OBD:WMDD: Difference between revisions

From OniGalore
m (updated byteswapping for the sake of consistency; this is in fact confusing because it's not the way C programmers read flags)
Line 73: Line 73:
:0x00 00 '''01''' 00 -  draw button
:0x00 00 '''01''' 00 -  draw button
:0x00 00 '''02''' 00 -  draw button text
:0x00 00 '''02''' 00 -  draw button text
:0x00 00 '''08''' 00 -  unknown
:0x00 00 '''08''' 00 -  toggle button (like the ones used "in game" for help, diary etc.)
:0x00 00 '''10''' 00 -  default button (the button that coresponds to the Enter key)
:0x00 00 '''10''' 00 -  default button (the button that coresponds to the Enter key)

Line 89: Line 89:
:0x00 00 '''02''' 00 -  alphabetical order
:0x00 00 '''02''' 00 -  alphabetical order
:0x00 00 '''04''' 00 -  unselectable
:0x00 00 '''04''' 00 -  unselectable
:0x00 00 '''08''' 00 -  draw items
:0x00 00 '''08''' 00 -  contains text (without this it contains only "custom" data)
:0x00 00 '''10''' 00 -  owner draw (the owner window will draw the list items)
:0x00 00 '''10''' 00 -  owner draw (the owner window will draw the list items)
:0x00 00 '''20''' 00 -  unknown
:0x00 00 '''20''' 00 -  draw file/folder icons

if picture:
if picture:

Revision as of 17:29, 23 July 2008

WMCL << Other file types >> WMM_
WMDD : WM (Window Menu) Dialog Data
switch to XML:WMDD page
Overview @ Oni Stuff

The image below shows the beginning of the file with the settings of the main window.

Wmdd all.gif

Offset Type Raw Hex Value Description
0x000 res_id 01 CE 09 00 1541 01541-dialog_mainmenu.WMDD
0x004 lev_id 01 00 00 00 0 level 0
0x008 char[256] Main Menu title
0x108 int16 96 00 150 ID (looked up from code)
0x10A int16 00 00 0 not used; always 0
0x10C int32 01 00 00 00 0x01 state; the following values are used:
0x01 00 00 00 - visible
0x02 00 00 00 - disabled
0x04 00 00 00 - unknown
0x110 int32 00 00 01 00 0x00010000 style; the following values are used:
0x01 00 00 00 - draw default background
0x02 00 00 00 - resizable window (has a thick border)
0x04 00 00 00 - show title bar
0x08 00 00 00 - show title (title bar required)
0x10 00 00 00 - show close button (title bar required)
0x20 00 00 00 - show restore button (title bar required)
0x40 00 00 00 - show minimize button (title bar required)
0x00 00 01 00 - center window on screen (x, y coordinates are ignore when this style is used)
0x114 int16 00 00 0 x coordinate of the window
0x116 int16 00 00 0 y coordinate of the window
0x118 int16 80 02 640 width of the window
0x11A int16 E0 01 480 height of the window
0x11C int32 06 00 00 00 6 array size
First element (black outline)
0x000 char[256] New Game text or:
  • TXMB/TXMP/PSpc name if class is picture
  • WMM_ name if class is popup menu
0x100 int16 04 00 4 class; the following window classes exist in Oni (values in dec):
1 - desktop (not used in dialogs)
3 - box (= groupbox)
4 - button
5 - checkbox
6 - dialog (not used in dialogs)
7 - edit field
8 - listbox
9 - menu bar (not used in dialogs)
10 - menu (not used in dialogs)
11 - picture (TXMB, TXMP or PSpc)
12 - popup menu (= pulldown menu = drop-down menu) (WMM_)
13 - progress bar
14 - radio button
16 - scrollbar (not used in dialogs)
17 - slider
20 - text
0x102 int16 64 00 100 ID (looked up from code)
0x104 int32 01 00 00 00 0x01 state; the following values are used:
0x01 00 00 00 - visible
0x02 00 00 00 - disabled
0x04 00 00 00 - unknown
0x108 int32 00 00 03 00 0x030000 style; dialog styles and the following control specific styles can be used here:

if box:

0x00 00 02 00 - draw text background
0x00 00 04 00 - draw text

if button:

0x00 00 01 00 - draw button
0x00 00 02 00 - draw button text
0x00 00 08 00 - toggle button (like the ones used "in game" for help, diary etc.)
0x00 00 10 00 - default button (the button that coresponds to the Enter key)

if checkbox:

0x00 00 01 00 - draw label

if radiobutton:

0x00 00 01 00 - draw label

if edit field:

0x00 00 01 00 - number only

if listbox:

0x00 00 01 00 - draw scrollbar
0x00 00 02 00 - alphabetical order
0x00 00 04 00 - unselectable
0x00 00 08 00 - contains text (without this it contains only "custom" data)
0x00 00 10 00 - owner draw (the owner window will draw the list items)
0x00 00 20 00 - draw file/folder icons

if picture:

0x00 00 02 00 - ignore the picture name; the displayed picture is set at runtime

if popup menu

0x00 00 01 00 - use menu width; doesn't work
0x00 00 02 00 - ignore the menu name; the menu is set at runtime

if text field:

0x00 00 02 00 - horizontal text align = center
0x00 00 04 00 - horizontal text align = right
0x00 00 10 00 - vertical text align = center
0x00 00 80 00 - owner draw (hides text)

0x10C int16 5E 01 350 x coordinate (relative to the top left corner of the window)
0x10E int16 E6 00 230 y coordinate (relative to the top left corner of the window)
0x110 int16 B4 00 180 width
0x112 int16 28 00 40 height
0x114 link32 01 02 00 00 2 link to 00002-Tahoma.TSFF
0x118 int32 01 00 00 00 1 font option; the following options are possible:
0 - normal font
1 - bold font
2 - italic font
0x11C color32 00 7F FF FF 0, 127, 255; 255 font color (blue, green, red); transparency
0x120 int8 01 1 ignored
0x121 int8 00 0 ignored
0x122 int16 0A 00 10 font size (height)

Dialog ID
Since Oni looks dialogs up by ID, changing them arbitrarily is not recommended.
Visible flag (0x10C)
A hidden/disabled window can't be activated from Oni, so if you hide the main menu, you'll have to shut down Oni from the Task Manager (or make it Blam ^^).
With "-noswitch", you can switch to other applications whenever the mouse pointer is visible in Oni.
Item IDs (for this example)
64 - "new game" window
65 - "load game" window
66 - "options" window
67 - "quit" window
68 - "resume" window

WMCL << Other file types >> WMM_
WMDD : WM (Window Menu) Dialog Data
Global file