- I remember 'chef' from the old (pre-Ikonboard) OniCentral forum mentioning that BGI stood for Bad Guys International.
- Not sure if it was meant as a joke or it truly stood for that.
- "I"
- Thanks for the heads-up. Please sign ^^
- The post you mention can be found HERE.
- "Bad Guys International", indeed.
- geyser 14:48, 6 April 2007 (CEST)
- That poster would be me, WJTW. Haha... I was the one who asked chef many questions on that old board.
- Heck yeah. Harry and you were the hyperactive ones back then.
- BTW, if you're motivated, feel free to cover old stuff here...
- I added Hardy's official version to the main article. Enjoy.
- geyser 01:01, 14 April 2007 (CEST)
Unknown new member: "If ya guys look for a serious-sounding name for ya mods n stuff, I'd go with "Bussiness Group Industry"" for BGI. It sounds more or less reasonable and fits the nature of the entity.