Talk:Creating a level
- update page referring only to the newest OniSplit version
- update page with blender examples, move XSI stuff to an archive page
- add tips for cutscene characters: sync pelvis OBAN and partner TRAM
- add notes on camera and film import
- make new demo level after implementation of final scene import/export, DAE-based CRSA import/export, shared folder bug fix, ENVP recycler
- OniSplit v0.9.99.0+ no longer supports node tags when importing, so instead of…
<Import Path="env/lab_motorcycle.dae"> <Node Id="motorcycle"> <ScriptId>9</ScriptId> <GunkFlags>NoCollision</GunkFlags> </Node> </Import>
…we need to use:
<Import Path="env/lab_motorcycle.dae"> <ScriptId>9</ScriptId> <GunkFlags>NoCollision</GunkFlags> </Import>