From OniGalore
Revision as of 18:38, 4 November 2012 by Paradox-01 (talk | contribs)

Vanilla ONVL tree

This doesn't list the upgrades, just the basic hierarchy of the ONCV. (What upgrades are missing?)

  • any
    • irondemon
    • konoko
      1. copfem
      2. doctorfem
      3. genericfem
      4. red
        • red_easy
        • red_med
        • red_hard
      5. shinatama
        • shinzom
    • striker
      1. barabus
      2. bomber (not indexed in ONVL, so not available for ONCC (bomber and madbomber .. wut?)
      3. comguy
        1. copmale
        2. doctormale
        3. genericmale
        4. griffin
        5. griffin_swat
        6. madbomber
        7. muro
        8. mutantmuro
        9. ninja
          • ninjabot
          • ninja_easy
          • ninja_med
          • ninja_hard
          • super_ninja
        10. security
        11. sniper
        12. tanker
          • tanker_easy
          • tanker_med
          • tanker_hard
            • tanker_casual
        13. tctf_lite
          • blackops_lite
        14. thug
          • thug_air
          • thug_mfg
          • thug_neuro
          • thug_pow
          • thug_wh
      4. elite
        • elite_easy
        • elite_med
        • elite_hard
      5. striker_easy
      6. striker_med
      7. striker_hard
      8. tctf_swat
        • blackops_swat