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XML:StNA: Difference between revisions

212 bytes added ,  13 June 2012
back then I made a test to find out if that state works but I didn't consider that the file using it could be missing
m (Run_Accel confirmed to work with chr_wait_animstate.)
m (back then I made a test to find out if that state works but I didn't consider that the file using it could be missing)
Line 47: Line 47:
7 7 Standing Standing
7 7 Standing Standing
8 8 RunStart Run_Start
8 8 RunStart Run_Start
9 9 RunAccel Run_Accel
9 9 RunAccel Run_Accel not used *
10 0A RunSidestepLeft Run_Sidestep_Left
10 0A RunSidestepLeft Run_Sidestep_Left
11 0B RunSidestepRight Run_Sidestep_Right
11 0B RunSidestepRight Run_Sidestep_Right
Line 115: Line 115:

00 0 None None not used *
00 0 None None not used * **
01 1 Anything Anything
01 1 Anything Anything
02 2 Walk Walk
02 2 Walk Walk
Line 131: Line 131:
14 0E WalkSidestepRight Walk_Sidestep_Right
14 0E WalkSidestepRight Walk_Sidestep_Right
15 0F WalkBackwards Walk_Backwards
15 0F WalkBackwards Walk_Backwards
16 10 Stance Stance not used *
16 10 Stance Stance not used * **
17 11 Crouch Crouch
17 11 Crouch Crouch
18 12 JumpForward Jump_Forward
18 12 JumpForward Jump_Forward
19 13 JumpBackward Jump_Backward
19 13 JumpBackward Jump_Backward
20 14 JumpLeft Jump_Left not used *
20 14 JumpLeft Jump_Left not used * **
21 15 JumpRight Jump_Right not used *
21 15 JumpRight Jump_Right not used * **
22 16 Punch Punch
22 16 Punch Punch
23 17 Block Block
23 17 Block Block
Line 160: Line 160:
43 2B LandBack Land_Back
43 2B LandBack Land_Back
45 2D PKK PKK not used *
45 2D PKK PKK not used * **
46 2E PKP PKP not used *
46 2E PKP PKP not used * **
47 2F KPK KPK not used *
47 2F KPK KPK not used * **
48 30 KPP KPP not used *
48 30 KPP KPP not used * **
49 31 KKP KKP not used *
49 31 KKP KKP not used * **
50 32 PK PK not used *
50 32 PK PK not used * **
51 33 KP KP not used *
51 33 KP KP not used * **
52 34 PunchHeavy Punch_Heavy
52 34 PunchHeavy Punch_Heavy
53 35 KickHeavy Kick_Heavy
53 35 KickHeavy Kick_Heavy
54 36 PunchForwardHeavy Punch_Forward_Heavy not used *
54 36 PunchForwardHeavy Punch_Forward_Heavy not used * **
55 37 KickForwardHeavy Kick_Forward_Heavy
55 37 KickForwardHeavy Kick_Forward_Heavy
56 38 AimingOverlay Aiming_Overlay not used *
56 38 AimingOverlay Aiming_Overlay not used * **
57 39 HitOverlay Hit_Overlay
57 39 HitOverlay Hit_Overlay
58 3A CrouchRun Crouch_Run
58 3A CrouchRun Crouch_Run
Line 177: Line 177:
60 3C CrouchRunBackwards Crouch_Run_Backwards
60 3C CrouchRunBackwards Crouch_Run_Backwards
61 3D CrouchWalkBackwards Crouch_Walk_Backwards
61 3D CrouchWalkBackwards Crouch_Walk_Backwards
62 3E CrouchRunSidestepLeft Crouch_Run_Sidestep_Left not used *
62 3E CrouchRunSidestepLeft Crouch_Run_Sidestep_Left not used * **
