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Main Page >> Oni Binary Data >> File Types >> ONCC File

<== ONCC File ==>
Oni Character Class


01 DF 03 0099100991-konoko_generic.ONCC
01 00 00 063level 3
CD CC 0C 3F0.550000unknown; always the same
8F C2 75 3D0.060000unknown
CD CC 8C 3F1.100000unknown
00 00 80 C0-4.000000unknown; always the same
8F C2 F5 3C0.030000unknown
07 007unknown; always the same
14 0020unknown
00 00 34 4245.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 07 43135.000000unknown; always the same
01 F8 03 001016link to 01016-shadow1.TXMP
00 00 40 4112.000000height, where the shadow fades out completely
00 00 00 418.000000height, where the diameter of the shadow decreases and the shadow fades out half
00 00 C0 406.000000height, where the diameter of the shadow decreases
00 00 90 404.500000height, where the diameter of the shadow decreases
00 00 40 403.000000height, where the diameter of the shadow decreases
30 0048transparency of the shadow for the first part of a jump
30 0048transparency of the shadow for the second part of a jump
00 00 C8 4125.000000unknown; always the same
066unknown; always the same
AD DEdeadnot used; always the same
00 00 20 4240.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 96 43300.000000unknown; always the same
35 FA 8E 3C0.017453unknown; always the same
DB 0F C9 3F1.570796unknown; always the same
00 00 A0 405.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown; always the same
06 006hypo regeneration time per health point in 1/60 seconds; that means, if you use a hypo, the health increases in 6/60 seconds (= 0.1 seconds) by one; always the same
AD DEdeadnot used; always the same
00 10 3D 48193600.000000unknown; always the same
00 10 3D 4748400.000000unknown; always the same
00 10 3D 4612100.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
23 0035unknown; always the same
5A 0090unknown; always the same
0F 0015unknown; always the same
78 00120unknown; always the same
23 0035unknown; always the same
01 001unknown; always the same
02 002unknown; always the same
64 00100unknown; always the same
0A 0010unknown; always the same
0C 0012unknown; always the same
16 0022unknown; always the same
000unknown; always the same
DEdeadnot used; always the same
00 00 00 3F0.500000unknown; always the same
konoko_hurt_lighthurt light sound
(08120-konoko_hurt_light.grp.OSBD of level 0)
(08121-konoko_hurt_light.imp.OSBD of level 0)
konoko_hurt_mediumhurt medium sound
(08122-konoko_hurt_medium.grp.OSBD of level 0)
(08123-konoko_hurt_medium.imp.OSBD of level 0)
konoko_hurt_heavyhurt heavy sound
(08118-konoko_hurt_heavy.grp.OSBD of level 0)
(08119-konoko_hurt_heavy.imp.OSBD of level 0)
konoko_deathdeath sound
(08114-konoko_death.grp.OSBD of level 0)
(08115-konoko_death.imp.OSBD of level 0)
00 00 00 000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000unknown; always the same
17 00 00 0023unknown
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown
06 006unknown
18 0024unknown
0F 0015unknown
00 000unknown; always the same
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown
00 00 00 3F0.500000unknown; always the same
00 00 C8 4125.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000unknown
05 00 00 005unknown
0F 00 00 0015unknown
3C 00 00 0060unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000.000000unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown
CD CC CC 3E0.400000unknown
CD CC CC 3E0.400000unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown
1E 0030unknown; always the same
2D 0045unknown; always the same
9A 99 99 3E0.300000unknown
A1 C1 64 3C0.013962unknown
B8 1E 05 3E0.130000unknown; always the same
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
9A 99 99 3E0.300000unknown
D9 91 2B 3C0.010472unknown
CD CC 4C 3D0.050000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 3F0.500000unknown
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
9A 99 99 3E0.300000unknown; always the same
A1 AC 80 3C0.015707unknown
8F C2 F5 3C0.030000unknown
CD CC 4C 3E0.200000unknown
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
9A 99 99 3E0.300000unknown
81 C3 E4 3A0.001745unknown
00 00 00 000.0000000unknown
CD CC CC 3D0.100000unknown
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
9A 99 99 3E0.300000unknown; always the same
81 C3 E4 3A0.001745unknown
B8 1E 05 3E0.130000unknown
66 66 66 3F0.900000unknown
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
9A 99 99 3E0.300000unknown
81 C3 E4 3A0.001745unknown
CD CC 4C 3D0.050000unknown
CD CC CC 3D0.100000unknown; always the same
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
9A 99 99 3E0.300000unknown
73 92 AB 3B0.005236unknown
0A D7 23 3C0.010000unknown
00 00 00 3F0.500000unknown
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
9A 99 99 3E0.300000unknown
D9 91 2B 3C0.010472unknown
0A D7 23 3D0.040000unknown
00 00 00 3F0.500000unknown
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000.000000unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000.000000unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000.000000unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
5A 00 00 0090unknown; always the same
F0 00 00 00240unknown; always the same
B4 00 00 00180unknown; always the same
