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Talk:Mod Tool/OniTools addon: Difference between revisions

xsi user keywords - finally i know how to display some more text data
m (PATR alpha 1)
(xsi user keywords - finally i know how to display some more text data)
Line 179: Line 179:
===Editing simultaneously multiple ghost quads heights===
===Editing simultaneously multiple ghost quads heights===
Onisplit-generated ghost quads vertex ids can differ sometimes. So before changing multiple ghosts in height, their lowest and highest points must be identified.
Onisplit-generated ghost quads vertex ids can differ sometimes. So before changing multiple ghosts in height, their lowest and highest points must be identified.
===Display keywords===
SetUserKeyword selection(0), "type=akev, id=1"
for each n in GetUserKeyword(selection(0))
logmessage n
SetValue "Camera.camvis.attrseluserkeywords", False
SetValue "Camera.camvis.attrseluserkeywords", True

