Slovak game manual

From OniGalore
Revision as of 13:44, 28 April 2019 by Loser (talk | contribs) (Finished the bulk of the article.)
Windows (SK) box art - front.jpg

For the Slovak and Czech markets, an edition of Oni was published by Kon Tiki Multimedia. While the game offers English, French, and German installations, this edition includes a manual written in the Slovak language, collected HERE but also shown below. The info within the manual is largely based on the standard English manual, however some parts are hilariously mistranslated. Also, the images in the manual are generally low-quality black-and-white scans from the English manual.

Most of the mistranslations stem from the fact that, contrary to the common rule of translation to not translate names unless necessary, in the Slovak manual, most names (of people, organizations, and items) are indeed translated. And of course those translated names sound silly, which is why the "don't translate names" rule exists. Following are some "highlights" in the translation.

Pages 2-3

Page 3, section "Technická Protizločinecká Jednotka (TPJ)" (based on the section "The Technology Crimes Task Force (TCTF)" from the English manual)

  • TCTF unit (Technology Crimes Task Force) is translated as TPJ (Technická Protizločinecká Jednotka).
    That would mean (when translated back to English) something like "Technic Anticrime Unit".
    The in-game textures are of course unchanged, so good luck finding this "TPJ" since all of the good guys have "TCTF" written all over their gear.

Pages 4-5

Nothing funky here.

Pages 6-7

Page 7, section "Pohyby" (based on the section "Moves" from the English manual):

  • In the lede, it's stated that Konoko is a one-dimensional coward.
    (In the English manual the statement is that Konoko is not a one-dimensional coward.)
  • In the "Escape Moves" section it is stated that escape moves are good for avoiding hand-to-hand combat altogether.
    (In the English manual the statement is that escape moves are good for avoiding hand-to-hand attacks.)

Pages 8-9

Page 8, continuation of the section "Pohyby" ("Moves"):

  • The Sledgehammer Heel combo is translated as "Kováčsky mlat", which means "Smithing hammer".
    (IMO, better translation would be "Drviaca päta", "Crushing heel")
  • The Backbreaker attack is translated as "Drina", which means "back-breaking (very hard) labor".

Page 9, section "Zbrane" (based on the section "Weapons" from the English manual):

  • In the hint for the Campbell Equalizer Mk4, it's stated that the weapon itself compensates for its high recoil by the fact that it is a semi-automatic weapon.
    (WTF did I just read ^_^? In the English manual the statement is that the player must compensate for the high recoil of the Campell Equalizer when firing the gun on full auto)
  • The Hughes Black Adder SMG is translated as "Obrovská Čierna Zmija SMG", which means "Huge Black Adder SMG".
    (innuendo? ^_^)
  • In the hint for the SML3 Plasma Rifle, it's stated that pressure is rapidly rising during the plasma ball's flight. It is also stated that the player should navigate their targets accordingly.
    (In the English manual the statement is that plasma bursts accelerate rapidly during flight and that the player should lead their targets, meaningthe player should aim a bit further in a direction the target is moving.)

Pages 10-11

Oni PC Manual p10-p11 (SK).jpg

Page 10, continuation of the section "Zbrane" ("Weapons"):

  • The Phase Stream Projector is translated as "Fázový Smerovy Projektor", which means "Phase Direction Projector".
  • In the description of the Phase Stream Projector, it's stated that the bigger mounted version of this weapon was deployed during the "Spontaneous Riots" of 2012.
    (In the English manual the statement is that the weapon was deployed during the "Freedom Riots" of 2012.)

