talk (idea about new overpower values) (see here for actual project: AE:Daodan_overpower_and_upgrades)
offset 0x04 - is it really the level ID? When I set 01 to 12 nothing change, the settings are still global. My actual goal is to add settings for a specific level beside the global once. --Paradox-01 14:29, 29 August 2008 (CEST)
- It might be a field that isn't used by the engine. Suggestion: Try copying it over into level 12's .dat and see if it overrides. Gumby 18:36, 29 August 2008 (CEST)
- I tried your suggestion but still no effect. --Paradox-01 19:51, 29 August 2008 (CEST)
- Ok, last resort, try removing the one from level 0. Gumby 22:28, 29 August 2008 (CEST)
- I tried your suggestion but still no effect. --Paradox-01 19:51, 29 August 2008 (CEST)
Umm, what are guys trying to do more exactly?
- He is trying to make a level specific ONGS. I am thinking that to do that, you need one for every level (because the level0 one overrides any level specific ones), but it all depends on if Oni will read an ONGS from outside of level0. Gumby 23:20, 29 August 2008 (CEST)
- Nope, that does not work. ONGS is read only once, at startup. Since at startup only level0 is loaded in memory ONGS cannot be overriden. User:Neo
- Ok. But could it be possible to have two sets of setting in this one file (one global and one for a specific level)? --Paradox-01 00:29, 30 August 2008 (CEST)
- I doubt it, if it is only read at startup, and there are no places in the file where it mentions other levels Gumby 01:06, 30 August 2008 (CEST)
- No. The only way this can be done is with some sort of engine hack. User:Neo
- Hmm, ok, would be to time consuming just to mod this. --Paradox-01 13:15, 30 August 2008 (CEST)
- No. The only way this can be done is with some sort of engine hack. User:Neo
- I doubt it, if it is only read at startup, and there are no places in the file where it mentions other levels Gumby 01:06, 30 August 2008 (CEST)
- Ok. But could it be possible to have two sets of setting in this one file (one global and one for a specific level)? --Paradox-01 00:29, 30 August 2008 (CEST)
- Nope, that does not work. ONGS is read only once, at startup. Since at startup only level0 is loaded in memory ONGS cannot be overriden. User:Neo
Missing fields: does group block count as techique? I'm just wondering because there's only single block so far but both in the melee profile. --Paradox-01 21:35, 30 August 2008 (CEST)
- I don't know, that's why I added those descriptions even if I don't know exactly what those fields do. Maybe someone puts the pieces together and finds the answer. Neo
health bar modding
Note <UsedHealthElements> when you edit health indicator colors. Increase it by 1 if you add information in one more <HealthPercent> and <HealthColor>.
These changes effect also
- BSL command "ai2_showhealth = 1"
- Baba's regeneration (probably <UseSpecialTint> particle flag)
- and melee impact flashes which show the character's health status who was hit
The color between health flags (<Float>) is a mix.
The color keeps the same when passing the the last health flag.
<HealthPercent> <Float>0</Float> <Float>0.659999967</Float> <Float>0.979999959</Float> <Float>1</Float> <Float>1.5</Float> [...]
<HealthColor> <Color>255 0 0</Color> <Color>255 255 0</Color> <Color>19 161 43</Color> <Color>0 255 0</Color> <Color>68 119 255</Color> [...]