63 3F CrouchRunSidestepRigh Crouch_Run_Sidestep_Right not used *
63 3F CrouchRunSidestepRigh Crouch_Run_Sidestep_Right not used * **
64 40 CrouchWalkSidestepLeft Crouch_Walk_Sidestep_Left
64 40 CrouchWalkSidestepLeft Crouch_Walk_Sidestep_Left
65 41 CrouchWalkSidestepRight Crouch_Walk_Sidestep_Right
65 41 CrouchWalkSidestepRight Crouch_Walk_Sidestep_Right
Line 198: Line 198:
81 51 KnockdownFoot Knockdown_Foot
81 51 KnockdownFoot Knockdown_Foot
82 52 HitCrouch Hit_Crouch
82 52 HitCrouch Hit_Crouch
83 53 KnockdownCrouch Knockdown_Crouch not used *
83 53 KnockdownCrouch Knockdown_Crouch not used * **
84 54 HitFallen Hit_Fallen
84 54 HitFallen Hit_Fallen
85 55 HitHeadBehind Hit_Head_Behind
85 55 HitHeadBehind Hit_Head_Behind
Line 206: Line 206:
89 59 KnockdownBodyBehind Knockdown_Body_Behind
89 59 KnockdownBodyBehind Knockdown_Body_Behind
90 5A KnockdownFootBehind Knockdown_Foot_Behind
90 5A KnockdownFootBehind Knockdown_Foot_Behind
91 5B HitCrouchBehind Hit_Crouch_Behind not used *
91 5B HitCrouchBehind Hit_Crouch_Behind not used * **
92 5C KnockdownCrouchBehind Knockdown_Crouch_Behind not used *
92 5C KnockdownCrouchBehind Knockdown_Crouch_Behind not used * **
93 5D Idle Idle
93 5D Idle Idle
94 5E Taunt Taunt
94 5E Taunt Taunt
95 5F Throw Throw not used *
95 5F Throw Throw not used * **
96 60 Thrown1 Thrown1
96 60 Thrown1 Thrown1
97 61 Thrown2 Thrown2
97 61 Thrown2 Thrown2
Line 218: Line 218:
101 65 Thrown6 Thrown6
101 65 Thrown6 Thrown6
102 66 Special1 Special1
102 66 Special1 Special1
103 67 Special2 Special2 not used *
103 67 Special2 Special2 not used * **
104 68 Special3 Special3
104 68 Special3 Special3
105 69 Special4 Special4 not used *
105 69 Special4 Special4 not used * **
106 6A ThrowForwardPunch Throw_Forward_Punch
106 6A ThrowForwardPunch Throw_Forward_Punch
107 6B ThrowForwardKick Throw_Forward_Kick
107 6B ThrowForwardKick Throw_Forward_Kick
Line 231: Line 231:
114 72 Thrown7 Thrown7
114 72 Thrown7 Thrown7
115 73 Thrown8 Thrown8
115 73 Thrown8 Thrown8
116 74 Thrown9 Thrown9 not used *
116 74 Thrown9 Thrown9 not used * **
117 75 Thrown10 Thrown10
117 75 Thrown10 Thrown10
118 76 Thrown11 Thrown11
118 76 Thrown11 Thrown11
Line 244: Line 244:
127 7F HitJewels Hit_Jewels
127 7F HitJewels Hit_Jewels
128 80 Thrown13 Thrown13
128 80 Thrown13 Thrown13
129 81 Thrown14 Thrown14 not used *
129 81 Thrown14 Thrown14 not used * **
130 82 Thrown15 Thrown15
130 82 Thrown15 Thrown15
131 83 Thrown16 Thrown16
131 83 Thrown16 Thrown16
132 84 Thrown17 Thrown17 not used *
132 84 Thrown17 Thrown17 not used * **
133 85 PPKK PPKK
133 85 PPKK PPKK
136 88 LandHard Land_Hard
136 88 LandHard Land_Hard
137 89 LandHardForward Land_Forward_Hard not used *
137 89 LandHardForward Land_Forward_Hard not used * **
138 8A LandHardRight Land_Right_Hard not used *
