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====Politische Strömungen und Parteien====
====Political currents and parties====
=====Evolutionäre Betrachtung=====
=====Evolutionary perspective=====
Es ist menschlich die eigene Meinung und die seiner Gruppe (Partei) als die überlegende aufzufassen, doch sollte man als echter Demokrat verinnerlichen, dass jede nicht-extremistische Strömung ihre Daseinsberechtigung hat. Ein '''gegenseitiges Verständnis''' ist wichtig, um in friedlicher Koexistenz zu leben. -- Gemessen an seiner Relevanz kommt der Aspekt der '''Selbstkorrektur demokratischer Systeme''' im Schulunterricht zu kurz und ist schnell vergessen. Vor Wahlkämpfen muss immer wieder dafür geworben werden wählen zu gehen, was aber '''nicht das eigentliche "Warum" zurück ins Gedächtnis''' ruft. '''Stattdessen''' steht der '''Vorteil der eigenen Gruppe zu sehr im Mittelpunkt''', was '''ideologische Feindschaften''' zwischen Parteien begünstigt und - was neben '''vielen anderen Faktoren''' - zu '''Politikverdrossenheit''' führt. So verkommt das Denken über Demokratie: "Demokratie ist nichts weiter als die [[wp:Mob_rule|Herrschaft des Pöbels]], wo 51 % der Leute die Rechte der anderen 49 % wegnehmen." (Viele Leute kriegen schon gar nicht mehr mit, wie sehr sie von Hass zerfressen sind.)
It is human to see one's own opinion and that of one's group (party) as the superior one, but as a true democrat one should internalize that every non-extremist movement has its right to exist. A '''mutual understanding''' is important to live in peaceful coexistence. -- Considering its relevance, the aspect of the '''self-correction of democratic systems''' is neglected in school lessons and is quickly forgotten. Before election campaigns, people have to be repeatedly encouraged to vote, but this doesn't bring the actual "why" back to mind. '''Instead''' there is too much focus on '''the advantage of one's own group''', which promotes '''ideological hostilities''' between parties and - which, among '''many other factors''' - leads to '''disenchantment with politics'''. This is how thinking about democracy degenerates: "Democracy is nothing more than [[wp:Mob_rule|mob rule]], where 51% of the people take away the rights of the other 49%." (Many people no longer realize how consumed they are by hate.)

German political parties in a nutshell...
German political parties in a nutshell...

Verwandte Bezeichnungen: Rechtskonservative, gemäßigte Rechte, Mitte-rechts
Verwandte Bezeichnungen: Rechtskonservative, gemäßigte Rechte, Mitte-rechts

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'''Party: DAVA'''
'''Party: DAVA'''

Potentielle Splitterpartei. [https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/plus249801684/Dava-Wie-Erdogan-Lobbyisten-mit-einer-Partei-ihren-Einfluss-in-Deutschland-ausbauen-wollen.html Ausrichtung:] Islamistisch, türkisch-nationalistisch, Erdogan-romantisierend. Die SPD würde wohl die meisten Stimmen verlieren. Insgesamt ist die DAVA ein weiteres Symptom einer zu ineffizienten Integrationspolitik, welche ein völlig unnötiges Representationsvakuum geschaffen hat. In diesem Kontext wäre auch die Imam-Ausbildung zu nennen, die Deutschland viel zu später [https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/gesellschaft/islamkolleg-104.html selber übernahm].
A potential splinter party. [https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/plus249801684/Dava-Wie-Erdogan-Lobbyisten-mit-einer-Partei-ihren-Einfluss-in-Deutschland-ausbauen-wollen.html Orientation:] Islamistic, Turkish nationalistic, romanticizing Erdogan. The SPD would probably lose most of the votes. Overall, DAVA is another symptom of an inefficient integration policy that has created a completely unnecessary representation vacuum. In this context, the imam training, which [https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/gesellschaft/islamkolleg-104.html Germany took over] much too late, should also be mentioned.

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This disregard and the economically liberal focus repeatedly brings the liberals close to the 5% hurdle and makes them vulnerable to lobbying and ''mercenarism''. Sometimes one favors the other. -- Against large donations the industry and economy expect a radical market economy policy or a policy that is exactly tailored to the respective donor. In part, this can have a reactionary, an anti-progressive and a paradoxical effect: new technologies are prevented in order to protect existing business models and prevent the dynamics of a free market. In this way, anti-liberal policies is done by the liberals themselves. -- Free thinking and acting of the liberals [https://archive.is/fW7lc is increasingly hindered by lobbyists].
This disregard and the economically liberal focus repeatedly brings the liberals close to the 5% hurdle and makes them vulnerable to lobbying and ''mercenarism''. Sometimes one favors the other. -- Against large donations the industry and economy expect a radical market economy policy or a policy that is exactly tailored to the respective donor. In part, this can have a reactionary, an anti-progressive and a paradoxical effect: new technologies are prevented in order to protect existing business models and prevent the dynamics of a free market. In this way, anti-liberal policies is done by the liberals themselves. -- Free thinking and acting of the liberals [https://archive.is/fW7lc is increasingly hindered by lobbyists].

