From OniGalore
Revision as of 20:18, 14 May 2011 by Paradox-01 (talk | contribs) (How about more body parts? Maybe I'm just naiv. :/)
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How about more body parts?

HERE's a quick and dirty test. (Done on PC.)

So far Oni allows 19 body parts. The vid shows a character with 20 parts. He was roughly put together (via xml) and is made of heads... (Duuno why he hasn't textures.) You can access the used files HERE.

screen_shot00080_TN.jpg screen_shot00085_TN.jpg

There are some known and unknown problems. At least he made it into the game. ^_^ As we see in the vid the 20th body part has collision data and becomes recognized by AI as a obstacle. It also reacts on incoming attacks and has self-imunity (you cannot hurt yourself by weapon and melee).

TRAM files with 20 bones are possible (via old xml method) but they refuse to become incorporated into the raw file archive. (onisplit will even stop you at the oni-file creation if you use the newer conversion method (dae and xml). On a side note: the aiming animation was affecting the new part. Why? I dunno.

Sure more tests are needed. :/

proposal for onisplit modifications

Maybe this whole 19+ thing requires engine modding too but that's what I think what should be tried before.

  • changing limit variable from 19 to 32
for ONCC's CBPM (materials) and CBPI (HitImpacts, BlockedImpacts, KilledImpacts) (unsure if this work)
for TRBS (dae-to-oni import) (this should work because the old xml way does already)
  • allow import of up-to-32-bones-TRAM.dae files (???)
  • allow creation of raw archives with such TRAMs
