Talk:Level0 Tools

From OniGalore
Revision as of 23:15, 4 November 2022 by Mai X (talk | contribs)

Final Candidate build 7 (Windows, English)

Wait, what? Final Candidate for Windows? Where did you get it or info about it? Please, tell me!
I found only 2 'prototypes' of Oni. Both of them are for PS2 (but also playable on PS3 or PCSX2). There are small difference in textures and geometries. I can supply links to these prototypes. And (if you can), please, supply me a link to the FC7!
I want it just because I'm completely exhausted by trying to localize German or Japanese tools. And because I keep an archive of anything related to Oni early dev stages (off-line, on my private HDDs).
--Mai X (talk) 00:11, 5 November 2022 (CET)