Validate External Links/Exceptions
If the Validate External Links script is mis-reporting certain external links as issues when they actually work fine or when the link has to be presented that way for a specific reason, add them here in order to exempt them from ValExtLinks' reports. Each line supports four comma-separated fields, the first three required:
- The response code that ValExtLinks should expect. For NG and RD links, this should be the exact HTTP response code or the 'curl' result code, whichever applies. You can also put "IW" or "EI" here to exempt a warning about an interwiki or external internal link.
- The recurring "problem" link. Place a '*' as a wildcard at the end of a URL to match multiple links.
- The wiki page that this link is appearing on. Use the proper page name, i.e. underscores where the displayed name has spaces. To exempt this link from Val's report regardless of what page it appears on, put a '*' here.
- (optional) A comment explaining the exception. The only requirements are that the comment be separated from the previous field by a space and that you don't use any commas. The "--"s used below are only for human readability.
BEGIN LIST 301,*,* -- OCF is linked to ~170 times around the wiki and the forum has moved to EI,,* -- EI link is necessary; used on all door poster image pages 000-35,,Adding_spawnable_characters 000-35,,Adding_spawnable_characters 404,,AE:Trailer -- video blocked in my country 403,,Anniversary_Edition 000-56,,BGI 403,,Category:Art_by_Lorraine_Reyes 403,,Duality 403,,Duality 403,,Duality 403,,Duality 403,,File:Duality_concept_art_-_BioCorp_VR_avatar.jpg EI,,File:Fallen_Enemies.jpg -- EI link is necessary because this special page can't take these parameters when linked to internally 403,,File:Lorraine_Reyes_with_Konoko_Fully_Armed_standup.jpg 403,,Fuse 404,,MediaWiki:Common -- deliberate fake link just to generate the desired link icon 404,,MediaWiki:Common -- ditto EI,,MediaWiki:Common -- necessary EI link to demonstrate circular arrow IW,,MediaWiki:Common.css -- wrongful detection of URL within JS code 403,,Oni 403,,Oni_(myth) 403,,Oni_2_(Angel_Studios) 000-28,!x9oHxaLZ!-bOo-wwdj1fh925DYv1Qc6ErDSRl2HEgtWC-i2FtxtY,Oni_2_(Angel_Studios) -- Mega doesn't seem to like 'curl' 500,,Oni2:AVATARA 302,,Oni2:Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology -- circular redirect 000-35,,Oni2:Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology 000-52,,Oni2:Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology 520,,Oni2:Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology 404,,Oni2:Slaves_of_War/Settings 302,,Oni2_talk:Truth_Number_Zero/Course_Of_Events 301,,OniGalore:Community_portal 302,,Playing_in_Linux -- this is a d/l request that redirects to a one-time-use file link 403,,Press_coverage 302,,Restless_Souls/Summary 403,,Restless_Souls/Summary 403,,Restless_Souls/Technology 301,,Rights 307,,Talk:Restless_Souls/Summary 403,,Talk:Restless_Souls/Summary 307,,Talk:Restless_Souls/Technology 307,,Talk:Restless_Souls/Technology 302,,Talk:War_on_spam 403,,Troubleshooting EI,,User:Iritscen/WikiMods -- EI link is necessary 302,,User:Samer 520,,XML:ONLV END LIST