BSL:Tutorial/airport1 level logic.bsl

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func func_start

func void func_start(string ai_name)
	dprint start_active

	trigvolume_enable hidden1 1
	trigvolume_enable hidden1 1

	if (save_point eq 0)
		particle auto1 start
		particle auto1fire start
		particle auto1spark start
		particle door1spark start
		particle tctf1 start

	if (save_point eq 1)
		env_show 10 1
		env_show 11 1
		env_show 12 1
		dprint restore1_active
		particle auto1 start
		particle auto1fire start
		particle auto1spark start
		particle door1spark start
		particle tctf1 start
		sound_music_start mus_asian 0.5
		ai2_spawn IntroStriker01
		ai2_spawn IntroStriker02
		sleep 30

	if (save_point eq 2)
		dprint restore_2
		particle fx3 do start
		particle exhaust create
		trigvolume_enable tarmac 0
		trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_03 0
		trigvolume_enable bomberboom 0
		trigvolume_enable madbomberbait 0
		door_lock 3
		obj_kill 991 992
		sleep 30
	if (save_point eq 3)
		dprint restore3_active
		door_lock 3
		door_unlock 6
		particle lock1_locklight01 do stop
		particle lock2_locklight01 do start
		console_deactivate 5
		particle door7_locklight01 do start
		particle door2_locklight01 do start
		console_deactivate 6
		trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_02 0
		trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_03 0
		trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_04 0
		trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_08 0
		trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_10 0
		trigvolume_enable trigger_volume_11 0
		trigvolume_enable save_game 0
		trigvolume_enable secondcoming 0
		particle auto1 stop
		particle auto1fire stop
		particle auto1spark stop
		particle door1spark stop
		particle tctf1 stop
		ai2_spawn TerminalTwo_Striker_1
		ai2_spawn TerminalTwo_Striker_2
		particle fx4 do start	
		particle fx5 do start
		particle fx6 do start
		particle fx1 do stop
		particle fx2 do stop
		particle fx3 do stop
		sleep 30

func you_lose

func void you_lose(string ai_name)
	sleep 240
	fade_out 0 0 0 180 
	sleep 240

func you_win

func void you_win(int char_index)

func save_point_1

func void save_point_1(string player_name)
	dprint save_point_1_active
	save_game 1 autosave

func save_point_2

func void save_point_2(string player_name)
	dprint save_point_2_active
	save_game 2 autosave

func save_point_3

func void save_point_3(string player_name)
	dprint save_point_3_active
	save_game 3 autosave
	ai2_spawn TerminalTwo_Striker_1
	ai2_spawn TerminalTwo_Striker_2
	particle fx5 do start
	particle fx6 do start
	particle fx3 do stop
	door_unlock 6
	particle door7_locklight01 do start 
	particle lock2_locklight01 do start 
	particle door2_locklight01 do start

func set_objective_1

func void set_objective_1(string chr_index)
	dprint objective_1
	sound_dialog_play c00_01_22shinatama

func set_objective_2

func void set_objective_2(string chr_index)
	dprint objective_2
	sound_dialog_play c00_01_19shinatama

func set_objective_3

func void set_objective_3(string chr_index)
	dprint objective_3
	console_deactivate 2
	sound_dialog_play c00_01_18shinatama

func set_objective_4

func void set_objective_4(string chr_index)
	dprint objective_4
	sound_dialog_play c00_01_20shinatama

func set_target_1

func void set_target_1(string chr_index)
	dprint set_target1
	target_set(1095, 30.0)
	sound_dialog_play c00_01_28shinatama

func set_target_2

func void set_target_2(string chr_index)
	dprint set_target2
	target_set(1132, 30.0)
	sound_dialog_play c00_01_27shinatama

func set_target_3

func void set_target_3(string chr_index)
	dprint set_target3
	target_set(1109, 30.0)
	sound_dialog_play c00_01_26shinatama

func set_target_4

func void set_target_4(string chr_index)
	dprint set_target4
	target_set(1112, 30.0)
	sound_dialog_play c00_01_25shinatama

func set_target_5

func void set_target_5(string chr_index)
	dprint set_target5
	target_set(1115, 30.0)
	sound_dialog_play c00_01_24shinatama

func set_target_6

func void set_target_6(string chr_index)
	dprint set_target6
	target_set(1139, 30.0)
	sound_dialog_play c00_01_28shinatama

func set_target_blank

func void set_target_blank(string chr_index)
	dprint set_targetblank
	target_set(0, 0.0)

