Vago Biotech

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A company that conducts bioresearch. Owner of the laboratory complex that the Syndicate invades in Chapter 3 "to steal experimental gene surgery equipment". This level's consoles have information on SLDs, implying a likely connection between Vago and that technology. See Chapter 3 for a summary of the events which occur at Vago during Oni.

Vago was a night-time level earlier in Oni's development.

Added value

Continuous development of SLD technology

Vago seems to be a made-up name. However, the Spanish "vago" mean "intermediate" in English and would fit the SLD technology being something between robotics and synthetic biology.

SLDs are fabricated with synthetic materials. But since Vago also researches genome editing tools it might be they want to replace more and more SLD parts with biological tissue.

Therefore they also need the corrosive bio-matter disposal vats - to recycle their failed prototypes.

Muro goes last-minute shopping

Muro's raid of Vago happens really late in his Sturmanderung plan. The candidates for Chrysalis implantation are already selected. Possibly his doctors discovered some of them being incompatible so their genomes must edited first in context of a stem cells therapy.

Bonus: Muro not just secures the knowledge and equipment, he also let kill all the scientists. When he saw what they were working on he must have realized that he could upgrade the Tanker SLDs in the future, creating something even better: Daodan-droids. Likely he used that chance to beat down potential competition. -- It can be argued that this is just rationalization of his actions and instead he killed the scientists just for some sadistic fun. Then again Muro should be smart enough to realize Vago's true value. After all he led the mission by himself.