'''Partei: FDP'''
'''Party: FDP'''

A natural "five percent party" due to their core clientele: "bankers, managers, bosses" (plus freelancers and founders). With money fueled PR they most often surpass their natural limit. -- Certain individuals have indeed good, plausible positions that the mainstream can agree on but that doesn't change the fact that they actually have a different clientele and that their Corona booster has run out. -- They are a traditional "king maker" party, most often for CDU.
A natural "five percent party" due to their core clientele: "bankers, managers, bosses" (plus freelancers and founders). With money fueled PR they most often surpass their natural limit. -- Certain individuals have indeed good, plausible positions that the mainstream can agree on but that doesn't change the fact that they actually have a different clientele and that their Corona booster has run out. -- They are a traditional "king maker" party, most often for CDU.
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Base attitude of German leftists
Base attitude of German leftists.

To lesser degree the (center-left) SPD, in majority the (far-left) Linke: '''Leftists''' put the social aspects over profit and '''fight for those who need the most help'''. Therefore, they have a '''traditional tendency''' to be more anti-authoritarian, anti-fascistic, anti-capitalistic, pro-communistic, anti-US-American/pro-Russian, and anti-Israeli/pro-Palestine and support minority-identitarian ideas.  
To lesser degree the (center-left) SPD, in majority the (far-left) Linke: '''Leftists''' put the social aspects over profit and '''fight for those who need the most help'''. Therefore, they have a '''traditional tendency''' to be more anti-authoritarian, anti-fascistic, anti-capitalistic, pro-communistic, anti-US-American/pro-Russian, and anti-Israeli/pro-Palestine and support minority-identitarian ideas.  
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:: Die Linken hätten schon viel gewonnen, wenn sie aufhören würden, Palästinenser und Hamas gleichzusetzen. Die Hamas sind keine Widerstandskämpfer. Sie sind Terroristen, die den Staat Israel von je her auslöschen wollen und die Palästinenser als menschliche Schutzschilde missbrauchen. [https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/israel-gazastreifen-krieg-karten/komplettansicht Das führt dann auch dazu, dass es mehr tote Palästinenser als tote Israeli gibt.] Gleichzeitig verbreitet die Hamas Propaganda und tötet Palästinenser, die ihnen nicht zustimmen. Ein "[https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-podium-israels-envoy-plays-gruesome-hamas-attack-video-2023-10-26/ Free Palestine/Gaza from Hamas]"-Schild wäre ein viel besserer Slogan.
:: Die Linken hätten schon viel gewonnen, wenn sie aufhören würden, Palästinenser und Hamas gleichzusetzen. Die Hamas sind keine Widerstandskämpfer. Sie sind Terroristen, die den Staat Israel von je her auslöschen wollen und die Palästinenser als menschliche Schutzschilde missbrauchen. [https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/israel-gazastreifen-krieg-karten/komplettansicht Das führt dann auch dazu, dass es mehr tote Palästinenser als tote Israeli gibt.] Gleichzeitig verbreitet die Hamas Propaganda und tötet Palästinenser, die ihnen nicht zustimmen. Ein "[https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-podium-israels-envoy-plays-gruesome-hamas-attack-video-2023-10-26/ Free Palestine/Gaza from Hamas]"-Schild wäre ein viel besserer Slogan.

'''Partei: SPD'''
'''Party: SPD'''

