Talk:Oni (myth)

From OniGalore

Translation of the portuguese page

(to be included in the Oni article)
translated by Script10k

Geyser you have here the original and translation. It can't 100% perfect, do the changes that you think better. Any doubt contact me.

"O Demônio Oni"

"Oni" é um monstro japonês equivalente ao demônio "Ogro" do ocidente. A manifestação física do "Oni", é um enorme ser , musculado, peludo, com cornos de um touro, com pele vermelha, azul ou preta. O corpo dele era incrivelmente duro. Até mesmo decepado um membro , ele se reconecta e cura imediatamente. Um "Oni" normalmente tem um "kanabo", uma barra de ferro grande com pregos ; é uma arma muito destrutiva quando um "Oni" a brande em ataque. Estas capitulações artísticas dos demônios não só representam o sobrenatural, mas também são as incorporações das facetas do mau na natureza humana.

O "Oni" é considerado altamente inteligente. É dito que "Oni" pode se transmutar em mulher para esconder a verdadeira forma . Embora o mundo deles seja Jigoku (o Inferno), alguns "Onis" são achados neste mundo, e alguns estão morando em cidades aonde escondem suas identidades demoníacas . O "Oni" do inferno (com pelagem vermelha ou verde) caça os pecadores , os levando em carruagem para Emma-Hoo, o deus do inferno. Há demônios invisíveis entre os "Onis" cuja presença pode ser descoberta porque eles cantam ou assobiam. Eles são apreciadores do gosto da carne humana. Também é dito que o homem , com raiva extremada se transformará em um "Oni". Há no folclore Japonês a história que as mulheres de ciúme feroz se transformam em "Hannya", que é um "Oni" feminino. Há muitas lendas nas quais os heróis desafiam o terrível "Oni" e os matam. O mais famoso herói que desafiou os "Onis" foi Minamoto-no-Yorimitsu. O "Oni" budista nem sempre representaram as forças do mau ; no conhecimento budista há contos de monges que depois da morte se tornam "Onis" para protegerem seus templos de potenciais desastres . A convicção no "Oni", alcançou seu zênite nos 18º e 19º séculos.......

"Oni the Demon"

"Oni" is a japanese monster equal to demon "Ogre" of occident. The physical manifestation of "Oni", is an enormous being, muscular, hairy, with horns of a bull, with red skin, blue or black. His body was incredibly hard. Even having an amputate member, he reconnects and cures immediately. An "Oni" normally have one "kanabo", a big club of iron with nails; it is a very destructive weapon when a "Oni" brandishes it in attack. These artistic capitulations of the demons not only they represent the supernatural, but they are also the incorporations of the facets of the bad in the human nature.

The "Oni" is considered highly intelligent. It is said that "Oni" can transform in woman to hide the true form. Although they world is Jigoku (the Hell), some "Onis" are found in this world, and some are living in cities the where they hide their demoniac identities. "Oni" of the hell (with coat red or green) it hunts the sinners, taking them in carriage for Emma-Hoo, the god of the hell. There are invisible demons among "Onis" whose presence can be discovered because they sing or they whistle. They appreciate the taste of the human meat. It is also said that the man, with exalted rage if it will transform in a "Oni". there is in the Japanese folklore the history that the wife of ferocious jealousy becomes "Hannya", that is a feminine "Oni." There are a lot of legends in which the heroes challenge terrible "Oni" and they kill them. The most famous hero that challenged "Onis" was Minamoto-knot-Yorimitsu. Buddhist "Oni" not always they represented the forces of the bad; in the Buddhist knowledge there are stories of monks that after the death they turns "Onis" for to protect their temples of potentials disasters. The conviction in "Oni", reached it zenith in the 18th and 19th centuries.......

If there's any interest, here's my rewrite of the above into proper English. I don't agree with the capital "O", but I've left it intact. Perhaps you've already used this in the article, but I didn't really see it quoted anywhere.

An "Oni" is a Japanese monster, equivalent to the demon ogre of general Asian lore. The physical manifestation of an Oni is an enormous being, muscular, hairy, with the horns of a bull, and with red, blue or black skin. His body is incredibly hard. Even if he were to have a limb cut off, he could reconnect it and heal immediately. An Oni normally has a "kanabo", a large iron club with nails; it is a very destructive weapon when an Oni brandishes it in an attack. These artistic depictions can not only represent the supernatural, but can also characterize the evil facets of human nature.

As a legendary monster, the Oni is considered highly intelligent. It is said that Oni can transform into women to hide their true form. Although their world is Jigoku (Hell), sometimes Oni are found in this world, and some are living in cities where they hide their demonic identities. The role of the Oni in Hell (wearing a red or green coat) is to hunt down sinners in our world and take them in (carriage?) to Enma, the ruler of Hell. Some invisible Oni may accidentally reveal their presence because they sing or whistle. Oni appreciate the taste of human meat. It is also said that a man with anger will transform in an Oni. Japanese folklore also says that a wife of great jealousy will become a Hannya, that is, a feminine Oni. There are a lot of legends in which the heroes challenge and slay terrible Oni. The most famous hero that challenged Oni was Minamoto-no-Yorimitsu. The Buddhist Oni is not always an evil force; in the Buddhist legends there are stories of monks who, after death, became Oni in order to protect their temples from disasters. The belief in Oni reached its zenith in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Then it just trails off. I guess we could add a note about modern Japanese not generally believing in oni (although they do still hold to certain purification rites). Also, some of the sentences are kind of disorganized. --Iritscen 17:02, 5 February 2008 (CET)


Things this page needs:

  • pictures -- every type of "oni" should be depicted here, not just Lum!
  • organization -- there's a speculative section on why the game is called "Oni", but then the real answer is added at the bottom as an afterthought, leaving a reader to get confused and overloaded by random conjecture on Russian, etc. before (if) he finally gets there
  • the translated passage above has some interesting factoids that, if they hold up under research, should be included in the article --Iritscen (talk) 01:38, 30 January 2013 (CET)