, rotation and position of selected objects====
logmessage "mesh name: " & selection(0)
logmessage selection(0).sclx.value
logmessage selection(0).scly.value
logmessage selection(0).sclz.value
logmessage selection(0).rotx.value
logmessage selection(0).roty.value
logmessage selection(0).rotz.value
logmessage selection(0).posx.value
logmessage selection(0).posy.value
logmessage selection(0).posz.value

==Property Page==
===Detect a PPG===
' this check is used to decide to either build or open a PPG
set oRoot = ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root
if typename(oRoot.Properties("my_PPG")) = "Nothing" then
logmessage "couldn't find my_PPG"
logmessage "found my_PPG"
end if

====Get scaling, rotation, and position of not selected objects====
' GetValue("")
' NAME must be the exact mesh name
' let's say you want the data of one character's pelvis
logmessage GetValue("")
logmessage GetValue("")
logmessage GetValue("")
logmessage GetValue("")
logmessage GetValue("")
logmessage GetValue("")
logmessage GetValue("")
logmessage GetValue("")
logmessage GetValue("")

===Disable PPG popups===
' let's say a big amount of objects will be created and each object will open a PPG
' in that case for user convenience those PPG popups should be disabled

' disable PPG popup
Preferences.SetPreferenceValue "Interaction.autoinspect", false
====Get position of points (with selection mode point)====
  ' a point must be selected
  ' creates the cube mesh but no PPG will show up
  ' gets xyz position of first selected point of the first selected object
  CreatePrim "Cube", "MeshSurface"
  logmessage Selection(0).SubComponent.ComponentCollection(0).position.x
  logmessage Selection(0).SubComponent.ComponentCollection(0).position.y
  ' enable PPG popup again
  logmessage Selection(0).SubComponent.ComponentCollection(0).position.z
Preferences.SetPreferenceValue "Interaction.autoinspect", true

====Get position of points (with selection mode object)====
' an object must be selected
' gets xyz position of point 0 of the first selected object
logmessage selection(0).activeprimitive.geometry.Points(0).Position.x
logmessage selection(0).activeprimitive.geometry.Points(0).Position.y
logmessage selection(0).activeprimitive.geometry.Points(0).Position.z

===Build a PPG===
====Get and set position of points (without selection) right after object creation====
  ' general PPG setup
  ' point positions are relative to the object's center
  set oPSet = ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty("CustomProperty", false, "my_PPG")
  ' to get the absolute point positions add center to point
  set oPPGLayout = oPSet.PPGLayout
  ' to set the absolute point positions subtract center from point
  ' PPG content
  set oRoot = application.activeproject.activescene.root
  ' [...]
  set oObj = oRoot.addgeometry( "Cube", "MeshSurface", "test" )
  ' open PPG
  ' to test our code move center to somewhere else
  InspectObj oPSet
  Translate oObj, 9, 11, 13, siRelative, siGlobal, siCtr, siXYZ, , , , , , , , , , 0
SaveKey oObj & ".kine.local.posx," & oObj & ".kine.local.posy," & oObj & ".kine.local.posz", 1, , , , True
===PPG content===
If you need quote signs in the Logic section you write two signs: "" (Not shown in example.)
oPPGLayout.AddButton("btnFuncName", "click here to trigger afunction").setAttribute siUICX, 200
  oPPGLayout.Logic = " sub btnFuncName_OnClicked" & vbCrlf & _
  FreezeObj oObj
  " btnFuncNameReal" & vbCrlf & _
set oGeometry = oObj.activeprimitive.geometry
  " end sub"
aPositions = oGeometry.Points.PositionArray
' get old position
'                                        (xyz, point)
logmessage "old point 0 posx: " & aPositions(0, 0) + GetValue(oObj & "")
  logmessage "old point 0 posy: " & aPositions(1, 0) + GetValue(oObj & "")
  logmessage "old point 0 posz: " & aPositions(2, 0) + GetValue(oObj & "")
  function btnFuncNameReal
  ' set new position
logmessage "hello world"
aPositions(0, 0) = -7 - GetValue(oObj & "")
  end function
aPositions(1, 0) = -7 - GetValue(oObj & "")
aPositions(2, 0) = -7 - GetValue(oObj & "")
' update the array
oGeometry.Points.PositionArray = aPositions
' get new position
logmessage "new point 0 posx: " & aPositions(0, 0) + GetValue(oObj & "")
logmessage "new point 0 posy: " & aPositions(1, 0) + GetValue(oObj & "")
logmessage "new point 0 posz: " & aPositions(2, 0) + GetValue(oObj & "")
' INFO : old point 0 posx: -4
' INFO : old point 0 posy: -4
' INFO : old point 0 posz: -4
' INFO : new point 0 posx: -7
' INFO : new point 0 posy: -7
  ' INFO : new point 0 posz: -7

New lines in Logic need
& vbCrlf & _
on the earlier line.

====Get global point position====
====Text input====
set oObj = selection(0)
  oPSet.AddParameter3 "ParamName", siString
set oTrans = oObj.Kinematics.Local.Transform
  oPPGLayout.AddItem "ParamName", "Caption"
  set oPoint0 = oObj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Points(0)
set oPoint7 = oObj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Points(7)
set oPos0 = oPoint0.Position
set oPos7 = oPoint7.Position
' scaling must be frozen to 1 before we can calculate the size from local values
ResetTransform selection(0), siCtr, siScl, siXYZ
logmessage "local p0: "& oPos0.X & " " & oPos0.Y & " " & oPos0.Z
set oGlobalPos0 = XSIMath.MapObjectPositionToWorldSpace( oTrans, oPos0)
  logmessage "global p0: "& oGlobalPos0.X & " " & oGlobalPos0.Y & " " & oGlobalPos0.Z
logmessage "local p7: "& oPos7.X & " " & oPos7.Y & " " & oPos7.Z
set oGlobalPos7 = XSIMath.MapObjectPositionToWorldSpace( oTrans, oPos7)
logmessage "global p7: "& oGlobalPos7.X & " " & oGlobalPos7.Y & " " & oGlobalPos7.Z
logmessage "size: " & oPos7.X - oPos0.X & " " & _
oPos7.Y - oPos0.Y & " " & _
oPos7.Z - oPos0.Z
' with a rotation of: -3,8792 16,4039 -13,5017
' INFO : local p0: -4 -4 -4
' INFO : local p7: 4 4 4
' INFO : global p0: -5,74764582364017 -3,00250371537919 -2,43916767056426 ' TRGV start point
' INFO : global p7: 5,74764582364017 3,00250371537919 2,43916767056426
' INFO : size: 8 8 8

====Integer input====
oPSet.AddParameter3 "ParamName", siInt2, , , , false, 0
oPPGLayout.AddItem "ParamName", "Caption"

If you try to set a value that is below the defined minimum, you will get this error text:
' ERROR : 2006-EDIT-SetValue - Unexpected failure.
' Syntax:, value
' SetValue "Turret.int1", "0"
' ERROR : Überlauf: 'setvalue' - [line ''N'']
German devs? I expected "overflow", not "Überlauf".

  oPSet.AddParameter3 "Team", siString, 0
===Check if object is member of layer===
aListTeams = Array( "Konoko", 0, _
  logmessage isMemberOfLayer(selection(0), "layerNameToTest")
"TCTF", 1, _
"Syndicate", 2, _
function isMemberOfLayer(obj, layerName)
"Neutral", 3, _
dim list
"SecurityGuard", 4, _
set list = selectMembers ("Layers." & layerName, 0) ' 0 = for not changing the current selection
"RogueKonoko", 5, _
"Switzerland (is melee-immune)", 6, _
for each o in list
"SyndicateAccessory", 7 )
if o = obj then
  oPPGLayout.AddEnumControl "Team", aListTeams, "", siControlCombo
isMemberOfLayer = "yes"
exit for
end if
  end function

