Easter eggs

From OniGalore


Old Man Murray

Old Man Murray is an online gaming magazine, which developed a well-known game-rating criterion : the time (in seconds) until the first crate (or barrel) is sighted when playing the game.

This criterion is referred to as STC ("start-to-crate" or "seconds to crate") or TTC ("time to crate") : the smaller the time, the worse the game, as the moment you see a crate accounts for the lack of inspiration on the part of the developers.

Oni's first level is a warehouse and it is literally full of crates, barrels and containers. You can see a crate right from where you start the level (there are also crates in the training course, but not in the first room).

On the first crate you see in the Warehouse, there's a label saying "-OMM- TTC 1.1", meaning "Old Man Murray : 1.1 seconds to first crate" (1.1 seconds is pretty bad on the OMM scale, needless to say).

The label on that crate also features a reference to the Developer Mode : "THE DAY IS MINE!!" is written along the lower side of the label.


Marathon symbol

The first Oni trailer featured Marathon symbols on the crates (yes, it was also taking place in a warehouse full of crates :) ).

Moreover, Oni's inventory icon for the Screaming Cannon looks like an inverted Marathon symbol (with a little imagination).

Wave Motion Cannon

A weapon called "Wave Motion Cannon" was cut from Marathon

(adapted from answers.com)
Upon examining the game's code, it appears that there is another omitted weapon, the "Wave Motion Cannon". Like the Copland beta, it is unusable. However, it does not appear in the demo version. Very little is known about it, or why it did not make the final cut.

As we know, the Wave Motion Cannon is the biggest weapon in all of Oni, and the only one to support 2 firing modes. It's the weapon of choice of Barabas, and Konoko can't run, jump, kick or creep while wielding the WMC.

Frog blast the vent core!

Comguys occasionally say "OK, OK, don't frogblast the vent core!", which is a reference to suicidal enemies (A-BOBs) in Marathon, who'd scream "Frogblast the vent core!" while running at you.

Comguys can also scream "She's everywhere!" (referring to Konoko) : another phrase screamed by A-BOBs was "They're everywhere!"

Doug Zartman was the voice actor for both Marathon BOBs and Oni's Comguys... so the reference is double.

(adapted from answers.com)

This is a phrase synonymous with the [Marathon] series. Explosive BOB "simulacrums" occasionally shout the phrase, trying to blend in with the regular BOBs and explode around a large amount of humans. Since sometimes they are merely only piecing together random words, their nonsense can give them away.

Doug Zartman, the man who performed the BOB voices, described the inspiration for the quote in the Marathon Scrapbook
The idea was that some of the assimilated Bobs become insane from their conversion and run around yelling nonsense. Alex said to me ‘say something random’, and that phrase tumbled from my lips. Totally spontaneous. While I could have sat down and thought up something more random than that, it worked out well, since it sounds close enough to a real sentence that it kept people guessing and generated some fascinating (and totally wrong) discussion about what the phrase was and its meaning. One popular theory was ‘God bless the Marine Corps!’, which was a fair guess, but still wrong.

It is very popular to say in the text chat of a networked Bungie game; meant more as a joke than anything; the sheer randomness of this phrase means it can be used at any time.


Forklifts in the Warehouse are labeled BALOR, after the celtic god Balor, or more probably after the name taken by the incarnation of "the Leveler" in Myth.

(adapted from Wikipedia)
Balor is also the name Connacht the Wolf adopts when he becomes the new Leveler in the Myth computer game series. During the seventeenth year of the Grear War, he interrogated Alric, who was previously captured by The Deceiver. In that event Alric learned by chance that the Fallen Lords were bound to Balor. Towards the end of the war, Alric and the Legion went to Rhi'anon, Balor's fortress, and planted the Myrkridian standard they had found inside the Tain, an act that was meant to enrage The Leveler. During the Last Battle, the Avatara immobilized Balor with the aid of the Eblis Stone, thus allowing the barbarians of the Legion to behead the warlord. In the end, Balor's head was thrown into the Great Devoid, ending his life and his sway over the surviving Fallen.


Actually a back-reference here. Oni doesn't refer to Halo, but Halo features an entity called ONI. It stands for Office of Naval Intelligence.

A military intelligence service called the Office of Naval Inteligence actually exists in the real world : it's the oldest continuously operating intelligence service in the United States (in operation since 1882). It seems likely that Halo develops on that longevity and tries to imagine what influence today's ONI would have in the 2550's.

There has been a lot of speculation around Halo's ONI, most of which you can see HERE.

You can directly access the entry which draws the parallel between Halo's ONI and the Japanese Oni and with Bungie's Oni, HERE


Hidden stuff

There are quite a few more-or-less hidden items or characters in Oni. However, few of them qualify as Easter eggs... as most of those are uncovered with a systematic exploration of the level, or by careful observation.

Secret Striker

About the only "real" Easter egg in Oni is the secret Striker in Syndicate Warehouse. If you climb to the top floor in the first bay, then jump onto the forklift, a Striker will appear. When killed, he drops 3 items (hypo spray, phase cloak, force shield). The phase cloak and the force shield are otherwise not encountered before CHAPTER 03 . PUZZLE PIECES, and the secret Striker comes before the first Striker you see normally (after you find Chung).

I can't think of any other "true" Easter egg such as that one.

Scripts and binaries

Filling in... or not...

The day after

Alice in Wonderland


Anims, sounds, music

Stuff that is not seen in the original game can be found in the scripts and binaries.

For example : a music theme called "The Hunt" is available in CHAPTER 13 . PHOENIX RISING ; additional characters can be spawned for the boss battle in CHAPTER 14 . DAWN OF THE CHRYSALIS...

Iron Demon

The Iron Demon's walking sounds can be found in Oni's global resources.

Developer Mode

A reference to the Developer Mode (cheatcode thedayismine) is found on a crate label in CHAPTER 01 . TRIAL RUN, along with the Old Man Murray reference.

The developer mode was believed to be absent from Oni beta 5 and later, but has been unlocked in all versions in January and June 2006.

More features

Stuff like breaking glass with combos and throws, or glass shards causing damage... that wasn't in the original Oni, and wasn't really "locked" either : they are all-new features (supported by the engine, but which Bungie somehow didn't use).