### MUSIC ###

var music_counter

var int music_counter;

func music_force_stop

func void music_force_stop(void)
	sleep 4500
	if (0 ne music_counter) 
		dprint music_force_stop
		music_counter = 0

func music_script_start

func void music_script_start(void)
	music_counter = 2

func striker_lullaby_1

func void striker_lullaby_1(string ai_name)
	dprint striker_lullaby1
	music_counter = music_counter - 1
	if (music_counter eq 0)
		sleep f120

func striker_lullaby_2

func void striker_lullaby_2(string ai_name)
	dprint striker_lullaby2
	music_counter = music_counter - 1
	if (music_counter eq 0)
		sleep f120

func all_music_counters

func void all_music_counters(void)
	sound_music_stop mus_fitec_hd
	sound_music_stop mus_fitec
	sound_music_stop mus_fiteb
	sound_music_stop mus_asian
	sound_music_stop atm_gr06


func level_4a

func void level_4a(void)
	dprint set_text_4a
	text_console level_4a
	console_reset 7

func level_4b

func void level_4b(void)
	dprint set_text_4b
	text_console level_4b
	console_reset 7

func level_4c

func void level_4c(void)
	dprint set_text_4c
	text_console level_4c
	console_reset 8


func FixDoors

func void FixDoors(string char_index)
	dprint Fix_Doors
	particle door2_locklight01 do stop
	door_lock 10

func hidden_civilian1

func void hidden_civilian1(string ai_name)
	dprint hidden_civilian
	ai2_spawn hidden_civ_1

func panic1a

func void panic1a(string char_index)
	dprint panic_1a

	ai2_spawn civ_victim_6
	playback civ_victim_6 civ_victim6_flee interp 30
	ai2_spawn civ_victim_4
	playback civ_victim_4 civ_victim4_flee interp 30
	sleep 30
	ai2_spawn Intro_Striker_4
	playback Intro_Striker_4 striker4_advance interp 30
	ai2_spawn Intro_Comguy_1

func panic1b

func void panic1b(string char_index)
	dprint panic_1b
	ai2_passive Intro_Striker_4 1
	ai2_spawn civ_victim_2
	ai2_spawn civ_victim_3
	playback civ_victim_3 civ_victim3_flee interp 30
	sleep 120
	ai2_spawn Intro_Striker_3
	ai2_attack Intro_Striker_3 civ_victim_2
	ai2_spawn Friend_Thug_1
	ai2_spawn Neutral_Thug_1
	ai2_spawn Neutral_Thug_3
	particle fx1 do start
	particle fx2 do start
	chr_delete civ_victim_4
	chr_delete civ_victim_6

func hide_1

func void hide_1(string char_index)
	dprint hide1
	ai2_spawn civ_victim_5
	playback_block civ_victim_5 civ_victim5_flee interp 30
	ai2_dopath civ_victim_5 civ_victim_5

func horror_1

func void horror_1(string char_index)
	dprint horror1
	ai2_passive Intro_Striker_4 0
	ai2_spawn civ_victim_10
	ai2_spawn civ_victim_11
	ai2_spawn civ_victim_20
	ai2_spawn civ_victim_21
	particle fx1 do start
	particle fx2 do start

func ambush_striker_1

func void ambush_striker_1(string char_index)
	dprint ambush_1
	ai2_spawn Terminal_Striker_1
	ai2_spawn Terminal_Striker_2
	ai2_spawn mad_bomber_1
	obj_create 991 992

func civ_victim_20s_flee

func void civ_victim_20s_flee(string char_index)
	dprint civ_victim_20s
	ai2_dopath civ_victim_20 civ20s_flee1
	ai2_dopath civ_victim_21 civ20s_flee2

func LoadingBay1

func void LoadingBay1(string char_index)
	dprint spawn_guards
	ai2_spawn LoadingBay_Thug_1
	ai2_spawn LoadingBay_Thug_2
	ai2_spawn LoadingBay_Striker_2
	ai2_spawn LoadingBay_Comguy_1
	particle fx3 do start

func bomber_boom

func void bomber_boom(string char_index)
	dprint bomberboom
	particle bomb1 do explode
	obj_kill 991 992
	sleep 300
	particle bomb1 stop

func mad_bomber_bait

func void mad_bomber_bait(string char_index)
	dprint bomber_bait
	ai2_dopath mad_bomber_1 bomber_flee 1

func patrolscript0200

func void patrolscript0200(string char_index)
	dprint bomber1_death
	chr_delete mad_bomber_1

