User talk:Tieria Erde
Why, hello there, do we have a new recruit? :-) Would you like to stop by the forum and introduce yourself? We can talk about what you'd like to work on specifically, tell us a little about yourself, ask us questions about our plans for the AE, etc. --Iritscen 22:19, 17 March 2010 (UTC)
It is very many things that i want to ask and talk about.=) But you can see in what time i wrote this message(or how it calls on wiki). That why i will do the thing that you are talking about a little bit later. --Tieria Erde 2:28, 18 March 2010 (UTC+03:00)
Okay, see you later! --Iritscen 23:34, 17 March 2010 (UTC)