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< User:Iritscen
Revision as of 16:56, 25 April 2012 by Iritscen (talk | contribs) (NUMBEROFARTICLES is accurate now that User is being counted, so blanking the page count project -- the work I did is in the history if I ever need it, and all the statistics templates are taxing on MW)
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Divbox and Pullquote, stop fighting, or I'll pull this car right over!

Divbox and Pullquote don't get along well. Here's what happens when I write some reasonable wiki code:

{{Divbox|yellow|title|{{Pullquote|Pretend something witty is written here.|Iritscen}}}}


After doing some reading on WP and some fiddling, I've found that:

{{Divbox|yellow|3=<br>{{Pullquote|Pretend something witty is written here.|Iritscen}}}}


So, although it works, it's only by a hack that the two templates get along together even partially.

Questions that need answering:

  1. Why do I need to declare that the quote text is the third parameter with "3="?
  2. Why does some bum text need to be inserted (here I've used "<br>") before the data returned by Pullquote?
  3. Why does using Pullquote inside of Divbox break Divbox's "width" parameter?
Because pullquote has its own width...Gumby

#3 is of the most concern to me, followed by #2. I suspect that the fact that Pullquote actually returns table code is part of the problem behind all this.