===Get layer name of an object===
logmessage RecursiveEnum (selection(0), false, false)
function RecursiveEnum( in_Comp, in_Type, in_FirstParentOnly )
  dim list, elem, layerNameToCheck
  set list = EnumElements( in_Comp, in_Type )
  if TypeName(list) <> "Nothing" then
      for each elem in list
          if instr(elem, "Layers") = 1 and instr(elem, ".Members") > 1 then
          layerNameToCheck = replace(replace(elem,"Layers.", ""),".Members", "")
      if not layerNameToCheck = "" then
RecursiveEnum = layerNameToCheck
end if
      exit for
          end if
  end if
end function
' INFO : Layer_Default
==Property Page==
===Detect a PPG===
' this check is used to decide to either build or open a PPG
set oRoot = ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root
if typename(oRoot.Properties("my_PPG")) = "Nothing" then
logmessage "couldn't find my_PPG"
logmessage "found my_PPG"
end if
===Disable PPG popups===
' let's say a big amount of objects will be created and each object will open a PPG
' in that case for user convenience those PPG popups should be disabled
' disable PPG popup
Preferences.SetPreferenceValue "Interaction.autoinspect", false
' creates the cube mesh but no PPG will show up
CreatePrim "Cube", "MeshSurface"
' enable PPG popup again
Preferences.SetPreferenceValue "Interaction.autoinspect", true
===Build a PPG===
' general PPG setup
set oPSet = ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty("CustomProperty", false, "my_PPG")
set oPPGLayout = oPSet.PPGLayout
' PPG content
' [...]
' open PPG
InspectObj oPSet
===PPG content===
If you need quote signs in the Logic section you write two signs: "" (Not shown in example.)
oPPGLayout.AddButton("btnFuncName", "click here to trigger afunction").setAttribute siUICX, 200
oPPGLayout.Logic = " sub btnFuncName_OnClicked" & vbCrlf & _
" btnFuncNameReal" & vbCrlf & _
" end sub"
function btnFuncNameReal
logmessage "hello world"
end function
New lines in Logic need
& vbCrlf & _
on the earlier line.
====Text input====
oPSet.AddParameter3 "ParamName", siString
oPPGLayout.AddItem "ParamName", "Caption"
====Integer input====
oPSet.AddParameter3 "ParamName", siInt2, , , , false, 0
oPPGLayout.AddItem "ParamName", "Caption"
If you try to set a value that is below the defined minimum, you will get this error text:
' ERROR : 2006-EDIT-SetValue - Unexpected failure.
' Syntax:, value
' SetValue "Turret.int1", "0"
' ERROR : Überlauf: 'setvalue' - [line ''N'']
German devs? I expected "overflow", not "Überlauf".
oPSet.AddParameter3 "Team", siString, 0
aListTeams = Array( "Konoko", 0, _
"TCTF", 1, _
"Syndicate", 2, _
"Neutral", 3, _
"SecurityGuard", 4, _
"RogueKonoko", 5, _
"Switzerland (is melee-immune)", 6, _
"SyndicateAccessory", 7 )
oPPGLayout.AddEnumControl "Team", aListTeams, "", siControlCombo
====Radio options====
oPSet.AddParameter3 "Team", siString, 0
aListTeams = Array( "Konoko", 0, _
"TCTF", 1, _
"Syndicate", 2, _
"Neutral", 3, _
"SecurityGuard", 4, _
"RogueKonoko", 5, _
"Switzerland (is melee-immune)", 6, _
"SyndicateAccessory", 7 )
oPPGLayout.AddEnumControl "Team", aListTeams, "", siControlRadio
' create checkbox and remove key symboles by setting parameter "Animatable" to false or 0
' CustomProperty.AddParameter3( ScriptName, ValueType, [DefaultValue], [Min], [Max], [Animatable], [ReadOnly] )
oPSet.AddParameter3 "Check1", siBool, , , , 0, 0
oPPGLayout.AddItem "Check1", "Checkbox_caption"
' AddSpacer( [Width], [Height] )
oPPGLayout.AddSpacer 25
==Softimage ICE==
===Show a simple value in the viewport===

====Radio options====
oPSet.AddParameter3 "Team", siString, 0
aListTeams = Array( "Konoko", 0, _
"TCTF", 1, _
"Syndicate", 2, _
"Neutral", 3, _
"SecurityGuard", 4, _
"RogueKonoko", 5, _
"Switzerland (is melee-immune)", 6, _
"SyndicateAccessory", 7 )
oPPGLayout.AddEnumControl "Team", aListTeams, "", siControlRadio
' create checkbox and remove key symboles by setting parameter "Animatable" to false or 0
' CustomProperty.AddParameter3( ScriptName, ValueType, [DefaultValue], [Min], [Max], [Animatable], [ReadOnly] )
oPSet.AddParameter3 "Check1", siBool, , , , 0, 0
oPPGLayout.AddItem "Check1", "Checkbox_caption"
' AddSpacer( [Width], [Height] )
oPPGLayout.AddSpacer 25
==Softimage ICE==
===Show a simple value in the viewport===
  CreatePrim "Cube", "MeshSurface"
  CreatePrim "Cube", "MeshSurface"

Latest revision as of 17:38, 21 February 2022

Information for novices

  • open the Script Editor: [Alt] + [4]
  • run the current code in the Script Editor window: [F5]
  • clear the log: Edit > Clear History Log
  • Actions from button embedded code will be logged.
  • Actions from code files that are linked in a button won't be logged. (This results in a performance boost.)
  • Logged stuff will be rewritten if you change the script language. (File > Preferences...)
  • You can also change the language by right-click the white script box and click on "Set to JScript" or "Set to VBScript".
  • Python can be added as script language if you install it on your PC.
  • Right-clicking the white script box gives you also access to a few code piece, e.g. "Syntax Help" > "If..Else" or "Catch Error".
  • Mark code you want to disable ("Comment Out") or enable ("Comment Remove").
  • You can save your code to a file via "File" > "Save As..." or "Save Selection"


General stuff



In VBS, any new variable is of type "variant".

dim MyVar

A variant's subtype (boolean, string, integer, ...) gets declared automatically when the variable is used the first time.

MyVar = 100

Variants can be declared in bulk, separated by comma.

dim MyVar, MyVar2, MyVar3

Variables can be used without declaring them. That's convenient for short scripts.

MyVar4 = 100
MyVar5 = "text"

As longer a script becomes as more likely typos can appear including in variables.

option explicit will force you to declare every variable but that will also make sure no misspelled variable can appear. You would see the error immediately.

option explicit

dim MyVar6
MyVar6 = true

Global variables

Variables inside a function or sub are local. A local variable can only be used of the sub or function where it was declared.

Any variable that gets defined outside a function or subroutine is a global variable. Global variables can be used by any sub or function in the file.

' global var 7
MyVar7 = 3 + 0.3
sub test
	' local var 8
	MyVar8 = 3.3
end sub
function test2
	' local var 9 and 10
	MyVar9  = 3
	MyVar10 = 4 + MyVar7
end function

In Softimage Public variable declaration doesn't work. It means variables can be global inside a script but not between multiple scripts.

At same time Softimage's substitute for these missing "public" variables are two commands: SetGlobal and GetGlobal.

SetGlobal "MyGloVar", "variable_value"
logmessage GetGlobal ("MyGloVar")

Further information are found over HERE.

Theoretically it should be possible to place all code on one script file but that screws the overview.

Other possibilities to pass values from one script to another:

a) a command (containing a function with at least one argument), needs many lines just for the setup
b) user data blob, preferably attached to the scene root, needs annoying checks to see if they already exist, however an advantage is that UDB can be saved inside *.xsi files
c) a Softimage environment item, the information can only be stored as a string
' set value
XSIUtils.Environment.Setitem "MyVar", "true"
' get value
logmessage XSIUtils.Environment("MyVar")

As the information is a string you need to convert it back to what it was meant originally e.g. with cBool and cInt. For more conversion see HERE


An array is a variable that can contain multiple values, also named elements. VBS arrays are 0-based. For example MyArr(1) has 2 elements (one at index 0 and one at index 1).

' static array
Dim MyArr(1)
MyArr (0) = true
MyArr (1) = false

To create dynamic arrays (where the amount of elements can by changed) use redim at all times or Array declaration at the beginning. ReDim clears an array. Use preserve to keep the old values.

