
From OniGalore
Revision as of 22:19, 4 December 2015 by Iritscen (talk | contribs) (Introduction is now explicitly aimed at the experienced coder who just wants the short story, not the long story at BSL:Manual)
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This page gives a brief look at BSL for those with scripting or programming experience. For those familiar with a typical procedural language like C, BSL's syntax and concepts will be very familiar, but BSL's feature set is stripped down to a degree that is simpler than even most scripting languages. For details on any aspect of the language, look at the Manual page.


Comments are marked with the pound sign:

var int a = 0; # this global is also modified in my_cutscenes.bsl


When Oni loads a level, it also loads and parses all .bsl files in the folder in IGMD which contains that level's scripts (the name of the folder being specified by the level's ONLV resource). Like C, the code automatically begins running with the function called "main", regardless of which .bsl file it is found in (Oni's scripts always place it in a file called *_main.bsl).

Note that the optional global folder is also loaded for all levels, but any function found in a .bsl file there will be stranded and only accessible by console unless you edit a function in some level's existing BSL file so that it calls your global function.


BSL supports strong and weak syntax in some ways. Here's a typical statement:


You can omit the semicolon, parentheses, and also the quotes if your string doesn't have any spaces in it:

dmsg Hello

Similarly, here's the formal syntax for a snippet of code:

func void some_function(void)
   var int a;
   a = 4;
   if (a eq 4)

The same code would look like this in the weak syntax:

func void some_function(void)
   var int a;
   a = 4
   sleep 60
   if (a eq 4)
      dprint "Hello"

Notice that parentheses are always needed with "if" statements and semicolons are always needed on variable declarations. Note that using the strong syntax avoids certain weird aspects of BSL (see the Manual's "Old vs. new syntax" section for details).

Reserved words


You always need to use "var" when declaring a variable and "func" when defining a function:

var int a = 0;
func int get_enemy_count(void)

Functions do not need to be defined or declared before they can be called, unlike in C.

Type specification

BSL does not support weak typing. You need to specify your types when making declarations, as seen in the above examples. You can choose from "bool", "int", "float" (rarely useful because of BSL's limited math operations), and "string". As with C, you use "void" to mean "no type" when defining functions.


You can make use of the standard if-else statement, and "if" can take multiple conditions:

if ((a < b) and (c > d))
   # ...
   # ...

There is no else-if statement.

Flow interrupt

There is no "goto" statement in BSL, nor any loop controls like "continue" or "break" (since there are no proper loops!). There's a "return" keyword in BSL, but you can't use it except at the end of the function because of a bug in BSL that will fire a "return" inside of an "if" statement regardless of whether the statement evaluates to true or false. So you only use "return" to return data, not to exit early (see "Functions" below).

There's also a "sleep" command that pauses BSL execution; you pass it a number in ticks:

sleep(60); # wait for one second


There's no loop keyword like "for" or "while" in BSL, but you can kind of get a loop using one of two methods. First, you can call a function recursively, but BSL has a short stack, so don't expect to get more than four levels deep. If you just want a loop and not recursion, then you can avoid recursion by sleeping for a tick or so and then forking the recursive call. See BSL:Snippets for an example that also makes up for the missing multiply operator in BSL.

Second, you could use schedule-repeat-every:

schedule some_function() repeat 50 every 20;

Just be aware that the BSL will continue executing without waiting for this loop to stop.


BSL doesn't have robust multi-threading, but you can sort of hack your own solution using "fork" or "schedule". Please see the Manual's section called "Concurrency" for examples.


Like some other languages, BSL differentiates between checking for equivalency ("eq") and setting equivalency ("="):

if (counter eq 3) ...
i = 4;

BSL's operators are pretty standard stuff:

+ -
eq ne < > <= >=
and or !

But you'll note that there is no operator for multiplying or dividing. See the BSL:Snippets page for a cheap hack for multiplication.

Data types

You can choose from "void" (when defining a function), "bool", "int", "float", and "string":

func void something(void)
var int a = 1;

The "int" type is signed 32-bit. See the Manual's "Data types" section to learn about various limitations with math between types in BSL.


As mentioned above, functions do not need to be declared or defined before they are called. Defining and calling a function looks exactly like C, except for the "func" keyword:

a = get_enemy_count(false);
func int get_enemy_count(bool count_dead) { ... return count; }

Once again, please see the Manual's "Functions" section to learn about concurrent and recursive calling.


As usual, variables can be explicitly initialized:

var int y = 9;

or not:

var int y;

In the second case, "y" is set automatically initialized to zero.

Variables can have global scope, if declared outside of a function.

Built-in functions and variables

Like any game, Oni provides access to a number of hardcoded functions and global variables that can be used to write level scripts. They are listed here, and grouped by common task in the Scripting tasks category.