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/* Prevent sidewards scrolling in pre elements */
  overflow: auto;
  max-height: 25em;

/* Make visited links same color as unvisited (standard Wikipedia color is #0645AD) */
.mw-body a {color:#36B} /* base link color */
.mw-body a:visited {color:#36B} /* make visited same as base color */
.mw-body {color:#FF0000} /* preserve color of red links */
.mw-body {color:#FF0000} /* preserve color of red links */
.mw-body a.external {color:#36B} /* external */
.mw-body a.extiw {color:#36B} /* inter-wiki */
.mw-body a.external:visited {color:#36B} /* external */
.mw-body a.extiw:visited {color:#36B} /* inter-wiki */
div#mw-panel a:visited {color:#36B} /* make visited same as base color */
div#mw-head a:visited {color:#36B} /* make visited same as base color */
div#footer a:visited {color:#36B} /* make visited same as base color */

/* Provide different outbound arrow for intrawiki links */
div#content a.extiw
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 background:url() center right no-repeat;