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In Anniversary Edition, its fairly easy to add a Character Class (ONCC) using an existing one.

Here's is how I added a Black Elite Striker ONCC, using the TXMPs from Rexxar.

1) Duplicated ONCCelite_hard_3.oni and renamed it to ONCCelite_hard_4.oni

2) Duplicated TRMAEL_3_H_high_tx.oni and renamed it TRMAEL_5_H_high_tx.oni

3) Renamed Rexxar's Black Elite Striker TXMPs from TXMPELITE_HARD to TXMPELITE_HRDB (By using a different name, the original TXMPs are preserved. Also, it is important to keep the length of the filenames the same.)

4) In ONCCelite_hard_4.oni, two values were changed: ONCCelite_hard_3 to ONCCelite_hard_4 and TRMAEL_3_H_high_tx to TRMAEL_5_H_high_tx.


5) In TRMAEL_5_H_high_tx.oni, TRMAEL_3_H_high_tx was changed to TRMAEL_5_H_high_tx.

6) Next in TRMAEL_5_H_high_tx.oni, change the names of the TXMPs from HARD to HRDB to match the new TXMPs.


7) A tip on how to quickly test your new class. Put all the files, ONCC, TRMA and TXMPs in a level folder other then level0_Final and recompile that level. For example I use level1_Final to test various mods. The reason for this is speed. There are relatively few files in the level1_Final folder, so it will recompile quickly. Much faster than level0_Final.

8) Once your new class has been tested, then move them out of your test level, (be sure to recompile that level to remove the data), and then put them in the level0_Final folder and recompile level0. Now your new class will be available in al the levels.

9) How can I see my new class? One way is to shapeshift into the new class.

10) To add the new class to a level you will need to modify the BINACJBOCharacter.oni. Here I changed the class for the elite to elite_hard_4


That's basically it. Have fun!