Anniversary Edition/To-do

AE Project

  = done but not tested
  = done and tested

Status Task Description
General work
Improve AE Installer Add auto-download and update checks, etc. (see section below)
Update GUIs Make sure AE Tools and Windows GUI work with the latest AE
Globalizing like 2010 AE? Make sure globalization is working as intended
Convert Globalize items to packages Package up the tweaks and minor fixes and place on Depot:
*VanillaBSL: Investigate Win vs. Mac
*Level 4: Cars (which is 960, 9601, 9602?) - fixed UVs and added DeLorean
Update packages on Depot for AEI 2 List changes that need to be made here:
*Move HD menu textures to HD Screens package (see OCF post)
*Combine platform-specific mods where applicable
*Reduce all nodes to one mod attachment
*Incompatibility field -- for example, Grey Fury and Exploding Barrel
*Dependencies field -- e.g. 80211 requires 80210
Split up character additives Which parts will get mandatory? Depending on that update packages which require parts of char additives, e.g. SMP-chars
What about non-package mods? They will only become more overlooked now that users will have less reason to be browsing the Depot directly...
Add VDG throw fix? Make this package a core tweak package?
Fix damage for TCTF back throw Need specifics on this from Samer
Add jewels hit fix Vanilla jewels hit only works on Striker TRAC-based characters; add for Comguy-based TRACs except robots
Add team fix for TCTF HQ civilians Samer says he has a fix for TCTF attacking civvies
Include new ONCVs/ONVL Include these files in core so Samer's characters will work
Update Main Menu Remove release date from menu
Update docs Update documentation on wiki about Mac app and Daodan DLL
Rebuild Daodan DLL Build DLL with DaodanGL off, put in package
Recommend any mods? Offer a "five-star" package or recommended list of mods, to help user get started? Could be in form of PDF that is updated over time, or list in read-me, or a special list for the AEI of mods to d/l and install
Think about demos Should people need to own Oni to try the AE? A demo using the original 2/3 demo levels would be nice advertising
Don't forget ModDB Our little outpost on ModDB needs updating when the new release is ready
Package bugs
Dashing AI cutscene fix Fix the cutscenes where running characters now dash and go off the correct path (has EdT fixed some of these?); also, there was a report of the dash-run-dash bug still occurring; Gumby claimed to have fixed this on 6/18/10
Fix bug with Dream Lab photos The replaced flyby photos are not being found in level13_Final; can be solved by shipping the ONLV file
Raise femcop health in Upgraded ONCCs We have multiple reports that Karen et al. have way too low health in this pkg
Cutscene fix for Ch. 14 Prevent Konoko from appearing on the side of the screen before she falls from the plane (done?)
BGI pistol fix Does the pistol still claim it has no recoil?
Brutal AI fix Does the current version still break super moves? Version 2 should not
Knockdown revamp There's a report of one's throws hitting your own character, and also that uninstalling this mod does not revert things back to the way they were (see Samer's post)
Fix switched Tanker super sounds Supposedly some package is doing this, needs research (edit: see this post)
Fix "OP" plasma rifle in Upgraded Weapons The rifle is either knocking down its target all the time (should only be when airborne), or else it stunlocks them
What about Loser's mods? Loser seems to want us to cut them all out; there are numerous issues reported for them, such as here

AE Installer

  = partially done
  = completely done

Working offline (   )
The AE(I)-folder has to be able to be moved to other machines without the need for internet access to use the AE. This includes mods downloaded to the AEI-folder being installable on those target machines.
Open folders in explorer (   )
Open package folders from mod list, open Edition folder from menu.
OniSplit and other tools from depot (Vago, AE Tools, Demo's GUI, Lukas Level Unlocker) (   )
Download/Update from depot. Do not ship with the AEI to always get the latest version.
Dependencies (   )
Give a warning when a mod's dependencies aren't selected for installation (ability to autoselect the required mods). Requires additions to the mod .cfgs.
Incompatibilities (   )
Warn user when he is selecting two mods that don't like each other. Requires additions to the mod .cfgs.
File conflicts
Passively alert user when one mod will overwrite some/all of the files in another mod, maybe using flagged text in main window or background color in conflicting mod's lines in the mod list.
Mod Depot access (   )
List mods from Depot, download/install automatically.
Mod list order (   )
Order list alphabetically, by mod number, by category alphabetically.
Java check / download (   )
Check for Java 6 and provide installer if needed (Mac, Windows).
.NET check / download (   )
Check for installed .NET framework and if not installed download/install the most appropriate one (MS.NET, Mono, 32/64bit).
Correct or avoid problem with mod overload
Prevent user from checking too many mods, or else fix the bug in the AEI or OniSplit (or the OS?) that prevents too many .oni files or other resources from being installed at once.
Fix HasOnis bug (   )
When a package has HasOnis->No, it will not appear in the AEI. Do not check HasOnis at all (decide on files existing or not).
Check correct location on startup (   )
Installer/AE should reside within an installation folder of Oni.