- Pickup system: in v1 player actor was checking for overlapping items, in v2 overlapping item sends signal to player. (Advantage: much smaller code. Disadvantage: player can't pickup items he was spawned on because the items beginOverlap function won't fire in such a case.)
- Reduced capsule radius for characters (changed from 42 to 30), characters can now better run into each other (shouldn't be set to 0 because then the mesh overlap all the time), we might change the values again when adding H2H combat.
- Reduced Konoko's Capsule Half Height to from 96 to 80 and moved her mesh to Z -82.
Temporal solution for climbing up:
- Increased grabbing height in MoveToLocation macro. Height Location subtracts now 107 instead of 120. (Is this somewhat related to character's capsule height?)
- With increase grabbing height the character comes out to high. As consequence Climb_Montage uses for now ClimbAdjTest and Crouch_to_StandClimbAdjTest. The the later makes Z start at 0 and goes down -60. The -60 is not fully taken into account, however it avoid a camera glitch that would be appear between 0 and -40.
Temporal solution for climbing around a corner:
- CornerLeft and CornerRight uses now Z values of -10.
future version
- Merge General BP Interface with ONCC interface
- redo health system
Prevent rolling animation when character should just grab a ledge:
- Happens when you jump from a higher placer to a ledge.
- Add here ...
Prevent ledge grab when character falls far too fast
- When jumping down very deep ...
- Add here ...