Page 11, continuation of the section "Zbrane" ("Weapons"):

  • The Scram Cannon is translated as "Škrabákový (bezpečnostný) kanón", which means "Scraper (Security) Cannon".
  • In the description of the Scram Cannon, it's stated that this weapon is the favorite weapon in the Syndicate's arsenal.
    (In the English manual, the statement is that the Scram Cannon is the most indiscriminate weapon in the Syndicate's arsenal.)
  • In the hint for the Scram Cannon, it's stated that Scram Cannon warheads are interactive at close range.
    (In the English manual, the statement is that the Scram Cannon warheads are inactive at close range.)
  • The Mercury Bow is translated as "Bystrý luk", which means "Swift bow".
  • The Screaming Cannon is translated as "Fantastický kanón", which means "Fantastic Cannon".
  • In the hint for the Screaming Cannon it's stated that the Screaming Cannon transforms its controlling of life by the force of an existence, but any life which comes too close will be dried.
    (Now what the actual heck, this part does not make sense even in the original Slovak.)
    (In the English manual, the statement is that the cannon masks the presence of its wielder from the Screaming Cell entity, but any life that comes too close to the Screaming Cell will be drained, regardless of masking.)

Pages 12-13

Oni PC Manual p12-p13 (SK).jpg

Nothing extra funky here.

Pages 14-15

Oni PC Manual p14-p15 (SK).jpg

Page 15, section "Spojovací vojak" (based on the section "Communications Trooper" from the English manual):

  • The Static Fist attack is translated as "Pokojná päsť", which means "Peaceful Fist".

Page 15, section "Zelený útočníci" (based on the section "Striker Green" from the English manual):

  • The class name (Grunt Class) is translated as "Rachotiaca trieda", which colloquially means "Worker Class".
    (IMO better translation would be "Trieda pešiak", which means "Foot Soldier Class")

Pages 16-17

Oni PC Manual p16-p17 (SK).jpg

Page 16, section "Modrý útočník" (based on the section "Striker Blue" from the English manual):

  • The class name (Hoplite Class) is translated as "Skákajúca trieda", which means "Hopping Class".
    (Well, at least it fits their vanilla melee behaviour ^_^)

Page 16, section "Červený útočník" (based on the section "Striker Red" from the English manual):

  • The accompanying image is a FURY!!! A totally different character class.
  • The Headbutt Dash attack is translated as "Tupý úder hlavou", which means "Dull Head Strike".
    (IMO, better translation would be "Hlavička", which simply means "Headbutt".)

Page 17, section "Zelený nindža" (based on the section "Ninja Green" from the English manual):

  • The class name (Infiltrator Class) is translated as "Infiltrovaná trieda", which means "Infiltrated Class".

Pages 18-19

Oni PC Manual p18-p19 (SK).jpg

Page 18, section "Červený nindža" (based on the section "Ninja Red" from the English manual):

  • The Lightning Driver attack is translated as "Bleskový pohon". It is a fairly accurate word-for-word translation, but it misses the semantic meaning. This is a name of an attack, not a name of some engine.
    (IMO better translation would be "Bleskový prieraz", which word-for-word means "Lightning breakthrough", but it sounds better in Slovak.)

Page 18, section "Zelený zúrivec" (based on the section "Fury Green" from the English manual):

  • Slovak langauge is an inflected language. The word "zúrivec" is of male grammatical gender. However, fury class is a female-exclusive character class.
    (IMO, better translation would be "Zelená fúria", which means "Green Fury".)
  • The Foot Stomp attack is translated as "Výkop nohou", which means "A kick with the leg".
    (IMO better translation would be "Dupnutie", which means "Stomp".)

Page 19, sections "Modrý zúrivec" and "Červený zúrivci" (based on the sections "Fury Blue" "Fury Red" from the English manual):

  • These two sections have the same translation issues as the Fury Green section.

Pages 20-21

Oni PC Manual p20-p21 (SK).jpg

Nothing funky here.

Pages 22-23

Oni PC Manual p22-p23 (SK).jpg

Page 22, sections "Modrý tankista" and "Červený tankista" (based on the sections "Tanker Blue" and "Tanker Red" from the English manual):

  • The Blockbuster attack is translated as "Blokovanie", which means "Blocking" (noun).
    (IMO better translation would be "Blokodrvič", which means "Block Shatterer".)

Pages 24-25

Oni PC Manual p24-p25 (SK).jpg

Page 25, section "Autori" (based on the sections "Credits" from the English manual):

  • This one page is the whole Credits section. Something is missing, right?
    Bungie West and its employees are not mentioned at all!!!
    (What a disgrace...)