Modding errors

From OniGalore
Revision as of 15:13, 2 March 2011 by Paradox-01 (talk | contribs)
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You might use the browser's search function to quickly find an error text.

Unfinished building-60px.jpg

This page is unfinished. Can you fill in any missing information?
If it is not clear which part of the page is unfinished, ask on the talk page.

frequently asked questions

You are using a mod with bgra32 textures and an old engine that doesn't support bgra32.

binary errors

missing texture (TXMP)

The texture is either missing, or the texture name and the link in TRMA are unequal.

missing animation collection (TRAC)

missing 3D model (TRBS)

dev mode error messages

  • throwtarget was NULL - The throw target animation was not found.

BSL errors

  • Func "main", File "(called from engine)", Line 0: semantic error, function "main" does not exist - Function "main" wasn't found in any bsl file. (This can also happen with any other function.)
  • Func "(null)", File "test.bsl", Line 3: semantic error, Identifier "main" already declared - In this case the function "main" is double, it can be found in the file "test.bsl" at line 3. (It's not the first but the last line of the double function.)
  • Func "(null)", File "main.bsl", Line 1: Illegal token, got "func" expected ";" - The variable declaration didn't ended with a semicolon.

onisplit error messages