ReDim MyArr (1)
MyArr(0) = true
MyArr(1) = false

MyArr2   = Array("A","B")

ReDim Preserve MyArr (2)
ReDim Preserve MyArr2(2)

MyArr (2) = true
MyArr2(2) = "C"




Loading objects on startup can fail in some aspects even though you use the same function for OnActivate. For example a console might get correct position but wrong rotation.

In that case you might want to switch to another program and then back to XSI to use the OnActivate event. Or you do something else e.g. let the user click on a button. With that everything that happened OnStartup should had enough time to process.


function siOnActivateEventTest_OnEvent( in_ctxt )
	Application.LogMessage "State: " + cstr(in_ctxt.GetAttribute("State"))
' 	TODO: Put your code here.
' 	Return value is ignored as this event can not be aborted.
	siOnActivateEventTest_OnEvent = true
end function

State becomes "False" when XSI loses its focus.

State becomes "True" when XSI regains focus.

Exchanging data between XSI and other programs is rather difficult.

Instead, whenever "True" is detected XSI could look into an exchange folder or exchange file*.

*OniSplit GUI could save a vbs script to file and then it gets executed by XSI
Application.ExecuteScript( FileName, [Language], [ProcName], [Params] )

Full example (FillFile would have to be done by the GUI)

Dim fso, wText, bInteractive, TestFile


' NAME: FillFile
' DESCRIPTION: Fill the test file
sub FillFile (in_file)
  wText.WriteLine "Main()"
  wText.WriteLine ""

  wText.WriteLine "sub log_some_messages(an_int, a_string)"
  wText.WriteLine "logmessage ""the int : "" & an_int"
  wText.WriteLine "logmessage ""the string : "" & a_string"
  wText.WriteLine "end sub"
  wText.WriteLine ""

  wText.WriteLine "sub main()"
  wText.WriteLine "CreatePrim ""Sphere"", ""NurbsSurface"""
  wText.WriteLine "end sub"
end sub

sub main()
  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set wText = fso.CreateTextFile( TestFile, 1)

  FillFile TestFile

  ExecuteScript TestFile

  dim aParams
  aParams = Array(123456789, "toto")
  ExecuteScript TestFile,,"log_some_messages", aParams
end sub


' this event is fired 4 times (2 local, 2 global)
' everytime when created, translated, rotated, or scaled
' we only want one global

firstValue = false
function siOnValueChangeEventTest_OnEvent( in_ctxt )

if instr(cstr(in_ctxt.GetAttribute("Object")), "") > 0 then
  if firstValue = false then

' add more exit conditions here
' e.g. selection mode
' selection count
' if obj is not an Oni obj or camera

    if selection.count > 0 and not replace(cstr(in_ctxt.GetAttribute("Object")),"", "") = "Camera_Interest" then
       logmessage "Object at: " & selection(0).posx.value & " " & selection(0).posy.value & " " & selection(0).posz.value
    end if
    if replace(cstr(in_ctxt.GetAttribute("Object")),"", "") = "Camera_Interest" then
       logmessage GetValue("") & " " & _
         GetValue("") & " " & _
  	logmessage "Obj is cam"
    end if
    firstValue = true
    firstValue = false
  end if
end if
end function
' INFO : Object at: -22,0187049984705 6,63004918144234 5,08830153431981
' INFO : Obj is cam

This could be used to track camera and sound spheres positions. They values could be passed as command line argument to GUI.

Suppress events in batch processing

Events that get triggered by code inside functions don't delay the function for processing the event.

The events are precessed after the function finished.

This can pose a serious problem with batch processing where you might create and select each object several times.


function XSILoadPlugin( in_reg )
	in_reg.Author = ""
	in_reg.Name = "Sel Plug-in"
	in_reg.Major = 1
	in_reg.Minor = 0
	in_reg.RegisterEvent "Selection",siOnSelectionChange
	XSILoadPlugin = true
end function
function XSIUnloadPlugin( in_reg )
	dim strPluginName
	strPluginName = in_reg.Name
	Application.LogMessage strPluginName & " has been unloaded.",siVerbose
	XSIUnloadPlugin = true
end function
function Selection_OnEvent( in_ctxt )
	' get select event, ignore unselect events (0)
	if cstr(in_ctxt.GetAttribute("ChangeType")) = 1 then
		exit function
	end if
	if XSIUtils.Environment("IgnoreMe") = "true" then
		exit function
		logmessage "hi !"
	end if
	Selection_OnEvent = true
end function

Code to be called from somewhere else.

XSIUtils.Environment.Setitem "IgnoreMe", "true"
SelectObj "cylinder", , True
XSIUtils.Environment.Setitem "IgnoreMe", "false"

The selection event outputs "hi !" despite "IgnoreMe" is set to "true" at the beginning.

That's because the event becomes processed after the function finished after "IgnoreMe" was set to "false".


function XSILoadPlugin( in_reg )
	in_reg.Author = ""
	in_reg.Name = "Sel2 Plug-in"
	in_reg.Major = 1
	in_reg.Minor = 0
	in_reg.RegisterEvent "Selection2",siOnSelectionChange
	XSILoadPlugin = true
end function
function XSIUnloadPlugin( in_reg )
	dim strPluginName
	strPluginName = in_reg.Name
	Application.LogMessage strPluginName & " has been unloaded.",siVerbose
	XSIUnloadPlugin = true
end function
function Selection2_OnEvent( in_ctxt )
	if cstr(in_ctxt.GetAttribute("ChangeType")) = 1 then
		exit function
	end if
	IgnoreCount = GetGlobal ("IgnoreThis")
	if IgnoreCount > 0 then
		SetGlobal "IgnoreThis", (IgnoreCount - 1)
		logmessage "Hi 2 !"
	end if
	Selection2_OnEvent = true
end function

Code to be called from somewhere else.

Be aware of what can trigger the unwanted event and use a global ignore variable.

for i=1 to 5
	SetGlobal "IgnoreThis", GetGlobal ("IgnoreThis") + 1
	SelectObj "cylinder", , True

' Don't use that variable where you want to trigger the event intentionally.
SelectObj "cylinder", , True


logmessage XSIUtils.ResolvePath("$XSI_USERHOME/")
' directory to addons and exported resources
logmessage XSIUtils.ResolvePath("$XSI_HOME/")
' directory to a few imported core files that must be modified (Model.vbs, ModStartup.js, ...)

' example:
' INFO : C:\Users\Paradox-01\Autodesk\Softimage_2015\
' INFO : C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Softimage 2015\

' INFO : C:\Users\Paradox-01\Autodesk\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\
' INFO : C:\Softimage\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\
' this can be useful for default locations like when selecting a folder
DesktopPath = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop")
logmessage DesktopPath

Message box

' okay-only
msgbox "message", 0, "title"
' okay and cancel
MyVar = msgbox ("message", 1, "title")

if MyVar = 1 then
	logmessage "OK button clicked"
	logmessage MyVar ' = 1
	logmessage "Cancel button clicked"
	logmessage MyVar ' = 2
end if

Input box

MyVar = inputbox ("message", "title" , "pre-entered content")

if MyVar = false then
	logmessage "Cancel button clicked"
	logmessage "OK button clicked"
	logmessage MyVar
end if

Dealing with different decimal marks

Decimal sign is either period or comma.

Detect the used sign:

logmessage Mid(FormatNumber(0.1, 1, true, false, -2), 2, 1)

OniSplit always uses the period sign but XSI uses the system used one, which is language-specific.

When xml files are loaded into XSI, the OniSplit formatted values need to be converted if necessary. Example:

if Mid(FormatNumber(0.1, 1, true, false, -2), 2, 1) = "," then
   posX = cdbl(replace(posX, ".", ","))
   posY = cdbl(replace(posY, ".", ","))
   posZ = cdbl(replace(posZ, ".", ","))
end if

Actually you only the replacement function because it will skip the operation if the sign to replace is not found.

When xml files are written, comma signs have to be replaced again.

posX = replace(posX, ",", ".")
posY = replace(posY, ",", ".")
posZ = replace(posZ, ",", ".")

Check executable version

' taking OniSplit as example
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
logmessage objFSO.GetFileVersion("F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\install\onisplit.exe")

' result looks like this:
' INFO :

Build an vbs executable

VbsEdit for scripting and compiling.png

Executable, app(lication), program. Whatever you call it, sometimes it might be necessary to compile the script into an actual program.

