Quotes/Consoles/level 3b

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SLDs are individuals in many respects. Dolls are grown by implanting micromechanical fabrication cells in large molds containing a mass of materials we call "prototissue".

By varying the priming data input over the fourteen day molding process we are able to approximate genetic variation and the effects of environment on early life.

It is always a pleasure to see a new unit come out of the mold. We are never really sure what they will look like until they are ready for their first systems check.

One thing we still cannot do is create an artificial system that adequately simulates the processes of the human mind.

Instead SLDs contain a behavioral framework patterned on donor brain engram data fed into the system during its formation.

This core personality is then given a chance to develop a unique neurolattice while experiencing accelerated streaming sensory feeds.

Most SLDs have to spend at least three months in the senseloop, which we have come to think of as their psychological womb.