138 8A LandHardRight Land_Right_Hard not used * **
139 8B LandHardLeft Land_Left_Hard not used *
139 8B LandHardLeft Land_Left_Hard not used * **
140 8C LandHardBack Land_Back_Hard not used *
140 8C LandHardBack Land_Back_Hard not used * **
141 8D LandDead Land_Dead
141 8D LandDead Land_Dead
142 8E CrouchTurnLeft Crouch_Turn_Left
142 8E CrouchTurnLeft Crouch_Turn_Left
Line 287: Line 287:
170 AA ReloadMercuryBow Reload_MercuryBow
170 AA ReloadMercuryBow Reload_MercuryBow
171 AB ReloadScreamer Reload_Screamer
171 AB ReloadScreamer Reload_Screamer
172 AC PfPf PF_PF not used *
172 AC PfPf PF_PF not used * **
173 AD PfPfPf PF_PF_PF not used *
173 AD PfPfPf PF_PF_PF not used * **
174 AE PlPl PL_PL not used *
174 AE PlPl PL_PL not used * **
175 AF PlPlPl PL_PL_PL not used *
175 AF PlPlPl PL_PL_PL not used * **
176 B0 PrPr PR_PR not used *
176 B0 PrPr PR_PR not used * **
177 B1 PrPrPr PR_PR_PR not used *
177 B1 PrPrPr PR_PR_PR not used * **
178 B2 PbPb PB_PB not used *
178 B2 PbPb PB_PB not used * **
179 B3 PbPbPb PB_PB_PB not used *
179 B3 PbPbPb PB_PB_PB not used * **
180 B4 PdPd PD_PD not used *
180 B4 PdPd PD_PD not used * **
181 B5 PdPdPd PD_PD_PD not used *
181 B5 PdPdPd PD_PD_PD not used * **
182 B6 KfKf KF_KF not used *
182 B6 KfKf KF_KF not used * **
183 B7 KfKfKf KF_KF_KF not used *
183 B7 KfKfKf KF_KF_KF not used * **
184 B8 KlKl KL_KL not used *
184 B8 KlKl KL_KL not used * **
185 B9 KlKlKl KL_KL_KL not used *
185 B9 KlKlKl KL_KL_KL not used * **
186 BA KrKr KR_KR not used *
186 BA KrKr KR_KR not used * **
187 BB KrKrKr KR_KR_KR not used *
187 BB KrKrKr KR_KR_KR not used * **
188 BC KbKb KB_KB not used *
188 BC KbKb KB_KB not used * **
189 BD KbKbKb KB_KB_KB not used *
189 BD KbKbKb KB_KB_KB not used * **
190 BE KdKd KD_KD not used *
190 BE KdKd KD_KD not used * **
191 BF KdKdKd KD_KD_KD not used *
191 BF KdKdKd KD_KD_KD not used * **
192 C0 StartleLt Startle_Left
192 C0 StartleLt Startle_Left
193 C1 StartleRt Startle_Right
193 C1 StartleRt Startle_Right
Line 336: Line 336:
219 DB Powerup Powerup
219 DB Powerup Powerup
220 DC FallingFlail Falling_Flail
220 DC FallingFlail Falling_Flail
221 DD ConsolePunch Console_Punch not used ingame *
221 DD ConsolePunch Console_Punch file of this type isn't used in-game *
222 DE TeleportIn Teleport_In
222 DE TeleportIn Teleport_In
223 DF TeleportOut Teleport_Out
223 DF TeleportOut Teleport_Out
Line 347: Line 347:
230 E6 Hail Hail
230 E6 Hail Hail
231 E7 MuroThunderbolt Muro_Thunderbolt
231 E7 MuroThunderbolt Muro_Thunderbolt
232 E8 HitOverlayAI Hit_Overlay_AI not used *
232 E8 HitOverlayAI Hit_Overlay_AI not used * **
* used tool for flag search: [http://mods.oni2.net/node/184 XMLEquality]
: * used tool for flag search: [http://mods.oni2.net/node/184 XMLEquality]
: ** applicability not tested
