Talk:Importing character models

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For TRBS files

To export an ONCC or TRBS file to Collada format:

  onisplit -extract:dae dest_dir ..\GameDataFolder\level0_Final\ONCCkonoko_generic.oni

This will produce an ONCCkonoko_generic.dae collada file in the directory dest_dir plus the tga texture files used by the specified character.

Note: Blender's Collada importer/exporter is buggy, so you will need to add the options -noanim and -zup when extracting collada files for use with Blender:

  onisplit -extract:dae dest_dir -noanim -zup ..\GameDataFolder\level0_Final\ONCCkonoko_generic.oni

-noanim prevents the export of the default idle animation. That's needed because Blender doesn't import animated objects correctly. -zup exports a collada file with a coordinate system where Z axis points up instead of the default (Y up). This is needed because Blender uses Z up but the importer gets it wrong and convert to something else.

To create a TRBS file, use the following command:

  onisplit -create:trbs ..\GameDataFolder\level0_Final ONCCkonoko_generic.dae

This will create the TRBSkonoko_generic.oni file in dest_dir.

Options include

  -normals autogenerate normals.
  -cel generate a shell to give the effect of cel shading.


  onisplit -create:trbs ..\GameDataFolder\level0_Final -normals ONCCkonoko_generic.dae

For more detailed information about importing characters, please this page: AE:Importing character models