The Social Democrats are also sometimes called Sozen, which has a slightly negative connotation.
The Social Democrats are also sometimes called Sozen, which has a slightly negative connotation.
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On the one hand, the social question still existed in a weakened form, on the other hand, more and more of the really bad working conditions were outsourced, so that the social democrats experienced a loss of importance. In the meantime, they were not able to acquire any significant new groups of voters in terms of volume. -- But this is the curse of all parties in successfully and democratically managed national economies. At some point, the big issues are so polished that further optimizations entail debates that become more and more complex and thus more incomprehensible and ''boring''. (See also: [[#The optimization trap|The optimization trap]]). Last but not least: In the face of multiple crises neoliberal<!--😈-->-acting Scholz was unable to push his government in time to substantially improve the situation around migration, integration, housing construction, industrialization, (de)bureaucracy and digitization. To rise the overall mood the Ampel gov tried to communicate that they have realized many other promises. You could say this is technically true but people don't really care because it doesn't change the fact that these projects aren't on '''their''' priority list.
On the one hand, the social question still existed in a weakened form, on the other hand, more and more of the really bad working conditions were outsourced, so that the social democrats experienced a loss of importance. In the meantime, they were not able to acquire any significant new groups of voters in terms of volume. -- But this is the curse of all parties in successfully and democratically managed national economies. At some point, the big issues are so polished that further optimizations entail debates that become more and more complex and thus more incomprehensible and ''boring''. (See also: [[#The optimization trap|The optimization trap]]). Last but not least: In the face of multiple crises neoliberal<!--😈-->-acting Scholz was unable to push his government in time to substantially improve the situation around migration, integration, housing construction, industrialization, (de)bureaucracy and digitization. To rise the overall mood the Ampel gov tried to communicate that they have realized many other promises. You could say this is technically true but people don't really care because it doesn't change the fact that these projects aren't on '''their''' priority list.

'''Partei: Die Linke'''
'''Party: Die Linke''' (''The Left'')

"The East German party." Marginalized themselves by inner fights and are perceived as ideological dead stranded. Meanwhile they lost two of three major heads: [[wp:de:Oskar_Lafontaine|Lafontaine]] and Wagenknecht. Sometimes they become collateral damage by strategic voting when their voters ballot for CDU, SPD and Greens to prevent AfD.
"The East German party." Marginalized themselves by inner fights and are perceived as ideological dead stranded. Meanwhile they lost two of three major heads: [[wp:de:Oskar_Lafontaine|Lafontaine]] and Wagenknecht. Sometimes they become collateral damage by strategic voting when their voters ballot for CDU, SPD and Greens to prevent AfD.
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Depending on how pressing the social question is (especially due to unemployment, low wages and precarious employment conditions), the political reservoir of the social democrats and thus of the Linke grows or shrinks (theoretically). -- The Linke should actually be a wing of the Social Democrats, but due to its historical (SED) past it has a harder ideological core, which to this day mainly affects the "new federal states" (East Germany) and thus (still) maintains its political weight. Due to old RAF connections/sympathies and members with left-wing extremist views, the Linke is still partially monitored by the Verfassungsschutz. In the long term, the party will probably permanently fall below the 5% threshold.
Depending on how pressing the social question is (especially due to unemployment, low wages and precarious employment conditions), the political reservoir of the social democrats and thus of the Linke grows or shrinks (theoretically). -- The Linke should actually be a wing of the Social Democrats, but due to its historical (SED) past it has a harder ideological core, which to this day mainly affects the "new federal states" (East Germany) and thus (still) maintains its political weight. Due to old RAF connections/sympathies and members with left-wing extremist views, the Linke is still partially monitored by the Verfassungsschutz. In the long term, the party will probably permanently fall below the 5% threshold.

'''Partei: ''BSW'''''
'''Party: ''BSW'''''

Die Wetten sind gesetzt.
Die Wetten sind gesetzt.
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** massiv NATO-skeptisch
** massiv NATO-skeptisch
** massiv europaskeptisch: Der Titel des Europawahlprogramms '''"[https://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/lafontaine-wirft-israel-kriegsverbrechen-im-gazastreifen-vor-19479300.html Ein unabhängiges Europa souveräner Demokratien]"''' klingt sehr ähnlich der Position der AfD, welche (offiziell) ein '''"[[wp:de:Europa_der_Vaterl%C3%A4nder|Europa]] [https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/europa-der-vaterlander-afd-spitzenkandidat-will-keinen-austritt-deutschlands-aus-der-eu-10237738.html der Vaterländer]"''' fordert.
** massiv europaskeptisch: Der Titel des Europawahlprogramms '''"[https://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/lafontaine-wirft-israel-kriegsverbrechen-im-gazastreifen-vor-19479300.html Ein unabhängiges Europa souveräner Demokratien]"''' klingt sehr ähnlich der Position der AfD, welche (offiziell) ein '''"[[wp:de:Europa_der_Vaterl%C3%A4nder|Europa]] [https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/europa-der-vaterlander-afd-spitzenkandidat-will-keinen-austritt-deutschlands-aus-der-eu-10237738.html der Vaterländer]"''' fordert.
** LGBT-skeptisch
** LGBTQ-skeptisch <!--Das Thema Cancel Culture ist zwar nicht ganz zu trennen, wird aber von Lafontaine mit einer extrem markigen Sprache bedient: "präfaschistoid".