Even though vbs is a script language and not a programming language, it can be done.

VbsEdit is an editor to fulfill such task with ease.

Just goto File > Convert into Executable. Choose output path, 32/64-bit version and hit OK.

OS bitness

if GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2:Win32_Processor='cpu0'").AddressWidth = 64 then
	logmessage "64"
	logmessage "32"
end if


Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
if instr(WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0\Identifier"), "64") > 0 then
	logmessage "64"
	logmessage "32"
end if

XSI/Softimage bitness, version and license

There are three possibilities to detect the program's bitness:

logmessage Platform
logmessage XSIUtils.ResolvePath("$XSI_CPU/")
logmessage XSIUtils.Is64BitOS

' output for 32-bit installation
' INFO : Win32
' INFO : nt-x86\
' INFO : False

' output for 64-bit installation
' INFO : Win64
' INFO : nt-x86-64\
' INFO : True

For program's version:

logmessage version
' examples:
' INFO :
' INFO :

For program's license:

logmessage license
' examples:
' INFO : Softimage
' INFO : Mod Tool

DAE files saved with XSI/Softimage contain license information.

Read registry

This reads the registry with forced 64/32-bit path (RegType). In this example Oni's install location gets revealed.

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
if instr(WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0\Identifier"), "64") > 0 then
	OS_bitness = 64
	OS_bitness = 32
end if

Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002

sPath = ReadRegStr (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _
	"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{B67333BB-1CF9-4EFD-A40B-E25B5CB4C8A7}}_is1", _
	"InstallLocation", _
logmessage sPath

Function ReadRegStr (RootKey, Key, Value, RegType)
  Dim oCtx, oLocator, oReg, oInParams, oOutParams

  Set oCtx = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet")
  oCtx.Add "__ProviderArchitecture", RegType

  Set oLocator = CreateObject("Wbemscripting.SWbemLocator")
  Set oReg = oLocator.ConnectServer("", "root\default", "", "", , , , oCtx).Get("StdRegProv")

  Set oInParams = oReg.Methods_("GetStringValue").InParameters
  oInParams.hDefKey = RootKey
  oInParams.sSubKeyName = Key
  oInParams.sValueName = Value

  Set oOutParams = oReg.ExecMethod_("GetStringValue", oInParams, , oCtx)

  ReadRegStr = oOutParams.sValue
End Function

Run other programs

via XSI System

'relative pathes don't seem to work with this method
OniSplitLocation = "C:\Softimage\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\OniXSI_resources\OniSplit.exe"
inputFile =  "M3GMU_security_tv_wall_0.oni"
inputPath  = "C:\Softimage\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\OniXSI_resources\test a" & "\" & inputFile
outputPath = "C:\Softimage\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\OniXSI_resources\test a"
ApplicationParam  = "-extract:xml " & """" & outputPath & """" & " " & """" & inputPath & """"
appResult = System( OniSplitLocation & " " & ApplicationParam )
Select Case appResult
   Case 0 LogMessage "Ok."
   Case Else LogMessage "Error."
End Select


' relative path

' the "GameDataFolder" isn't inside the "install" folder
' so we will use ..\ to go one folder backwards

' additional quote signs tells the program where the 
' paths strings start and end in case the path contains spaces

' if you are going to use the xml file right after its extraction (which is likely)
' then the "/wait" argument inside the onisplit_action string is important
' without it the code would continue and might try to read the not existing xml file and produce an error

onisplit_location = "F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\install"
input_folder = """..\GameDataFolder\level19_Final\ONLVcompound.oni"""
output_folder = """..\GameDataFolder"""
onisplit_action = "cmd /C start /wait OniSplit.exe -extract:xml " & output_folder & " " & input_folder
logmessage "relative path: " & onisplit_action
' expected logmessage:
' INFO : relative path: cmd /C start OniSplit.exe -extract:xml "..\GameDataFolder" "..\GameDataFolder\level19_Final\ONLVcompound.oni"
XSIUtils.LaunchProcess onisplit_action, 1, onisplit_location

' absolute path

'adapt paths so it works on your computer
onisplit_location = "F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\install"
input_folder = """F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\GameDataFolder\level19_Final\ONLVcompound.oni"""
output_folder = """F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\GameDataFolder"""
onisplit_action = "cmd /C start /wait OniSplit.exe -extract:xml " & output_folder & " " & input_folder
logmessage "absolute path: " & onisplit_action
' expected logmessage:
' INFO : absolute path: cmd /C start OniSplit.exe -extract:xml "F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\GameDataFolder" "F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition\GameDataFolder\level19_Final\ONLVcompound.oni"
XSIUtils.LaunchProcess onisplit_action, 1, onisplit_location

' you can also lunch bat files

onibat = "cmd /C start run_wind.bat"
onilocation = "F:\Program Files (x86)\Oni\Edition"
XSIUtils.LaunchProcess onibat, 0, onilocation

Via winmgmts

' slightly modified code from that site
' logmessage "onisplit finished." will be executed after the conversion finished, there should be also an delay of 3 seconds to support very slow computers 
' if you are going to use this method consider to extent the code to check if input file and output directory exist
osp_loca = "C:\OniAE\Edition\install\OniSplit.exe"
osp_action = "-extract:xml"
osp_output = """C:\OniAE\Edition\GameDataFolder"""
osp_input = """C:\OniAE\Edition\GameDataFolder\level1_Final\AKEVEnvWarehouse.oni"""
osp_total = osp_loca & " " & osp_action & " " & osp_output & " " & osp_input
logmessage osp_total

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2:Win32_Process")
objWMIService.Create osp_total, null, null, intProcessID
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

' wait 3 second to find event - should be enough time for single actions on a slow computer
Set colMonitoredProcesses = objWMIService.ExecNotificationQuery _
    ("Select * From __InstanceDeletionEvent Within 3 Where TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_Process'")

Do Until i = 1
    Set objLatestProcess = colMonitoredProcesses.NextEvent
    If objLatestProcess.TargetInstance.ProcessID = intProcessID Then
        i = 1
    End If
logmessage "onisplit finished."
' now you can work with the extracted xml file

Detect a running program

detectProgram = "Simple_OniSplit_GUI.exe"
programIsActive = false
sComputerName = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & sComputerName & "\root\cimv2")
sQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_Process"
Set objItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(sQuery)
For Each objItem In objItems
    if = detectProgram then
       programIsActive = true
       exit for
    end if
logmessage programIsActive

outputs either True or False

The code above triggers a bug. When Mod Tool gets minimized you can't bring it back to front.

ExecuteScript doesn't help.

Taking a viewport screenshot

SetDisplayMode "Camera", "texturedecal"
cf = ActiveProject.Properties.Item("Play Control").Parameters.Item("Current").Value
set oViewportCapture = Dictionary.GetObject("ViewportCapture")
oViewportCapture.NestedObjects.Item("Start Frame").Value = cf
oViewportCapture.NestedObjects.Item("End Frame").Value = cf
oViewportCapture.NestedObjects.Item("OpenGL Anti-Aliasing").Value = 4
oViewportCapture.NestedObjects.Item("File Name").Value = "C:\Oni\AE\Tools\Simple_OniSplit_GUI\OutputFolder\test.jpg"
CaptureViewport  2, false

command-line access via:


For CMD options use "true" and Help > Command Line Options

CaptureViewport  2, true

It might be possible to further automate html creation with this.

When screenshots are big enough the info text doesn't overlay object and can be cut away in further image processing.

Write file

Export DAE

Before you go crazy, yes, the command "CreateExportCrosswalkOptions" doesn't get logged in the script history.

set oProps = ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root.Properties
if typename (oProps.find("ExportCrosswalkOptions")) = "Nothing" then
	CreateExportCrosswalkOptions , "ExportCrosswalkOptions"
end if

' sets the extension to dae
SetValue "ExportCrosswalkOptions.Format", 1
' set export path and file name
SetValue "ExportCrosswalkOptions.Filename", CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop") & "\export_test.dae"
' selection only
SetValue "ExportCrosswalkOptions.ExportSelectionOnly", True
' export
ExportCrosswalk "ExportCrosswalkOptions"

Export FBX

FBXExportLights (false)
FBXExportSelection (true)
' mark FBXExport and hit F1 to get more options
FBXExport (CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop") & "\export_test.fbx" )

Write text file

txt_location = "C:\Softimage\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\test.txt"
Set fso = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set wText = fso.CreateTextFile (txt_location, 1)
wText.WriteLine "I'm a test file."
wText.WriteLine "Yo!"

