Konoko's search for Shinatama in the Atmospheric Conversion Center continues.
When Konoko finally finds Shinatama, the SLD informs Konoko that she is too damaged to save. In her last moments, she reveals that Konoko's real name is Mai Hasegawa and mentions a "Chrysalis" inside her. Upon being told that "the host" is de-stabilizing and that Shinatama is near Konoko, Griffin orders the android's powerful self-destruct device to be detonated. Shinatama manages to delay the command long enough for Konoko to escape the explosion. After an attempt by TCTF troops to stop her, Konoko flees and Griffin pronounces her a rogue agent and a Class B threat. From here on, the agents of the TCTF will be her enemies.
Added Value
- Konoko's first Daodan surge in CHAPTER 06 . COUNTERATTACK went unnoticed, not surprisingly: all TCTF troops nearby had been wiped out, Damocles had been shut down, Shinatama had been kidnapped, and most of the staff was off-duty. Without that knowledge, Griffin lacks determination when it comes to stopping Konoko from going after Shinatama, and his awareness of Konoko's progress as a symbiote is delayed until the end of CHAPTER 07 . A FRIEND IN NEED. At this point, Konoko's second surge appears unprecedented to the scientific staff, and since there is no visual contact, Griffin fears that Konoko is becoming, or has already become, an uncontrollable threat; hence the radical decision to detonate Shinatama's Xiox mechanism.
- Griffin's deadly decision is likely also based on Konoko's "I don't care who you are" in the previous chapter's flashback. Konoko started off in CHAPTER 01 . TRIAL RUN already resistant to following orders, and now she is aggressive and completely insubordinate. Meanwhile, whatever's inside her is becoming more powerful. Griffin has long been afraid of what could happen if Konoko becomes unstable. We'll see further evidence of his fear later on.
- It could be said that with Shinatama's destruction, "Konoko" dies as well. From now on, she'll be without the identity given to her by the agency that has betrayed her. Without a history or future in the TCTF, Konoko can do nothing but search for answers to who she is.