Mod Tool/Scripting

From OniGalore
< Mod Tool
Revision as of 20:41, 8 September 2014 by Paradox-01 (talk | contribs) (there's a problem with reading some registry keys on a 64-bit OS with an 32-bit program)

OS bit version

if GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2:Win32_Processor='cpu0'").AddressWidth = 64 then
	logmessage "64"
	logmessage "32"
end if


Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
if instr(WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0\Identifier"), "x86") = 1 then
	logmessage "32"
	logmessage "64"
end if

read registry

Mod Tool (because 32-bit) fails to execute following code properly on 64-bit operation systems. So the code must be build as 64-bit and 32-bit application.

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
AE_path = WshShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{B67333BB-1CF9-4EFD-A40B-E25B5CB4C8A7}}_is1\InstallLocation")
MsgBox AE_path

Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
txt_location = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(".") & "\AE_path.txt"
Set wText = fso.CreateTextFile (txt_location, 1)
wText.WriteLine AE_path


Euler rotation -> matrix

function cosn (n)
	cosn = cos(XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(n))
end function
function sinn (n)
	sinn = sin(XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(n))
end function

' ################
logmessage "input"
x = 60 : logmessage x
y = 60 : logmessage y
z = 60 : logmessage z

logmessage "##################"
logmessage "converted"

set RotMatX = XSIMath.CreateMatrix3(1, 0, 0, 0, cosn(x), sinn(x), 0, -sinn(x), cosn(x))
set RotMatY = XSIMath.CreateMatrix3(cosn(y), 0, -sinn(y), 0, 1, 0, sinn(y), 0, cosn(y))
set RotMatZ = XSIMath.CreateMatrix3(cosn(z), sinn(z), 0, -sinn(z), cosn(z), 0, 0, 0, 1)

RotMatZ.MulInPlace RotMatY
RotMatZ.MulInPlace RotMatX

for i=0 to 2
	for j=0 to 2
		logmessage RotMatZ (i, j)

' INFO : input
' INFO : 60
' INFO : 60
' INFO : 60
' INFO : ##################
' INFO : converted
' INFO : 0,25
' INFO : 0,808012701892219
' INFO : 0,53349364905389
' INFO : -0,433012701892219
' INFO : -0,399519052838329
' INFO : 0,808012701892219
' INFO : 0,866025403784439
' INFO : -0,433012701892219
' INFO : 0,25

Matrix -> Euler rotation

Function Atan2(y, x)
  If x > 0 Then
    Atan2 = Atn(y / x)
  ElseIf x < 0 Then
    Atan2 = Sgn(y) * (XSIMath.PI - Atn(Abs(y / x)))
  ElseIf y = 0 Then
    Atan2 = 0
    Atan2 = Sgn(y) * XSIMath.PI / 2
  End If
End Function

function ToEuler(M00, M10, M20, M21, M22)
            a = M00
            b = M10
            dim c, s, r

            if b = 0 then
                c = Sgn(a)
                s = 0
                r = Abs(a)

            elseif a = 0 then
                c = 0
                s = Sgn(b)
                r = Abs(b)
            elseif Abs(b) > Abs(a) then
                t = a / b
                u = Sgn(b) * Sqr(1 + t * t)
                s = 1 / u
                c = s * t
                r = b * u

                t = b / a
                u = Sgn(a) * Sqr(1 + t * t)
                c = 1 / u
                s = c * t
                r = a * u

	    end if

            Z = -Atan2(s, c)
            Y = Atan2(M20, r)
            X = -Atan2(M21, M22)

	    X = XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(X)
	    Y = XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(Y)
	    Z = XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(Z)

	    ToEuler = array(X, Y, Z)
end function

' ################################
set RotMat = XSIMath.CreateMatrix3( _
		0.25, 0.808012701892219, 0.53349364905389, _
		-0.433012701892219, -0.399519052838329, 0.808012701892219, _
		0.866025403784439, -0.433012701892219, 0.25 )

' convert matrix to euler rotation and store values to array
ReXYZ = ToEuler(RotMat(0,0), RotMat(1,0), RotMat(2,0), RotMat(2,1), RotMat(2,2))

logmessage "reconverted"
logmessage ReXYZ(0)
logmessage ReXYZ(1)
logmessage ReXYZ(2)

