Creating a level: Difference between revisions

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'''Support for [[XML:BINA/ONIE|effects]]'''
'''Support for [[XML:BINA/ONIE|effects]]'''
* Effects such as decals that indicate damaged environment need level textures to be registered in [[XML:BINA/TMBD|TMBD]]. Make sure not to replace existing texture entries but to add your own so that the other levels remain unaffected.
* Effects such as decals that indicate damaged environment need level textures to be registered in [[XML:BINA/TMBD|TMBD]]. Make sure not to replace existing texture entries but to add your own so that the other levels remain unaffected.
'''Level logic'''
BSL scripts bring levels fully to life. The logic is mostly event driven whereby different checkpoints and conditions must be reached.
* Checkpoints are actually [[XML:BINA/OBJC/TRGV|trigger volumes]] that can recognize entering and exiting character.
* The second most important source of events are [[XML:BINA/OBJC/CHAR|character (script) functions]], especially the die function of enemies.
** To support good and less good players alike NPC characters can feature the UpgradeDifficulty flag. Also, BSL scripts can detect the current [[BSL:Game_status|difficulty level]].
* [[XML:BINA/OBJC/TRIG|Laser triggers]] are mostly used to control [[XML:BINA/OBJC/TURR|turrets]]. [[XML:BINA/OBJC/CONS|Consoles]], triggers and [[XML:DOOR|door]] unlocking are used to set up simple "riddles”.
* The creation of cut scenes is time consuming quality work. Due to missing tools streamlining the workflow it is totally for you to skip this.
** New synconized FILM, OBAN and TRAM files are required for cut scenes. Not to mention sound files for dialogue.

==The master XML file==
==The master XML file==