Read file

Import DAE

CopyPaste, filePath, parentObject, 2

'use scene object if you don't want to group the imported object under a parent, e.g.:

CopyPaste, filePath, ActiveProject.ActiveScene, 2

Import DAE (and get name)

Sometimes you want to get the name of the object you just imported.

In that case you use "ImportModel" instead of "CopyPaste"

ImportModel filePath, [parentObject], , , "0"
logmessage selection(0).parent
logmessage selection(0) 'this gets root object (file name)
logmessage selection(0).children(0) 'this gets first object of file

If you want to remove the null object and select the new parent you add these lines:

set nullObject = selection(0)
set newParent = selection(0).children(0)
CutObj newParent
DeleteObj nullObject
SelectObj newParent

Read text file

Set objFileToRead = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile("C:\Softimage\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\test.txt", 1)

do while not objFileToRead.AtEndOfStream
    strLine = objFileToRead.ReadLine()
    logmessage strLine
' INFO : I'm a test file.
' INFO : Yo!

Set objFileToRead = Nothing

Read binary file


sub scan_AKEV_file_table
	' ##############################################
	OniInputFile =  "H:\Oni\AE\GameDataFolder\level1_Final\AKEVEnvWarehouse.oni"
	' ##############################################
	Set OniInputFileStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
	OniInputFileStream.Type = 1
	OniInputFileStream.LoadFromFile OniInputFile

	' ### read AKEV textures table offset and size
	ByteNum = 4
	' ##############################################
	TOffset = cLng("&H" & "28")
	' ##############################################
	OniInputFileStream.Position = TOffset
	BArr1 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)

	ByteNum = 4
	' ##############################################
	TSize = cLng ("&H" & "2C")
	' ##############################################
	OniInputFileStream.Position = TSize
	BArr2 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)

	' ### get AKEV textures table offset and size
	TOffsetHex = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr1)
	for i = ubound(TOffsetHex ) - 1 to 0 step -1
		newhex = newhex & hex(Asc(TOffsetHex(i)))
	logmessage newhex
	logmessage "name table offset: " & cLng("&H" & newhex)
	TOffsetInt = cLng("&H" & newhex)
	newhex = ""
	TSizeHex = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr2)
	for i = ubound(TSizeHex) - 1 to 0 step -1
		newhex = newhex & hex(Asc(TSizeHex(i)))
	logmessage newhex
	logmessage "name table size: " & cLng("&H" & newhex)
	TSizeInt = cLng("&H" & newhex) 
  	logmessage "------------------------------"

	' ### read table content
	ByteNum = TSizeInt
	OniInputFileStream.Position = TOffsetInt
	BArr3 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)
	TContent = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr3)
	' ### name grapper
	NG = ""
	for each n in TContent
		if not Asc(n) = 0 then
			NG = NG & n
			'if instr(NG, "TXMP") = 1 then
				' write TXMP to array ?
				logmessage NG
			'end if
			NG = ""
		end if
end sub

Function SimpleBinaryToString(Binary)
	ReDim tmpArr(LenB(Binary) - 1)
	For I = 1 To LenB(Binary)
		S = Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary, I, 1)))
		tmpArr(I - 1) = S
	SimpleBinaryToString = tmpArr
End Function


' INFO : 0E40
' INFO : name table offset: 3648
' INFO : 0A4A
' INFO : name table size: 2634
' INFO : ------------------------------
' INFO : AKEVEnvWarehouse
' INFO : AGDBEnvWarehouse
' [...]



sub read_AGQG_binary
	OniInputFile =  "C:\Oni\AE\GameDataFolder\L3\AKEVlab.oni"
	' ##############################################
	Set OniInputFileStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
	OniInputFileStream.Type = 1
	OniInputFileStream.LoadFromFile OniInputFile

	data_table_offset = "&H20"
	AGQG_table_offset = "&H94"
	AGQG_table_size   = "&H9C"

	ByteNum = 4
	OniInputFileStream.Position = clng(data_table_offset)
	BArr0 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)

	ByteNum = 4
	OniInputFileStream.Position = clng(AGQG_table_offset)
	BArr1 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)

	ByteNum = 4
	OniInputFileStream.Position = clng(AGQG_table_size)
	BArr2 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)

	newhex = ""
	data_table_offset_hex = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr0)
	for i = ubound(data_table_offset_hex) - 1 to 0 step -1
		h = hex(Asc(data_table_offset_hex(i)))
		if len(h) = 1 then
			h = "0" & h
		end if
		newhex = newhex & h
	logmessage newhex
	logmessage "data table offset: " & cLng("&H" & newhex)
	data_table_offset_int = cLng("&H" & newhex)

	newhex = ""
	AGQG_offset_hex = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr1)
	for i = ubound(AGQG_offset_hex) - 1 to 0 step -1
		h = hex(Asc(AGQG_offset_hex(i)))
		if len(h) = 1 then
			h = "0" & h
		end if
		newhex = newhex & h	
	logmessage newhex
	logmessage "AGQG table offset: " & cLng("&H" & newhex)
	AGQG_offset_int = cLng("&H" & newhex)
	newhex = ""
	AGQG_size_hex = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr2)
	for i = ubound(AGQG_size_hex) - 1 to 0 step -1
		h = hex(Asc(AGQG_size_hex(i)))
		if len(h) = 1 then
			h = "0" & h
		end if
		newhex = newhex & h	
	logmessage newhex
	logmessage "AGQG table size: " & cLng("&H" & newhex)
	AGQG_size_int = cLng("&H" & newhex) 
  	logmessage "------------------------------"
  	AGQG_start = data_table_offset_int + AGQG_offset_int - 8
  	AGQG_end   = data_table_offset_int + AGQG_offset_int + AGQG_size_int - 8
  	logmessage "AGQG_start: " & AGQG_start
	' AGQG array size
 	ByteNum = 4
	OniInputFileStream.Position = AGQG_start + 28
	BArr3 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)
	TContent = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr3)
  	logmessage "------------------------------"
	newhex = 0
	for i = ubound(TContent) to 0 step -1
		h = hex(Asc(TContent(i)))
		if len(h) = 1 then
			h = "0" & h
		end if
		newhex = newhex & h	
	AGQG_array_size = clng("&H" & newhex) 
	logmessage "AGQG array size: " & clng("&H" & newhex)
	' reduce number by header space
	ByteNum = AGQG_size_int - 31
	' skip bytes used by header
	OniInputFileStream.Position = AGQG_start + 32
	BArr4 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)
	TContent2 = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr4)
	c = -1
	loop_count = 1
	h = ""
	newhex = ""
	color = 0
	logmessage "----------"
	logmessage "element: 1"
	for i = 0 to ubound(TContent2) - 1
		c = c + 1
		if c = 56 then
			c = 0
			loop_count = loop_count + 1
			logmessage "----------"
			logmessage "element: " & loop_count
		end if
		h = hex(Asc(TContent2(i)))
		if len(h) = 1 then
			h = "0" & h
		end if
		newhex = newhex & h

		if i mod 56 = 32 then
			color = 1
		end if
		if i mod 56 = 48 then
			color = 0
		end if
		if i mod 56 = 52 then
			objid = 1
		end if
		if i mod 56 = 0 then
			objid = 0
		end if

		if len(newhex) = 8 then
			if color = 1 then
				logmessage newhex & " (color: " & clng(("&H" & left(newhex, 2))) _
				& " " & clng("&H" & mid(newhex, 3, 2)) _
				& " " & clng("&H" & mid(newhex, 5, 2)) _
				& " " & clng("&H" & mid(newhex, 7, 2)) & ")"
			elseif objid = 1 then
				if newhex = "FFFFFFFF" then
					logmessage newhex & " (object id: -1)"
					logmessage newhex
				end if
				logmessage newhex
			end if
			newhex = ""
		end if

end sub

Function SimpleBinaryToString(Binary)
	ReDim tmpArr(LenB(Binary) - 1)
	For I = 1 To LenB(Binary)
		S = Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary, I, 1)))
		tmpArr(I - 1) = S
		'logmessage "hex = " & hex(AscB(S))
	SimpleBinaryToString = tmpArr
End Function

Modify file


Before and after patching.

