OBD:TURR: Difference between revisions

746 bytes removed ,  12 October 2010
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{{OBDtr| 0x554 | int32    |64AAAA| 00 00 00 00 | 0          | unknown; always 0 for TURR; 1 for ONWCw9_scr }}
{{OBDtr| 0x554 | int32    |64AAAA| 00 00 00 00 | 0          | firing mode options; the following bits are possible (values in hex): 0x01 00 00 00 - No wild shots }}
{{OBDtr| 0x558 | float    |EBEBEB| 81 FD 7F 3F | 0.999962    | x1 coefficient of transform matrix ^_^ }}
{{OBDtr| 0x55C | float    |EBEBEB| 8E A7 47 39 | 0.000190    | y1 coefficient of transform matrix ^_^ }}
|- align=center valign=top
{{OBDtr| 0x560 | float    |EBEBEB| 1A F8 0E 3C | 0.008726    | z1 coefficient of transform matrix ^_^ }}
|0x0DC||matrix4x3||style="background-color:#EBEBEB"|{{OBDmatrix4x3|81 FD 7F 3F|8E A7 47 39|1A F8 0E 3C|8E A7 47 39|A0 C1 7F 3F|6F A9 32 BD|1A F8 0E BC|6F A9 32 3D|21 BF 7F 3F|00 00 00 00|00 00 00 00|00 00 00 00}}  
{{OBDtr| 0x564 | float    |EBEBEB| 8E A7 47 39 | 0.000190    | x2 coefficient of transform matrix ^_^ }}
|| {{OBDmatrix4x3|0.999962|0.000190|0.008726|0.000190|0.999048|-0.043619|-0.008726|0.043619|0.999010|0.000000|0.000000|0.000000}}  
{{OBDtr| 0x568 | float    |EBEBEB| A0 C1 7F 3F | 0.999048    | y2 coefficient of transform matrix ^_^ }}
|ALIGN=LEFT|targeting inverse transform matrix - the inverse of the matrix that gives the targeting direction
{{OBDtr| 0x56C | float    |EBEBEB| 6F A9 32 BD | -0.043619  | z2 coefficient of transform matrix ^_^ }}
{{OBDtr| 0x570 | float    |EBEBEB| 1A F8 0E BC | -0.008726  | x3 coefficient of transform matrix ^_^ }}
{{OBDtr| 0x588 | float    |FF00C8| 62 F8 0E 3C | 0.008726    | targeting direction X component }}
{{OBDtr| 0x574 | float    |EBEBEB| 6F A9 32 3D | 0.043619    | y3 coefficient of transform matrix ^_^ }}
{{OBDtr| 0x58C | float    |FF00C8| C9 A9 32 BD | -0.043619  | targeting direction Y component }}
{{OBDtr| 0x578 | float    |EBEBEB| 21 BF 7F 3F | 0.999010    | z3 coefficient of transform matrix ^_^ }}
{{OBDtr| 0x590 | float    |FF00C8| 21 BF 7F 3F | 0.999010    | targeting direction Z component }}
{{OBDtr| 0x57C | float    |8C8CCC| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000    | x4 coefficient of transform matrix ^_^ (always zero) }}
{{OBDtr| 0x594 | float    |FF00C8| 44 57 B9 BD | -0.090498  | targeting origin X component }}
{{OBDtr| 0x580 | float    |8C8CCC| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000   | y4 coefficient of transform matrix ^_^ (always zero) }}
{{OBDtr| 0x598 | float    |FF00C8| 73 27 D9 3D | 0.106032    | targeting origin Y component }}
{{OBDtr| 0x584 | float    |8C8CCC| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000    | z4 coefficient of transform matrix ^_^ (always zero) }}
{{OBDtr| 0x59C | float    |FF00C8| D1 99 B1 3B | 0.005420    | targeting origin Z component }}
{{OBDtr| 0x588 | float    |FF00C8| 62 F8 0E 3C | 0.008726    | firing spread aspect ratio? }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5A0 | float    |F0F096| 00 00 96 44 | 1200.000000 | prediction speed }}
{{OBDtr| 0x58C | float    |FF00C8| C9 A9 32 BD | -0.043619  | firing spread azimuth in radians? }}
{{OBDtr| 0x590 | float    |FF00C8| 21 BF 7F 3F | 0.999010    | firing spread elevation in radians? }}
{{OBDtr| 0x594 | float    |FF00C8| 44 57 B9 BD | -0.090498  | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0x598 | float    |FF00C8| 73 27 D9 3D | 0.106032    | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0x59C | float    |FF00C8| D1 99 B1 3B | 0.005420    | unknown }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5A0 | float    |F0F096| 00 00 96 44 | 1200.000000 | something with prediction; always the same for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5A4 | float    |F0F096| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000    | inaccuracy tolerance; always 0 for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5A4 | float    |F0F096| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000    | inaccuracy tolerance; always 0 for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5A8 | float    |F0F096| 00 00 20 40 | 2.500000    | unknown; always the same for TURR and ONWC }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5A8 | float    |F0F096| 00 00 20 40 | 2.500000    | aim radius; always the same for TURR and ONWC }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5AC | float    |F0F096| 00 00 48 44 | 800.000000  | sound sphere radius; always the same for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5AC | float    |F0F096| 00 00 48 44 | 800.000000  | sound sphere radius; always the same for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5B0 | float    |F0F096| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000    | minimal shooting distance; always 0 for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5B0 | float    |F0F096| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000    | minimal shooting distance; always 0 for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5B4 | float    |F0F096| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000    | maximal shooting distance; always 0 for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5B4 | float    |F0F096| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000    | maximal shooting distance; always 0 for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5B8 | int16    |00C864| 05 00      | 5          | unknown; always the same for TURR and ONWC }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5B8 | int16    |00C864| 05 00      | 5          | maximum startle misses }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5BA | int16    |00C864| 00 00      | 0          | AI shooting skill ID; always 0 for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5BA | int16    |00C864| 00 00      | 0          | AI shooting skill ID; always 0 for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5BC | int32    |00C864| 00 00 00 00 | 0          | fight timer; always 0 for TURR; 240 for ONWCw4_psm, 200 for ONWCv6_vdg }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5BC | int32    |00C864| 00 00 00 00 | 0          | fight timer; always 0 for TURR; 240 for ONWCw4_psm, 200 for ONWCv6_vdg }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5C0 | float    |00C864| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000    | something with grenades (150 for ONWCw5_sbg, 160 for w11_ba1); always 0 for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5C0 | float    |00C864| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000    | ballistic projectile speed (150 for ONWCw5_sbg, 160 for w11_ba1); always 0 for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5C4 | float    |00C864| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000    | something with grenades (0.5 for ONWCw5_sbg, 0.3 for w11_ba1); always 0 for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5C4 | float    |00C864| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000    | ballistic projectile gravity (0.5 for ONWCw5_sbg, 0.3 for w11_ba1); always 0 for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5C8 | float    |00C864| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000    | length of firing spread? always 0 for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5C8 | float    |00C864| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000    | length of firing spread; always 0 for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5CC | float    |00C8FF| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000    | width of firing spread? always 0 for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5CC | float    |00C8FF| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000    | width of firing spread; always 0 for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5D0 | float    |00C8FF| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000    | skew angle of firing spread? always 0 for TURR }}
{{OBDtr| 0x5D0 | float    |00C8FF| 00 00 00 00 | 0.000000    | skew angle of firing spread; always 0 for TURR }}

