From OniGalore
This is about turret instances. For the turret class resource see OBD:TURR.
AKVA << Other file types >> CBPI
BINA : Binary data
TMBD << Other BINA >> ONIE
OBJC : Objects
TRIG << Other OBJC >> WEAP
TURR : Turret
XML tutorial
Overview @ Oni Stuff

Bin r tu.gif

Offset Type Raw Hex Value Description
0x00 char[4] 43 4A 42 4F OBJC objects
0x04 int32 14 04 00 00 1044 size of the complete list from this position in bytes
0x08 int32 27 00 00 00 39 object list version
0x0C int32 90 00 00 00 144 size of the following element in bytes
First element (black outline)
0x00 char[4] 52 52 55 54 TURR object type: turret
0x04 int32 B8 1F 00 00 8120 object ID
0x08 09 00 00 00 0x09 object flags (set at runtime); used values:
0x01 00 - appears to be set at runtime if the turret has no particles and on resets (?)
0x08 00 - unknown, something to do with sound
0xF6 FF - unknown, something to do with sound
0x0C float 75 E1 CB C3 -407.761383 x-position of the turret
0x10 float 00 00 94 42 74.000000 y-position (height) of the turret
0x14 float B0 15 33 43 179.084717 z-position of the turret
0x18 float 00 00 00 00 0.000000 rotation on the x-axis in degrees
0x1C float 00 00 34 43 180.000000 rotation on the y-axis in degrees
0x20 float 00 00 00 00 0.000000 rotation on the z-axis in degrees
0x24 char[63] "phr_turret_wall" link by name to global turret class (phr_turret_wall. TURR)
0x63 int16 01 00 1 turret ID
0x65 int16 00 00 0 flags; possible values:
0x02 00 - unknown
0x67 ignored
0x8B int32 01 00 00 00 Konoko target team bitset:
1 - Konoko
2 - TCTF
4 - Syndicate
8 - Neutral
16 - SecurityGuard
32 - RogueKonoko
64 - Switzerland
128 - SyndicateAccessory
0x8F 00 padding

Tool Mode dialog

Tool dialog - Turret Properties.png

AKVA << Other file types >> CBPI
BINA : Binary data
TMBD << Other BINA >> ONIE
OBJC : Objects
TRIG << Other OBJC >> WEAP
TURR : Turret
Level file