Change FilePath and in case of binary patching use function "StringToByteArray".

FilePath =  "C:\path_to\AKEVEnvWarehouse.oni"

' ### create stream objects
Set InputStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
InputStream.Type = 1
Set OutputStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
OutputStream.Type = 1

' ### load input stream from file
InputStream.LoadFromFile FilePath

' ### copy first 16 signs of input stream to output stream
OutputStream.Write InputStream.Read(16)

' ### apply patch
' # ASCII patching
patch_data = "ABCD"
patch_data_length = len(patch_data)
'   patch_data_length = 4
InputStream.Position = InputStream.Position + patch_data_length
OutputStream.Write CreateObject("System.Text.ASCIIEncoding").GetBytes_4(patch_data)
' # binary patching
'OutputStream.Write StringToByteArray("41424344")

' ### re-add data that was cut off
OutputStream.Write InputStream.Read
' ### unloader
Set InputStream = Nothing
' ### modes: 2 = overwrite; 1 = dontoverwrite
' test: save to new file
' FilePath2 = "C:\path_to\AKEVEnvWarehouseB.oni"
OutputStream.SaveToFile FilePath, 2
Set OutputStream = Nothing


String -> byte array

function StringToByteArray(ThisString)
	for i = 1 To Len(ThisString) Step 2
		str = str & Chr("&h" & Mid(ThisString, i, 2))

	Set stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
	With stream
		.CharSet = "Windows-1252"
		.Type = 2
			' ### 2 = text
		.WriteText str
		.Position = 0
		.Type = 1
			' ### 1 = binary
		StringToByteArray = .Read
	End With
end function

' ### usage
ByteArray = StringToByteArray(ThisString)

Byte array -> string

Function ByteArrayToString(Binary)
  'Antonin Foller,
  'Optimized version of a simple BinaryToString algorithm.
  Dim cl1, cl2, cl3, pl1, pl2, pl3
  Dim L
  cl1 = 1
  cl2 = 1
  cl3 = 1
  L = LenB(Binary)
  Do While cl1<=L
    pl3 = pl3 & Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary,cl1,1)))
    cl1 = cl1 + 1
    cl3 = cl3 + 1
    If cl3>300 Then
      pl2 = pl2 & pl3
      pl3 = ""
      cl3 = 1
      cl2 = cl2 + 1
      If cl2>200 Then
        pl1 = pl1 & pl2
        pl2 = ""
        cl2 = 1
      End If
    End If
  BinaryToString = pl1 & pl2 & pl3
End Function

' ### usage
MyString = ByteArrayToString(ByteArray)


Euler rotation -> matrix

function cosn (n)
	cosn = cos(XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(n))
end function
function sinn (n)
	sinn = sin(XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(n))
end function

' ################
logmessage "input"
x = 60 : logmessage x
y = 60 : logmessage y
z = 60 : logmessage z

logmessage "##################"
logmessage "converted"

set RotMatX = XSIMath.CreateMatrix3(1, 0, 0, 0, cosn(x), sinn(x), 0, -sinn(x), cosn(x))
set RotMatY = XSIMath.CreateMatrix3(cosn(y), 0, -sinn(y), 0, 1, 0, sinn(y), 0, cosn(y))
set RotMatZ = XSIMath.CreateMatrix3(cosn(z), sinn(z), 0, -sinn(z), cosn(z), 0, 0, 0, 1)

RotMatZ.MulInPlace RotMatY
RotMatZ.MulInPlace RotMatX

for i=0 to 2
	for j=0 to 2
		logmessage RotMatZ (i, j)

' INFO : input
' INFO : 60
' INFO : 60
' INFO : 60
' INFO : ##################
' INFO : converted
' INFO : 0,25
' INFO : 0,808012701892219
' INFO : 0,53349364905389
' INFO : -0,433012701892219
' INFO : -0,399519052838329
' INFO : 0,808012701892219
' INFO : 0,866025403784439
' INFO : -0,433012701892219
' INFO : 0,25

Matrix -> Euler rotation

Function Atan2(y, x)
  If x > 0 Then
    Atan2 = Atn(y / x)
  ElseIf x < 0 Then
    Atan2 = Sgn(y) * (XSIMath.PI - Atn(Abs(y / x)))
  ElseIf y = 0 Then
    Atan2 = 0
    Atan2 = Sgn(y) * XSIMath.PI / 2
  End If
End Function

function ToEuler(M00, M10, M20, M21, M22)
            a = M00
            b = M10
            dim c, s, r

            if b = 0 then
                c = Sgn(a)
                s = 0
                r = Abs(a)

            elseif a = 0 then
                c = 0
                s = Sgn(b)
                r = Abs(b)
            elseif Abs(b) > Abs(a) then
                t = a / b
                u = Sgn(b) * Sqr(1 + t * t)
                s = 1 / u
                c = s * t
                r = b * u

                t = b / a
                u = Sgn(a) * Sqr(1 + t * t)
                c = 1 / u
                s = c * t
                r = a * u

	    end if

            Z = -Atan2(s, c)
            Y = Atan2(M20, r)
            X = -Atan2(M21, M22)

	    X = XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(X)
	    Y = XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(Y)
	    Z = XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(Z)

	    ToEuler = array(X, Y, Z)
end function

' ################################
set RotMat = XSIMath.CreateMatrix3( _
		0.25, 0.808012701892219, 0.53349364905389, _
		-0.433012701892219, -0.399519052838329, 0.808012701892219, _
		0.866025403784439, -0.433012701892219, 0.25 )

' convert matrix to euler rotation and store values to array
ReXYZ = ToEuler(RotMat(0,0), RotMat(1,0), RotMat(2,0), RotMat(2,1), RotMat(2,2))

logmessage "reconverted"
logmessage ReXYZ(0)
logmessage ReXYZ(1)
logmessage ReXYZ(2)

' INFO : 60
' INFO : 60
' INFO : 60

Euler rotation -> quaternion

dim x, y, z, dRotation, qRotation
x = 90
y = 0
z = 0

set dRotation = XSIMath.CreateRotation(XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(x), XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(y), XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(z)) 
set qRotation = XSIMath.CreateQuaternion() 

	dRotation.GetQuaternion (qRotation) 
	LogMessage qRotation.W
	LogMessage qRotation.X
	LogMessage qRotation.Y
	LogMessage qRotation.Z
	' INFO : 0,707106781186548
	' INFO : 0,707106781186547
	' INFO : 0
	' INFO : 0

' to calculate oni quaternions from euler rotations use this setup:
' 	LogMessage qRotation.X
'	LogMessage qRotation.Y
'	LogMessage qRotation.Z
'	LogMessage qRotation.W * -1

Quaternion -> Euler rotation

dim qW, qX, qY, qZ, qRotation, x, y, z

	qW = 0.707106781186548
	qX = 0.707106781186547
	qY = 0
	qZ = 0

set qRotation = XSIMath.CreateQuaternion (qW, qX , qY, qZ)

	qRotation.GetXYZAngleValues x, y, z
	logmessage XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(x)
	logmessage XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(y)
	logmessage XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(z)
	' INFO : 89,9999999999999
	' INFO : 0
	' INFO : 0

' to calculate euler rotations from oni quaternions use this setup:
	'qX = ...
	'qY = ...
	'qZ = ...
	'qW = ... * -1
'set qRotation = XSIMath.CreateQuaternion (qW, qX, qY, qZ)

Check selection mode

'use sub to make use of the exit command

sub checkfilter
	Select Case Selection.Filter.Name
	'caution: case-sensitive

	Case "object"
		logmessage "object mode"
	Case "Edge"
		logmessage "edge mode"
	Case "Vertex"
		logmessage "point mode"
	Case "Polygon"
		logmessage "polygon mode" 
	Case Else
		logmessage "unknown mode"
		exit sub
 	End Select
end sub