' INFO : 60
' INFO : 60
' INFO : 60

Euler rotation -> quaternion

dim x, y, z, dRotation, qRotation
x = 90
y = 0
z = 0

set dRotation = XSIMath.CreateRotation(XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(x), XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(y), XSIMath.DegreesToRadians(z)) 
set qRotation = XSIMath.CreateQuaternion() 

	dRotation.GetQuaternion (qRotation) 
	LogMessage qRotation.W
	LogMessage qRotation.X
	LogMessage qRotation.Y
	LogMessage qRotation.Z
	' INFO : 0,707106781186548
	' INFO : 0,707106781186547
	' INFO : 0
	' INFO : 0

' to calculate oni quaternions from euler rotations use this setup:
' 	LogMessage qRotation.X
'	LogMessage qRotation.Y
'	LogMessage qRotation.Z
'	LogMessage qRotation.W * -1

Quaternion -> Euler rotation

dim qW, qX, qY, qZ, qRotation, x, y, z

	qW = 0.707106781186548
	qX = 0.707106781186547
	qY = 0
	qZ = 0

set qRotation = XSIMath.CreateQuaternion (qW, qX , qY, qZ)

	qRotation.GetXYZAngleValues x, y, z
	logmessage XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(x)
	logmessage XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(y)
	logmessage XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees(z)
	' INFO : 89,9999999999999
	' INFO : 0
	' INFO : 0

' to calculate euler rotations from oni quaternions use this setup:
	'qX = ...
	'qY = ...
	'qZ = ...
	'qW = ... * -1
'set qRotation = XSIMath.CreateQuaternion (qW, qX, qY, qZ)

read file

as binary


sub scan_AKEV_file_table
	' ##############################################
	OniInputFile =  "H:\Oni\AE\GameDataFolder\level1_Final\AKEVEnvWarehouse.oni"
	' ##############################################
	Set OniInputFileStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
	OniInputFileStream.Type = 1
	OniInputFileStream.LoadFromFile OniInputFile

	' ### read AKEV textures table offset and size
	ByteNum = 4
	' ##############################################
	TOffset = cLng("&H" & "28")
	' ##############################################
	OniInputFileStream.Position = TOffset
	BArr1 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)

	ByteNum = 4
	' ##############################################
	TSize = cLng ("&H" & "2C")
	' ##############################################
	OniInputFileStream.Position = TSize
	BArr2 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)

	' ### get AKEV textures table offset and size
	TOffsetHex = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr1)
	for i = ubound(TOffsetHex ) - 1 to 0 step -1
		newhex = newhex & hex(Asc(TOffsetHex(i)))
	logmessage newhex
	logmessage "name table offset: " & cLng("&H" & newhex)
	TOffsetInt = cLng("&H" & newhex)
	newhex = ""
	TSizeHex = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr2)
	for i = ubound(TSizeHex) - 1 to 0 step -1
		newhex = newhex & hex(Asc(TSizeHex(i)))
	logmessage newhex
	logmessage "name table size: " & cLng("&H" & newhex)
	TSizeInt = cLng("&H" & newhex) 
  	logmessage "------------------------------"

	' ### read table content
	ByteNum = TSizeInt
	OniInputFileStream.Position = TOffsetInt
	BArr3 = OniInputFileStream.Read(ByteNum)
	TContent = SimpleBinaryToString(BArr3)
	' ### name grapper
	NG = ""
	for each n in TContent
		if not Asc(n) = 0 then
			NG = NG & n
			'if instr(NG, "TXMP") = 1 then
				' write TXMP to array ?
				logmessage NG
			'end if
			NG = ""
		end if
end sub

Function SimpleBinaryToString(Binary)
	ReDim tmpArr(LenB(Binary) - 1)
	For I = 1 To LenB(Binary)
		S = Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary, I, 1)))
		tmpArr(I - 1) = S
	SimpleBinaryToString = tmpArr
End Function


' INFO : 0E40
' INFO : name table offset: 3648
' INFO : 0A4A
' INFO : name table size: 2634
' INFO : ------------------------------
' INFO : AKEVEnvWarehouse
' INFO : AGDBEnvWarehouse
' [...]