func Tarmac1

func void Tarmac1(string char_index)
	dprint spawn_guards
	ai2_spawn Tarmac_Striker_1
	ai2_spawn Tarmac_Striker_2
	ai2_spawn Tarmac_Striker_3
	ai2_spawn Tarmac_Striker_4
	ai2_spawn Tarmac_Friend_1
	ai2_spawn LoadingBay_Striker_1
	sound_music_start atm_gr06 0.75
	particle tarmacfire do start
	particle exhaust create

func back9a

func void back9a(string ai_name)
	dprint hidden_striker1
	ai2_spawn hidden_striker1

func back9b

func void back9b(string ai_name)
	dprint hidden_striker1
	ai2_spawn hidden_striker2

func bay1_particles

func void bay1_particles(void)
	dprint bay1_fires_on
	particle fx3 do start
	particle fx4 do stop

func fire_damage

func void fire_damage(string ai_name)
	dprint fire_hurt_konoko
	chr_poison (ai_name, 5, 30, 30);

func bay2_particles

func void bay2_particles(void)
	dprint bay2_fires_on
	particle fx3 do stop
	particle fx4 do start


func come_to_me

func void come_to_me(string ai_name)
	dprint go_to_konoko
	ai2_dopath Tarmac_Striker_2 come_to_me 1
	ai2_dopath Tarmac_Striker_3 come_to_me 1
	ai2_dopath mad_bomber_2 come_to_me 1


func second_coming

func void second_coming(string ai_name)
	dprint go_to_konoko_again
	ai2_dopath Tarmac_Striker_2 come_to_me 1
	ai2_dopath Tarmac_Striker_3 come_to_me 1
	ai2_dopath mad_bomber_2 come_to_me 1


var progress_counter

var int progress_counter=2;

func progress_check_1

func void progress_check_1(string ai_name)
	dprint progress_check1
	progress_counter = progress_counter - 1
	if (progress_counter eq 0)

func progress_check_2

func void progress_check_2(string ai_name)
	dprint progress_check2
	progress_counter = progress_counter - 1
	if (progress_counter eq 0)

func progress_check_3

func void progress_check_3(string ai_name)
	dprint progress_check3
	progress_counter = progress_counter - 1
	if (progress_counter eq 0)

func progress_check_4

func void progress_check_4(string ai_name)
	dprint progress_check4
	progress_counter = progress_counter - 1
	if (progress_counter eq 0)

func exhaust_on

func void exhaust_on(string ai_name)
	dprint start_exhaust
	particle exhaust create

func exhaust_off

func void exhaust_off(string ai_name)
	dprint stop_exhaust
	particle exhaust kill

func pass_go_collect_whupass

func void pass_go_collect_whupass(string ai_name)
	dprint let_the_whupping_continue
	trigvolume_enable save_game_2 1
	trigvolume_enable secondcoming 0

func patrolscript000

func void patrolscript000(string ai_name)
	dprint do_my_bidding
	particle lock2_locklight01 do start
	door_unlock 6

func BayTwo1

func void BayTwo1(string char_index)
	dprint spawn_guards
	ai2_spawn BayTwo_Striker_1
	ai2_spawn hidden_friend2
	ai2_spawn mad_bomber_2
	sound_music_stop atm_gr06

func Repair1

func void Repair1(string char_index)
	dprint spawn_guards
	ai2_spawn Repair_Striker_1
	ai2_spawn Repair_Comguy_1
	ai2_spawn alamo_thug_1	

func Repair2

func void Repair2(string char_index)
	dprint spawn_guards
	ai2_spawn Repair_Striker_2
	ai2_spawn Repair_Comguy_2	

func console_2_activate

func void console_2_activate(string char_index)
	dprint console2_activate
	console_activate 2

func final_ambush

This is triggered by the pre-final console (number 3). That console doesn't do anything else (in particular, it doesn't activate console number 4, because in this case a delayed activation is needed. Control is taken away from the player with input 0 and given back with input 1. Actually, this is redundant here because begin_cutscene and end_cutscene take care of the player's controls too (along with letterboxing etc).