3D mesh

General mesh information

logmessage selection.count

logmessage selection(0).Name

logmessage selection(0).Materials(0).Name 
logmessage selection(0).Materials(0)
logmessage selection(0).Materials(0).shaders(0).name 
logmessage selection(0).Materials(0).CurrentImageClip.source.filename.value
logmessage selection(0).Materials(0).CurrentImageClip.source.Parameters("XRes").Value
logmessage selection(0).Material.CurrentImageClip.source.Parameters("YRes").Value

logmessage selection(0)

logmessage selection(0).activeprimitive.geometry.clusters(0).name
' look for UV cluster names
' xsi-generated: "Texture_Coordinates_AUTO"
' onisplit-generated: "NodeProperties"

logmessage selection(0).sclx.value
logmessage selection(0).scly.value
logmessage selection(0).sclz.value

logmessage selection(0).rotx.value
logmessage selection(0).roty.value
logmessage selection(0).rotz.value

logmessage selection(0).posx.value
logmessage selection(0).posy.value
logmessage selection(0).posz.value

logmessage selection(0).rotorder.value

Materials and textures

Get all targets of an image clip

set imgClip = GetValue("Clips._marker_blackness_tga")
set imgClipTargets = imgClip.GetShaderParameterTargets
logmessage imgClipTargets.count
for each t in imgClipTargets
	logmessage t

Get all material libraries and materials

for each ml in Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.MaterialLibraries
	logmessage ml
	for each m in ml.items
		logmessage ' (material)
	logmessage "--------------------------"

' INFO : Sources.Materials.DefaultLib
' INFO : Scene_Material
' INFO : sosMatBarrier
' INFO : sosMatBlackness
' INFO : sosMatDanger
' INFO : sosMatGhost
' INFO : sosMatImpassable
' INFO : sosMatStairs
' INFO : --------------------------
' INFO : Sources.Materials.MaterialLibrary
' INFO : --------------------------

Check an object's main material for TwoSided-ness

' test and toggles an object's main material for TwoSided-ness
' this is also a prerequired test for transparency
' the difficulty is to get the TextureObject (often named Image)
' the magic happens at FindShaders, I often fail to find such trivial stuff
' imo the xsi is terrible incomplete/unintuitive
' e.g. look at "Find (ShaderCollection)" in the help
' it will give you information about meshes such as cubes ...

matLib = selection(0).Materials(0)

set mat = selection(0).Material
materialName =

' let us see if there is an Image TextureObject
set shaders = mat.FindShaders(siShaderFilter)
textureObj = "Image"

'if typename(shaders(textureObj)) = "Texture" then ' if not it is Nothing
'	logmessage "material has texture object ""Image"""
'end if

Set list = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
for each n in shaders

foundShaderParameterTransparency = false
'foundUniqueShaderName = false
shaderName = ""
if list.Contains(textureObj) = true then
	set oColorShareShader = GetValue("Sources.Materials." & matLib & "." & & "." & textureObj)
	set oTargets = oColorShareShader.GetShaderParameterTargets("")

	scriptObjArray = split(oTargets(0), ".")
	'logmessage scriptObjArray(0) ' Sources (fixed name? Could be considered a folder.)
	'logmessage scriptObjArray(1) ' Materials (fixed name? Could be considered a folder.)
	'logmessage scriptObjArray(2) ' MaterialsLib (usually each object has its own MaterialsLib)
	'logmessage scriptObjArray(3) ' Material
	'logmessage scriptObjArray(4) ' Shader e.g. Phong
	shaderName = scriptObjArray(4)
	for each t in oTargets
		logmessage t
		if = "transparency" then
			foundShaderParameterTransparency = true
			exit for
		end if
end if

if foundShaderParameterTransparency = false then
	logmessage "material is not TwoSided, lets reverse now"
	SIConnectShaderToCnxPoint "Sources.Materials." & matLib & "." & materialName & ".Image", "Sources.Materials." & matLib & "." & materialName & "." & shaderName & ".transparency", False
	logmessage "material is TwoSided, lets reverse now"
	RemoveAllShadersFromCnxPoint "Sources.Materials." & matLib & "." & materialName & "." & shaderName & ".transparency", siShaderCnxPointBasePorts
end if

Output example:

' INFO : Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.diffuse
' INFO : material is not TwoSided, lets reverse now
SIConnectShaderToCnxPoint "Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Image", "Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.transparency", False

' INFO : Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.diffuse
' INFO : Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.transparency
' INFO : material is TwoSided, lets reverse now
RemoveAllShadersFromCnxPoint "Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material.Phong.transparency", siShaderCnxPointBasePorts


'does a certain cluster type exist ?
'set cls = selection(0).activeprimitive.geometry.clusters.find( siPolygonCluster )
' more interesting is how many of that type exist
for each n in selection(0).activeprimitive.geometry.clusters
   logmessage "Cluster " & & " is of type " & n.type
' "poly" = polygon cluster
' "sample" = UV cluster

Output example:

' INFO : Cluster Polygon4 is of type poly
' INFO : Cluster Polygon1 is of type poly
' INFO : Cluster Texture_Coordinates_AUTO is of type sample

Bounding box values

' this could be useful to create a bounding box for OFGA files

' let's get the bounding box of a simple cylinder
' the output values will be absolute positions
CreatePrim "Cylinder", "MeshSurface"

dim xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax
dim list
'if you use SelectionList the objects will be treated as one single object
'set list = GetValue( "SelectionList" )
set list = GetValue( selection(0) )
GetBBox list, TRUE, xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax
LogMessage "Lower Bound: " & xmin & " / " & ymin & " / " & zmin
LogMessage "Upper Bound: " & xmax & " / " & ymax & " / " & zmax

' expected output:
' INFO : Lower Bound: -1 / -2 / -1
' INFO : Upper Bound: 1 / 2 / 1

Get the scaling, rotation and position of selected objects

logmessage "mesh name: " & selection(0)
logmessage selection(0).sclx.value
logmessage selection(0).scly.value
logmessage selection(0).sclz.value
logmessage selection(0).rotx.value
logmessage selection(0).roty.value
logmessage selection(0).rotz.value
logmessage selection(0).posx.value
logmessage selection(0).posy.value
logmessage selection(0).posz.value

Get scaling, rotation, and position of not selected objects

' GetValue("")
' NAME must be the exact mesh name
' let's say you want the data of one character's pelvis
logmessage GetValue("")
logmessage GetValue("")
logmessage GetValue("")
logmessage GetValue("")
logmessage GetValue("")
logmessage GetValue("")
logmessage GetValue("")
logmessage GetValue("")
logmessage GetValue("")


Get position of points (with selection mode point)

' a point must be selected
' gets xyz position of first selected point of the first selected object
logmessage Selection(0).SubComponent.ComponentCollection(0).position.x
logmessage Selection(0).SubComponent.ComponentCollection(0).position.y
logmessage Selection(0).SubComponent.ComponentCollection(0).position.z

Get position of points (with selection mode object)

' an object must be selected
' gets xyz position of point 0 of the first selected object
logmessage selection(0).activeprimitive.geometry.Points(0).Position.x
logmessage selection(0).activeprimitive.geometry.Points(0).Position.y
logmessage selection(0).activeprimitive.geometry.Points(0).Position.z

Get and set position of points (without selection) right after object creation

' point positions are relative to the object's center
' to get the absolute point positions add center to point
' to set the absolute point positions subtract center from point

set oRoot = application.activeproject.activescene.root
set oObj = oRoot.addgeometry( "Cube", "MeshSurface", "test" )

' to test our code move center to somewhere else
Translate oObj, 9, 11, 13, siRelative, siGlobal, siCtr, siXYZ, , , , , , , , , , 0
SaveKey oObj & ".kine.local.posx," & oObj & ".kine.local.posy," & oObj & ".kine.local.posz", 1, , , , True

FreezeObj oObj
set oGeometry = oObj.activeprimitive.geometry
aPositions = oGeometry.Points.PositionArray
' get old position
'                                         (xyz, point)
logmessage "old point 0 posx: " & aPositions(0, 0) + GetValue(oObj & "")
logmessage "old point 0 posy: " & aPositions(1, 0) + GetValue(oObj & "")
logmessage "old point 0 posz: " & aPositions(2, 0) + GetValue(oObj & "")

