OBD:TRAM: Difference between revisions

1 byte removed ,  22 November 2022
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{{OBDtr| 0x028 | offset  |FFFFC8| E0 B8 80 00 | 0x0080B8E0  | .raw-address of the [[OBD:TRAM/raw0x28|footstep data]] }}
{{OBDtr| 0x028 | offset  |FFFFC8| E0 B8 80 00 | 0x0080B8E0  | .raw-address of the [[OBD:TRAM/raw0x28|footstep data]] }}
{{OBDtr| 0x02C | offset  |FFFFC8| 00 B9 80 00 | 0x0080B900  | .raw-address of the [[OBD:TRAM/raw0x2C|particle data]] (trails, dust, etc.) }}
{{OBDtr| 0x02C | offset  |FFFFC8| 00 B9 80 00 | 0x0080B900  | .raw-address of the [[OBD:TRAM/raw0x2C|particle data]] (trails, dust, etc.) }}
{{OBDtr| 0x030 | offset  |FFFFC8| 60 B9 80 00 | 0x0080B960  | .raw-address of the [[OBD:TRAM/raw0x30|position data]] (for basic prediction) )}}
{{OBDtr| 0x030 | offset  |FFFFC8| 60 B9 80 00 | 0x0080B960  | .raw-address of the [[OBD:TRAM/raw0x30|position data]] (for basic prediction) }}
{{OBDtr| 0x034 | offset  |FFFFC8| 00 BD 80 00 | 0x0080BD00  | .raw-address of the [[OBD:TRAM/raw0x34|rotations]] (of all body parts) }}
{{OBDtr| 0x034 | offset  |FFFFC8| 00 BD 80 00 | 0x0080BD00  | .raw-address of the [[OBD:TRAM/raw0x34|rotations]] (of all body parts) }}
{{OBDtr| 0x038 | offset  |FFFFC8| 00 00 00 00 | unused      | .raw-address of the [[OBD:TRAM/raw0x38|sound data]] }}
{{OBDtr| 0x038 | offset  |FFFFC8| 00 00 00 00 | unused      | .raw-address of the [[OBD:TRAM/raw0x38|sound data]] }}