Page count project
Magic words
These first two poorly-documented magic words provide easy answers to the amount of content on the wiki. However, unless they are based on something logical that I haven't discovered yet, they are completely useless.
MW code says: Simply count all entries in page table.
Iritscen says: What gives, MW? This number is higher than the total of files, articles, and talk pages, so what the heck is the software looking at? Totally unhelpful.
MW code says: From MW 1.18 on, the software gets a distinct count of the entries in the pagelinks table, "pl_from" field, that match those page ids. In other words, it filters out pages that do not link to other pages (the reasoning presumably being that "those aren't real wiki pages" if they're not connecting to anything else). Does this mean redirects are counted?
Iritscen says:
PAGESINNS, AKA PAGESINNAMESPACE: These counts agree with the number of pages displayed for each namespace on the Special:AllPages page, which provides some much-needed verifiability. However, since Allpages counts redirect pages, that means that PAGESINNS does too. Therefore, we can't use a straight sum of PAGESINNS results as our page count. See final section for the adjusted number.
PAGESINNS breakdown:
- Namespace Media has ID -2, but we can't get a page count
- Namespace Special has ID -1, but we can't get a page count
- Namespace Main does not return an ID number, but apparently it's 0, because {{PAGESINNS:0}} returns 749 pages, which agrees with Special:AllPages
- Namespace Talk has ID 1 and 113 pages
- Namespace User has ID 2 and 123 pages
- Namespace User talk has ID 3 and 51 pages
- Namespace OniGalore has ID 4 and 15 pages
- Namespace OniGalore talk has ID 5 and 2 pages
- Namespace File has ID 6 and 2,665 pages
- Namespace File talk has ID 7 and 17 pages
- Namespace MediaWiki has ID 8 and 39 pages
- Namespace MediaWiki talk has ID 9 and 1 pages
- Namespace Template has ID 10 and 131 pages
- Namespace Template talk has ID 11 and 6 pages
- Namespace Help has ID 12 and 2 pages
- Namespace Help talk has ID 13 and 2 pages
- Namespace Category has ID 14 and 191 pages
- Namespace Category talk has ID 15 and 6 pages
- Namespace BSL has ID 100 and 60 pages
- Namespace BSL talk has ID 101 and 6 pages
- Namespace OBD has ID 102 and 191 pages
- Namespace OBD talk has ID 103 and 36 pages
- Namespace AE has ID 104 and 23 pages
- Namespace AE talk has ID 105 and 15 pages
- Namespace Oni2 has ID 108 and 37 pages
- Namespace Oni2 talk has ID 109 and 18 pages
All articlespaces (without File) totalled using PAGESINNS: 1561
All talkspaces totalled using PAGESINNS: 256
The grand total for all namespaces (including File) is: 4499
There were 357 redirects as of 4/22/12 according to Special:ListRedirects.
Redirect breakdown:
- Main: 289
- Talk: 9
- Help: 1
- File: 8
- AE: 10
- AE Talk: 1
- BSL: 2
- OBD: 21
- OBD Talk: 3
- OniGalore: 2
- Oni2: 8
- Oni2 Talk: 1
- User: 2
NUMBEROFPAGES is worse than useless, and I cannot reconcile NUMBEROFARTICLES with PAGESINNS. On the other hand, PAGESINNS reconciles with AllPages, which makes it verifiable. So we need to get the true count by using PAGESINNS and subtracting redirects (which is unfortunate because the redirect part has to be counted manually).
Namespaces Main, User, BSL, OBD, AE, and Oni2 totaled using PAGESINNS: 1183
True count (above total minus redirects in those namespaces): 851