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China could have given sooner warnings about the threat but didn't because we weren't very nice to them in the past. They didn't wanted to blamed for the mess. They wanted to protect their rise to power. The few information available not just hindered the work of the WHO but also the perception of us regular people to see what Corona really was. Therefore it was another source of harmful skepticism. They shouldn't have tried to censor images about bursting hospitals and crematories. And so we first thought "oh, it's not that bad, it's just a stronger flu".
China could have given sooner warnings about the threat but didn't because we weren't very nice to them in the past. They didn't wanted to blamed for the mess. They wanted to protect their rise to power. The few information available not just hindered the work of the WHO but also the perception of us regular people to see what Corona really was. Therefore it was another source of harmful skepticism. They shouldn't have tried to censor images about bursting hospitals and crematories. And so we first thought "oh, it's not that bad, it's just a stronger flu".

USA did not help the situation by trying to construct a narrative about the virus being made in Chinese labs – therefore sabotaging chances of cooperation – while also downplaying the danger of the virus on their own ground. Trump basically killed a good number republicans himself and destroyed social coherence. Masks? Pah, who needs that? Stop being so unpatriotic... When nature proofed him wrong he tried to sell his lies as anti-panic doings. -- At first sight it seems reasonable to [https://asm.org/Articles/2021/May/Why-Scientists-Should-Not-Name-Diseases-After-Plac name a virus after its location of discovery] (e.g. Marburg Virus) but Trump was using term "Chinese virus" to aid his anti-China campaign, in hope to persuade / mobilize voters. (Trump was in a permanent election campaign mode.) As a consequence this contributed to the discrimination of Asian-looking people. Eventually SARS-CoV-2 variants were named after letters of the Greek alphabet. Irony of life? For purpose of de-escalation even [[wp:de:Benennung_der_Varianten_von_SARS-CoV-2|Xi was skipped]]. (Some may call this ahead running obedience, others may call it political sensitiveness.)
USA did not help the situation by trying to construct a narrative about the virus being made in Chinese labs – therefore sabotaging chances of cooperation – while also downplaying the danger of the virus on their own ground. Trump basically killed a good number republicans himself and destroyed social coherence. Masks? Pah, who needs that? Stop being so unpatriotic... When nature proofed him wrong he tried to sell his lies as anti-panic doings. -- At first sight it seems reasonable to name a virus after its location of discovery (e.g. Marburg Virus) but Trump was using term "Chinese virus" to aid his anti-China campaign, in hope to persuade / mobilize voters. (Trump was in a permanent election campaign mode.) As a consequence this contributed to the [https://asm.org/Articles/2021/May/Why-Scientists-Should-Not-Name-Diseases-After-Plac discrimination] of Asian-looking people. Eventually SARS-CoV-2 variants were named after letters of the Greek alphabet. Irony of life? For purpose of de-escalation even [[wp:de:Benennung_der_Varianten_von_SARS-CoV-2|Xi was skipped]]. (Some may call this ahead running obedience, others may call it political sensitiveness.)

Trump was a role model for Bolsonaro who also tried use the pandemic to his advantage. It needed a brutal reality to heal the mind of the masses. Too many had died. Too many graves that couldn't be ignored any longer.
Trump was a role model for Bolsonaro who also tried use the pandemic to his advantage. It needed a brutal reality to heal the mind of the masses. Too many had died. Too many graves that couldn't be ignored any longer.
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Avoidance of being lost in hypercomplexity.
Avoidance of being lost in hypercomplexity.
Ich war lange Fan von politischer Satire. Ich sehe mir die Sendungen immer noch an aber manchmal mit gemischten Gefühlen. Denn im Allgemeinem ist Satire über den politischen Gegner selten "zielführend" (löst keine Konflikte, dient eher der Unterhaltung), sie bedient die eigene Echokammer und verhärtet Fronten. Satire, die "die Anderen" nur als dumm darstellt, sie verlacht und verhöhnt, kann keine vernünftige Debatte anstoßen und Konflikte lösen. Mehr noch, diese Sendung laden ein zum "für-sich-abhaken", Position konsumiert, mental abgespeichert, "das Thema ist dann durch". Glücklichweise gibt es Veranstaltungen, auf die das kaum zutrifft und sogar Edutainment-Charakter haben. Stichwort "Tafelnummer". -- Andererseits: eine gewisse Bissigkeit, politischer Schlagabtausch(?) gehört vielleicht dazu damit das Ganze nicht in einem selbstzensierendem, tot-sterilem Format endet? Verantwortungsvolle politische Satire ist sicherlich eine höchstschwierige Gradwanderung.
Ich war lange Fan von politischer Satire. Ich sehe mir die Sendungen immer noch an aber manchmal mit gemischten Gefühlen. Denn im Allgemeinem ist Satire über den politischen Gegner selten "zielführend" (löst keine Konflikte, dient eher der Unterhaltung), sie bedient die eigene Echokammer und verhärtet Fronten. Satire, die "die Anderen" nur als dumm darstellt, sie verlacht und verhöhnt, kann keine vernünftige Debatte anstoßen und Konflikte lösen. Mehr noch, diese Sendung laden ein zum "für-sich-abhaken", Position konsumiert, mental abgespeichert, "das Thema ist dann durch". Glücklichweise gibt es Veranstaltungen, auf die das kaum zutrifft und sogar Edutainment-Charakter haben. Stichwort "Tafelnummer". -- Andererseits: eine gewisse Bissigkeit (Überspitzung) gehört vielleicht dazu damit das Ganze nicht in einem selbstzensierendem, tot-sterilem Format endet? Verantwortungsvolle politische Satire ist sicherlich eine höchstschwierige Gradwanderung.
Meme wars. (Meinungskriege, bubbles of truth, gesellschaftliche Entfremdung)
Meme wars. (Meinungskriege, bubbles of truth, gesellschaftliche Entfremdung)
