To ensure we don't lose track of them during upgrades, below are the changes made to default settings in MediaWiki for OniGalore. The customizations to the wiki's JS and CSS pages are documented at MediaWiki:Common and MediaWiki:Vector.
"Custom namespaces" below refers to "AE:", "BSL:", "Oni2:", "OBD:", "XML:".
- $wgAllowUserJs set to true
- $wgAllowUserCss set to true
- Custom namespaces are now shown in Uncategorized pages, images, and categories (they should also be counted in reports like Special:LongPages!)
- $wgCountCategorizedImagesAsUsed -- was this changed?
- $wgConfirmAccountContact -- set to wiki-****
- $wgAccountRequestToS -- during account request process, displays message "requestaccount-tos", which displays MediaWiki:Requestaccount-page, which is supposed to display OniGalore:Terms of Service, which redirects to OniGalore:Privacy policy. If that is not working for account requesters, then this variable should be false or we should make a Terms of Service page
- $wgPFEnableStringFunctions set to true
- $wgContentNamespaces had custom namespaces and "User:" added to it
- $wgCategoryTreeMaxDepth -- ?
- $wgCategoryTreeDefaultOptions -- ?
- $wgCategoryTreeCategoryPageOptions -- ?
- $wgCategoryTreeSpecialPageOptions -- ?
- Custom namespaces now shown in Most revisions
- $wgAllowSlowParserFunctions set to true
- $wgRestrictDisplayTitle set to false
- $wgArticleCountMethod set to 'comma'
- $wgRegisterInternalExternals set to true
- Dump of "externallinks" table to performed every 24 hours
Extensions installed:
- CategoryTree
- Cite (will be core from 1.21 on)
- ConfirmAccount
- ConfirmEdit (core)
- ParserFunctions (core)