Camera stuff
The camera cuts to a view of console 4 (interpolation over 0 frames to the position and rotation of OBANambush1) after 1 second. Another 2.5 seconds later, console 4 is activated, and then after another 2.5 seconds the actual "ambush" starts: the camera cuts to a view of console 3 (with Konoko still in front of it) and then interpolates over 5 seconds to a view of the final door, OBANambush3: cm_interpolate_block makes sure that the previous camera relocation (the cut to OBANambush2) is complete. 50 frames after the camera has reached OBANambush3, it closes in on the door over another 5 seconds (OBANambush4). The camera stays there until the end of the cutscene, when it focuses back on Konoko.
The music starts as the camera cuts back to Konoko's pod and starts panning towards the door. func music_script_start sets the user variable music_counter to 2 so that the music stops when and if both Strikers are killed (when either of them is killed, a function is called that decrements the counter and stops the music if it reaches zero: see func striker_lullaby_2 and func all_music_counters).
Door and locklight
The door unlocks to let the Strikers pass and locks behind them (the locklight, looked up in ENVP, changes accordingly). It is later unlocked by console 4.
The Strikers have their movement mode set to "walk", which is only effective after they stop playbacking and start do_pathing (they wander off towards the middle of the hangar). The i_uh_heheheh1 trigger volume makes sure they'll retreat to guard the door if Konoko heads for the console that unlocks it (see func i_uh_heheheh below). The purpose of "interp 30" modifier to the playback command is not clear, as the scene looks just the same without it.
func void final_ambush(string char_index)
	dprint finalambush
	input 0
	sleep 60
	cm_interpolate ambush1 0
	sleep 150
	console_activate 4
	sleep 150
	sound_music_start mus_fitec_hd 0.91
	cm_interpolate ambush2 0
	cm_interpolate_block ambush3 300
	sleep 350	
	cm_interpolate ambush4 300	
	door_unlock 14
	particle door3_locklight01 do start
	ai2_spawn finalam_striker_1
	ai2_spawn finalam_striker_2
	ai2_setmovementmode finalam_striker_1 walk
	ai2_setmovementmode finalam_striker_2 walk
	playback finalam_striker_1 finalam_striker1 interp 30
	playback finalam_striker_2 finalam_striker2 interp 30
	sleep 300
	particle door3_locklight01 do stop
	sleep 300
	door_lock 14	
	ai2_dopath finalam_striker1 finalam_1 1
	ai2_dopath finalam_striker2 finalam_2 1
	trigvolume_enable i_uh_heheheh1 1
	input 1

func i_uh_heheheh

This forces the two Red Strikers from the final fight to retreat to the end-of-level door when and if Konoko is about to unlock it from the faraway console. The trigger volume responsible for this is i_uh_heheheh1 (number 6): func i_uh_heheheh is its entry function; it spans the stairs that lead to the console number 4. That trigger volume is disabled at level start. It's enabled in func final_ambush (see above), after both Strikers are spawned. Once enabled, it can only be triggered once, and only by the player.

Note the typically inconsistent string char_index parameter: this is actually the name of the character who fired the trigger volume function.
func void i_uh_heheheh(string char_index)
	dprint iuh_heheheh
	ai2_dopath finalam_striker_1 strategic_retreat1
	ai2_dopath finalam_striker_2 strategic_retreat2


func change_terminaldoor_light

A typical door-unlocking function, called from console number 1. Control is taken away from the player with input 0 and given back with input 1. The camera instantly moves (interpolates over 0 frames) to the position and orientation specified by OBANdoor1 and refocuses on the player 3.5 seconds later. In the meantime, the door1_locklight01 particle (looked up in ENVP) turns on, whereby the apparent light changes from red to green. Note that the door (number 2) is unlocked directly by the console, so there's no need for a door_unlock 2 here.

func void change_terminaldoor_light(void)
	dprint door1
	input 0
	cm_interpolate door1 0
	sleep 60
	particle door1_locklight01 do start
	sleep 150
	input 1

func change_door2_light

Same as above except before giving control back to the player, the objective and compass target are updated (by user functions). This is called from console number 2, and the door (number 10) is also unlocked directly by the console.

func void change_door2_light(void)
	dprint door2
	input 0 
	cm_interpolate door2 0
	sleep 60
	particle door2_locklight01 do start
	sleep 150
	input 1

func change_enddoor_light

Same as above for OBAN and ENVP lookup. The door_unlock 14 is redundant here because the console (number 4) actually takes care of unlocking door number 14 (the final door). There is no unlocking sound so it really doesn't make sense to unlock the door a second time while the camera is close to it.

func void change_enddoor_light(void)
	dprint end_door
	input 0
	cm_interpolate ambush4 0	
	sleep 60
	particle door3_locklight01 do start
	sleep 150
	door_unlock 14
	input 1