UnrealOni: Difference between revisions

From OniGalore
m (/cat)
m (trying a fix to help out my script, it just wasn't designed for this weird scenario of commented-out sections and section links)
Line 78: Line 78:
==Content and features - overview==
==Content and features - overview==
Examples we are working on...
Examples we are working on...
[Note from Iritscen: I have put a '-' between the "[["s below in order to "break" those links, as they are confusing my script which validates section links. If you uncomment all this material in the future, simply remove the '-'s.]
* [[#3RAP|3RAP]]
* [-[#3RAP|3RAP]]
** weapon particle
** weapon particle
* [[#AI|AI]]
* [-[#AI|AI]]
** Behavior system (combined logic)
** Behavior system (combined logic)
** Hearing system
** Hearing system
** Visual system
** Visual system
* [[#AKEV|AKEV]] - Static level geometry
* [-[#AKEV|AKEV]] - Static level geometry
* [[#Controls|Controls]]
* [-[#Controls|Controls]]
* [[#IPge|IPge]] - Item Pages
* [-[#IPge|IPge]] - Item Pages
* [[#M3GM|M3GM]] - Static objects
* [-[#M3GM|M3GM]] - Static objects
* [[#ONCC|ONCC]] - Oni Character Classes
* [-[#ONCC|ONCC]] - Oni Character Classes
* [[#ONLD|ONLD]] - Oni Game Level Descriptors
* [-[#ONLD|ONLD]] - Oni Game Level Descriptors
* [[#OPge|OPge]] - Objective Pages
* [-[#OPge|OPge]] - Objective Pages
* [[#ONWC|ONWC]] - Oni Weapon Class
* [-[#ONWC|ONWC]] - Oni Weapon Class
* [[#PWRU|PWRU]] - Powerups
* [-[#PWRU|PWRU]] - Powerups
* [[#SNDD|SNDD]] - Sounds
* [-[#SNDD|SNDD]] - Sounds
* [[#TRAC|TRAC]] - Animation Collection
* [-[#TRAC|TRAC]] - Animation Collection
* [[#TRAM|TRAM]] - Animations
* [-[#TRAM|TRAM]] - Animations
* [[#TXMB|TXMB]] - Splash screens (Intro, OutroWin, OutroLose)
* [-[#TXMB|TXMB]] - Splash screens (Intro, OutroWin, OutroLose)
* [[#TXMP|TXMP]] - Textures
* [-[#TXMP|TXMP]] - Textures
* [[#UI|UI]] - Health bar, main menu, pause menu, dev features (show AI health and team)
* [-[#UI|UI]] - Health bar, main menu, pause menu, dev features (show AI health and team)
* [[#WPge|WPge]] - Weapon Pages
* [-[#WPge|WPge]] - Weapon Pages

Revision as of 22:30, 4 April 2021


UnrealOni does not only stand for the used engine but is also a pun for not being an actual game, it's a test.

It aims to explore the Unreal engine and answer the longstanding question whether Oni can be recreated.

Since the Unreal Engine can be fully modified by C++ the question is rather how much of Oni can be replicated by Blueprint scripting and what parts need real programming.

We will document learned knowledge in hope it might become useful one day for a real project.

Test data will be uploaded and linked to. While that data is created, we will try to port it to the always most up to date, stable Unreal engine version.

A blueprint project can be extended later by C++. For learning purposes we start with blueprints.

It is clear that the combat system will be the most difficult to recreate. However, we are not in a hurry to achieve just that. Instead we will focus is on the easier parts first.

This bottom-up approach will possibly make learning the engine and its possibilities somewhat easier. No need to kill the fun and jump to tasks out of reach.


If you are also interested in Unreal you will be able to fork this project from Git, make changes and create a pull request.

For the improbable case that this test gets big, actual contributors can be added later avoiding the forking workflow.

Tools setup

  • Create a Github account
  • Install Visual Studio with Git, C++ for games, and Unreal Engine Installer selected (see "individual components" if necessary)
However, Git and Unreal Installer can also be installed separately from the internet.
  • Install Git LFS
  • Run Git Bash/CMD and enter git lfs install
Since files larger than 100 MB are rejected we need the Large File Storage to store those files on a separate server. It is meant to keep the actual Git repo small.
A git repos shouldn't get bigger than 1 GB.
  • Git is a command line tool. For those who like GUIs install the Git Desktop as well.
  • Setup Git Desktop with your Git account data.

Project setup

  • Start Unreal Laucher
  • From the library choose newest installed engine
  • Unreal Project Browser > New Project > Third Person (With Starter Content)
Set root folder
Set name (actually also a folder, it's the repository)
  • In opened Unreal Editor, hit Source Control at the top controls.
Select Git as Provider. Git path should be found automatically as well as the root of repo, user name, and email, activate Git LFS.
Initialize project with Git
Accept Settings

  • Manually adding extension for Git LFS
Open Git bash
cd /[DriveLetter]/.../[repoName]/
git lfs track "*.[fileExtention]"
.gitattributes file will now include that extension

  • Github Desktop
File > Add existing repository

Tools and project setup for contributors

  • Have a Github account
  • Install Git, Git LFS and Github Desktop
  • Open Github Desktop
File > Clone Repository > URL
Right after download confirm LFS

