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Key aspects that appeal to me in Oni (2) and elsewhere.
Key aspects that appeal to me in Oni (2) and elsewhere.
===Oni scripting===
*[[ONK:OTA|Oni Team Arena]] : emulating multiplayer gameplay in Oni, with lots of bots.
*[[ONK:OTA|Oni Team Arena]] : emulating multiplayer gameplay in Oni, with lots of bots.
*More generally, [[ONK:ONK|Oni ni Kanabô]] : modding characters, weapons, etc.
*[[BSL|scripting language database]] (work still in progress)
*[[OSL:Oni Scripting Language|Oni Scripting Language database]]
===[[OBD:Oni Binary Data]]===
===Oni binary hacking===
*A few contributions to the community knowlegde on the way some data is stored in [[OBD:Oni Binary Data|Oni's binaries]]
*A few contributions to the community knowlegde on the way some data is stored in [[OBD:Oni Binary Data|Oni's binaries]]
*[[OBD:OUP|Oni Un/Packer]] (an Oni modding tool) : dev talk
*[[OBD:OUP|Oni Un/Packer]] (an Oni modding tool) : dev talk
===Pierre's KonokoPayne===
*More generally, [[ONK:ONK|Oni ni Kanabô]] : modding characters, weapons, levels, global features etc.
===[[Konoko Payne]]===
*dev talk, scripting
*dev talk, scripting
===Serious Konoko===
===[[Daodan DLL]]===
*The necessary premise to an [[Oni2:Oni 2|Oni 2 powered by Serious Engine 2]] : experimentation on just what can be done, in free form (multiplayer, no plot)
*dev talk
===[[Serious Konoko]]===
*The necessary premise to an [[Oni2:Oni 2|Oni 2]] : experimentation on just what can be done, in free form (multiplayer, no plot). Powered by Serious Engine 2.
Anonymous user