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CHAPTER 08 . AN INNOCENT LIFE: Difference between revisions

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=Atmospheric Conversion Center (interior)=
=Atmospheric Conversion Center (interior)=
Upon finding Shinatama, the SLD informs Konoko that she is too damaged to save, and reveals that Konoko's real name is [[Konoko#Mai Hasegawa|Mai Hasegawa]], and mentions a [[Daodan|"Chrysalis"]] inside Konoko. Griffin, being told that Shinatama is nearby Konoko and that her Xiox mechanism is functional, orders the android's self-destruction. Shinatama manages to warn Konoko in time for her to escape the explosion. Konoko flees, and Griffin pronounces her a rogue agent and a Class B threat. From here on, the TCTF will be her enemies.
Upon finding Shinatama, the SLD informs Konoko that she is too damaged to save, and reveals that Konoko's real name is [[Konoko#Mai Hasegawa|Mai Hasegawa]], and mentions a [[Daodan|"Chrysalis"]] inside Konoko. Griffin, being told that Shinatama is nearby Konoko and that her Xiox mechanism is functional, orders the android's self-destruction. Shinatama manages to warn Konoko in time for her to escape the explosion. Konoko flees, and Griffin pronounces her a rogue agent and a Class B threat. From here on, the TCTF will be her enemies.