
From OniGalore
Revision as of 00:22, 3 May 2008 by Millennium (talk | contribs)
I remember 'chef' from the old (pre-Ikonboard) OniCentral forum mentioning that BGI stood for Bad Guys International.
Not sure if it was meant as a joke or it truly stood for that.
Thanks for the heads-up. Please sign ^^
The post you mention can be found HERE.
"Bad Guys International", indeed.
geyser 14:48, 6 April 2007 (CEST)
That poster would be me, WJTW. Haha... I was the one who asked chef many questions on that old board.
Heck yeah. Harry and you were the hyperactive ones back then.
BTW, if you're motivated, feel free to cover old stuff here...
I added Hardy's official version to the main article. Enjoy.
geyser 01:01, 14 April 2007 (CEST)

Unknown new member: "If ya guys look for a serious-sounding name for ya mods n stuff, I'd go with "Bussiness Group Industry"" for BGI. It sounds more or less reasonable and fits the nature of the entity.