' set new position
aPositions(0, 0) = -7 - GetValue(oObj & "")
aPositions(1, 0) = -7 - GetValue(oObj & "")
aPositions(2, 0) = -7 - GetValue(oObj & "")

' update the array
oGeometry.Points.PositionArray = aPositions
' get new position
logmessage "new point 0 posx: " & aPositions(0, 0) + GetValue(oObj & "")
logmessage "new point 0 posy: " & aPositions(1, 0) + GetValue(oObj & "")
logmessage "new point 0 posz: " & aPositions(2, 0) + GetValue(oObj & "")

' INFO : old point 0 posx: -4
' INFO : old point 0 posy: -4
' INFO : old point 0 posz: -4

' INFO : new point 0 posx: -7
' INFO : new point 0 posy: -7
' INFO : new point 0 posz: -7

Get global point position

set oObj = selection(0)
set oTrans = oObj.Kinematics.Local.Transform 
set oPoint0 = oObj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Points(0)
set oPoint7 = oObj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Points(7)
set oPos0 = oPoint0.Position
set oPos7 = oPoint7.Position

' scaling must be frozen to 1 before we can calculate the size from local values
ResetTransform selection(0), siCtr, siScl, siXYZ

logmessage "local p0: "& oPos0.X & " " & oPos0.Y & " " & oPos0.Z
set oGlobalPos0 = XSIMath.MapObjectPositionToWorldSpace( oTrans, oPos0)
logmessage "global p0: "& oGlobalPos0.X & " " & oGlobalPos0.Y & " " & oGlobalPos0.Z

logmessage "local p7: "& oPos7.X & " " & oPos7.Y & " " & oPos7.Z
set oGlobalPos7 = XSIMath.MapObjectPositionToWorldSpace( oTrans, oPos7)
logmessage "global p7: "& oGlobalPos7.X & " " & oGlobalPos7.Y & " " & oGlobalPos7.Z
logmessage "size: " &		oPos7.X - oPos0.X & " " & _
							oPos7.Y - oPos0.Y & " " & _
							oPos7.Z - oPos0.Z
' with a rotation of: -3,8792 16,4039 -13,5017
' INFO : local p0: -4 -4 -4
' INFO : local p7: 4 4 4
' INFO : global p0: -5,74764582364017 -3,00250371537919 -2,43916767056426 ' TRGV start point
' INFO : global p7: 5,74764582364017 3,00250371537919 2,43916767056426
' INFO : size: 8 8 8






Check if object is member of layer

logmessage isMemberOfLayer(selection(0), "layerNameToTest")

function isMemberOfLayer(obj, layerName)
	dim list
	set list = selectMembers ("Layers." & layerName, 0) ' 0 = for not changing the current selection

	for each o in list
		if o = obj then
			isMemberOfLayer = "yes"
			exit for
		end if
end function

Get layer name of an object

logmessage RecursiveEnum (selection(0), false, false)

function RecursiveEnum( in_Comp, in_Type, in_FirstParentOnly )
  dim list, elem, layerNameToCheck
  set list = EnumElements( in_Comp, in_Type )
  if TypeName(list) <> "Nothing" then
      for each elem in list
         if instr(elem, "Layers") = 1 and instr(elem, ".Members") > 1 then
         	layerNameToCheck = replace(replace(elem,"Layers.", ""),".Members", "")
    	  	if not layerNameToCheck = "" then
				RecursiveEnum = layerNameToCheck
			end if
    	  	exit for
         end if
  end if
end function

' INFO : Layer_Default

Property Page

Detect a PPG

' this check is used to decide to either build or open a PPG
set oRoot = ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root
if typename(oRoot.Properties("my_PPG")) = "Nothing" then
	logmessage "couldn't find my_PPG"
	logmessage "found my_PPG"
end if

Disable PPG popups

' let's say a big amount of objects will be created and each object will open a PPG
' in that case for user convenience those PPG popups should be disabled
' disable PPG popup
Preferences.SetPreferenceValue "Interaction.autoinspect", false

' creates the cube mesh but no PPG will show up
CreatePrim "Cube", "MeshSurface"

' enable PPG popup again
Preferences.SetPreferenceValue "Interaction.autoinspect", true

Build a PPG

' general PPG setup
set oPSet = ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty("CustomProperty", false, "my_PPG")
set oPPGLayout = oPSet.PPGLayout

' PPG content
' [...]

' open PPG
InspectObj oPSet

PPG content


If you need quote signs in the Logic section you write two signs: "" (Not shown in example.)

oPPGLayout.AddButton("btnFuncName", "click here to trigger afunction").setAttribute siUICX, 200

oPPGLayout.Logic = "	sub btnFuncName_OnClicked" & vbCrlf & _
"		btnFuncNameReal" & vbCrlf & _
"	end sub"

function btnFuncNameReal
	logmessage "hello world"
end function

New lines in Logic need

& vbCrlf & _

on the earlier line.

Text input

oPSet.AddParameter3 "ParamName", siString
oPPGLayout.AddItem "ParamName", "Caption"

Integer input

oPSet.AddParameter3 "ParamName", siInt2, , , , false, 0
oPPGLayout.AddItem "ParamName", "Caption"

If you try to set a value that is below the defined minimum, you will get this error text:

' ERROR : 2006-EDIT-SetValue - Unexpected failure.
' Syntax:, value
' SetValue "Turret.int1", "0"
' ERROR : Überlauf: 'setvalue' - [line N]

German devs? I expected "overflow", not "Überlauf".


oPSet.AddParameter3 "Team", siString, 0
aListTeams = Array(	"Konoko", 0, _
					"TCTF", 1, _
					"Syndicate", 2, _
					"Neutral", 3, _
					"SecurityGuard", 4, _
					"RogueKonoko", 5, _
					"Switzerland (is melee-immune)", 6, _
					"SyndicateAccessory", 7 )
oPPGLayout.AddEnumControl "Team", aListTeams, "", siControlCombo

Radio options

oPSet.AddParameter3 "Team", siString, 0
aListTeams = Array(	"Konoko", 0, _
					"TCTF", 1, _
					"Syndicate", 2, _
					"Neutral", 3, _
					"SecurityGuard", 4, _
					"RogueKonoko", 5, _
					"Switzerland (is melee-immune)", 6, _
					"SyndicateAccessory", 7 )
oPPGLayout.AddEnumControl "Team", aListTeams, "", siControlRadio


' create checkbox and remove key symboles by setting parameter "Animatable" to false or 0
' CustomProperty.AddParameter3( ScriptName, ValueType, [DefaultValue], [Min], [Max], [Animatable], [ReadOnly] )
oPSet.AddParameter3 "Check1", siBool, , , , 0, 0
oPPGLayout.AddItem "Check1", "Checkbox_caption"


' AddSpacer( [Width], [Height] )
oPPGLayout.AddSpacer 25

Softimage ICE

Show a simple value in the viewport

XSI ModTool ICE workaround displaying a flag.png
CreatePrim "Cube", "MeshSurface"

' create ice tree
ApplyOp "ICETree", cstr(selection(0)), siNode, , , 0
' create set data node
AddICECompoundNode "Set Data", ".polymsh.ICETree"
' connect set data node to ice tree root
ConnectICENodes ".polymsh.ICETree.port1", ".polymsh.ICETree.Set_Data.Execute"
' create integer node (e.g. for FLAG id)
AddICENode "$XSI_DSPRESETS\ICENodes\IntegerNode.Preset", ".polymsh.ICETree"
' connect integer with set data node
ConnectICENodes ".polymsh.ICETree.Set_Data.Value", ".polymsh.ICETree.IntegerNode.result"
' set data in object hosting (hence "self.") the ice tree
SetValue ".polymsh.ICETree.Set_Data.Reference", "self.tmp"
' show integer in viewport !
DisplayPortValues ".polymsh.ICETree.Set_Data.Value", True, 0, True, , 0, 0, 0, 1, False, True, 0.62, 1, 0.62, 1, _
			False, 0, 10000, 1, False, False, 0, 10, False, True, False, 100

' set new integer value
SetValue ".polymsh.ICETree.IntegerNode.value", 14