AE talk:Daodan overpower and upgrades: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 14:38, 14 November 2008

File:SSJ Konoko.jpg
Weeeeeee!!!!!!! Upgrade!
Ok, talking with Iritscen on YIM, combined with, produced a few ideas.
After both Daodan surges - 25 health boost - done in CHAR
After the acid bath - 25 health boost - done in CHAR
After the second Daodan surge - 5-10 damage upgrade across the board, could be done with new TRAMs, if we can agree on one we like.
Possibly lowering the Daodan requirement to 90-95 percent health - done via DaodanDLL detection?
Fists of Legend at 150% health - BSL scripting+engine modding? - could be done if I find 0x8B of free space in the EXE for a chr_wait_health_above function
"25 health boost" x3? unless there is radically more challenging MELE and mission scripts taking advantage of it, this will make Oni easier than Easy.
"5-10 damage upgrade across the board" doing this with TRAM attack parts is weird, especially if all the TRAM are affected. I'd use glows and trails.
"lowering the Daodan requirement to 90-95 percent health" You want Konoko to glow at full health? O_o Or is that "Daodan" different from overpower?
"Fists of Legend at 150% health - BSL scripting+engine modding?" Fists of Legend kinda suck, but such upgrades are readly scriptable, see below.
geyser 15:38, 14 November 2008 (CET)
var int on_timer=5;
var int overpower_on=0;

func main {
    chr_set_class 0 TCTF_swat_1
#    chr_set_class 0 muro_generic
#    chr_set_class 0 griffin_generic
    fork upgrade1
    fork upgrade2
func upgrade1 {
    if(on_timer eq 0) OverPowerOn
    on_timer=on_timer - 1
    sleep 1
    fork upgrade1
func upgrade2 {
    chr_wait_health 0 260
    if(overpower_on) OverPowerOff
    sleep 1
    fork upgrade2
func OverPowerOn {
    chr_set_class 0 TCTF_swat_blackops_1
#    chr_set_class 0 mutantmuro
#    chr_set_class 0 griffin_swat
    dmsg OverPowerON
func OverPowerOff {
    chr_set_class 0 TCTF_swat_1
#    chr_set_class 0 muro_generic
#    chr_set_class 0 griffin_generic
    dmsg OverPowerOFF

Naturally, Oni will crash if an ONCC is missing. This is not too heavy on the BSL engine, despite the two simultaneous threads. --geyser 15:38, 14 November 2008 (CET)