28 00 00 0040unknown; always the same
37 00 00 0055unknown
3C 00 00 0060unknown
00 000unknown
16 0022unknown
64100sound used
000sound not used
000sound not used
000sound not used
000sound not used
000sound not used
64100sound used
64100sound used
000sound not used
000sound not used; always the same
00 000unknown; always the same
c17_99_28konokotaunt sound (04760-c17_99_28konoko.aif.SNDD of level 0)
not used"who's there?" sound
not used"I see you" sound
not used"you lose" sound
not used"where are you?" sound
not used"why is this happening?" sound
c18_79_14konokopunch heavy sound (04766-c18_79_14konoko.aif.SNDD of level 0)
c18_79_15konokokick heavy sound (04767-c18_79_15konoko.aif.SNDD of level 0)
not usedunknown; only the superninja use it; it's another c18_79 sound
not usedunknown; never used in Oni; maybe it's for the unused c18_71 sounds
00 80 ED 43475.000000eyeshot; you can make it visible with the script command ai2_showvision = 1
00 00 16 43150.000000earshot; you can make it visible with the script command ai2_showvision = 1
7D 1B 44 3F0.766044unknown
F3 B3 51 3F0.819152unknown
E8 D5 12 3F0.573576unknown
D5 D0 31 3E0.173648unknown; always the same
6B 61 D8 BE0.422618unknown; always the same
B4 00 00 00180unknown; always the same
84 03 00 00900unknown; always the same
10 0E 00 003600unknown; always the same
10 0E 00 003600unknown; always the same
50 46 00 0018000unknown; always the same
A0 8C 00 0036000unknown; always the same
00 00 80 3F1.000000unknown; always the same
01 FB 03 001019link to 01019-konoko.ONCV
01 F9 03 001017link to 01017-.ONCP; you can set all to zero, Oni doesn't need it
01 FA 03 001018link to 01018-.ONIA; you can set all to zero, Oni doesn't need it
00 00 00 000unknown; always the same
Lightunknown; maybe the weight
Footstep_Walkwalk impact (04124-Footstep_Walk.Impt of level 0); always the same;
without the impacts you can't hear the steps of a character
FF FF65535unknown; always the same
Footstep_RunMainrun impact (04129-Footstep_RunMain.Impt of level 0); always the same
FF FF65535unknown; always the same
Footstep_Crouchcrouch impact (04123-Footstep_Crouch.Impt of level 0); always the same
FF FF65535unknown; always the same
Fall_Slidefall slide impact (04122-Fall_Slide.Impt of level 0); always the same
FF FF65535unknown; always the same
Fall_Landfall land impact (04119-Fall_Land.Impt of level 0); always the same
FF FF65535unknown; always the same
Fall_LandHardland hard impact (04120-Fall_LandHard.Impt of level 0); always the same
FF FF65535unknown; always the same
Fall_Knockdownfall knockdown impact (04118-Fall_Knockdown.Impt of level 0); always the same
FF FF65535unknown; always the same
Fall_Knockdownfall knockdown impact (04118-Fall_Knockdown.Impt of level 0); always the same
FF FF65535unknown; always the same
Fall_Knockdownfall knockdown impact (04118-Fall_Knockdown.Impt of level 0); always the same
FF FF65535unknown; always the same
Footstep_Turnturn impact (04135-Footstep_Turn.Impt of level 0); always the same
FF FF65535unknown; always the same
Footstep_RunStartrun start impact (04131-Footstep_RunStart.Impt of level 0); always the same
FF FF65535unknown; always the same
Footstep_SingleStepsingle step impact (04134-Footstep_SingleStep.Impt of level 0); always the same
FF FF65535unknown; always the same
Footstep_RunStoprun stop impact (04133-Footstep_RunStop.Impt of level 0); always the same
FF FF65535unknown; always the same
Footstep_WalkStopwalk stop impact (04137-Footstep_WalkStop.Impt of level 0); always the same
FF FF65535unknown; always the same
Footstep_RunSprintrun fast impact (04130-Footstep_RunSprint.Impt of level 0); always the same
FF FF65535unknown; always the same
00 000unknown; always the same
not usedspecial death particles; only the mad bomber use it
00 00 00 000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000unknown; always the same
01 E6 03 00998link to 00998-konoko_body_high.TRBS
01 E7 03 00999link to 00999-konoko002_high_texture_generic.TRMA
01 E8 03 001000link to 01000-.CBPM
01 EC 03 001004link to 01004-.CBPI
2C 01 00 00300unknown
30 75 00 0030000unknown; always the same
30 75 00 0030000unknown; always the same
C8 00 00 00200basic health of the character model; extra health informations for every unique character you'll find in the Character.BINA file
48 00 00 0072unknown; always the same
00 00 80 3F1.000000minimal body size factor (Thanks to geyser for this info.)
00 00 80 3F1.000000maximal body size factor (Thanks to geyser for this info.)
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 3F0.500000unknown
00 00 80 3E0.250000unknown
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 000.000000unknown; always the same
00 00 00 3F0.500000unknown
01 F6 03 001014link to 01014-konoko_animations.TRAC
01 F7 03 001015link to 01015-konoko_screens.TRSC
1E 0030unknown; always the same
00 000unknown; only the mad bomber use it
AD DE AD DEdeadnot used; always the same

Here you can download the complete overview of all used different ONCC files as a text file.
Copy it to a spreadsheet calculation program like Excel.
  • text filewith commas as decimal hyphens (200 kb)
  • text filewith points as decimal hyphens (200 kb)

<== ONCC File ==>

Main Page >> Oni Binary Data >> File Types >> ONCC File