Making a mod package: Difference between revisions

From OniGalore
Line 145: Line 145:
: Type of the executable. Important if the executable has to be run by a specific interpreter like .Net. Can be either one of:
: Type of the executable. Important if the executable has to be run by a specific interpreter like .Net. Can be either one of:
:: ''OSBinary'' - Normal binary which can be executed by itself (assumed by default)
:: ''OSBinary'' - Normal binary which can be executed by itself (assumed by default)
:: ''WinExe'' - Normal Windows executable (.exe) - only supported for Windows only packages
:: ''DotNet'' - .Net binary, executed by MS.NET on Windows, Mono on Mac OS X and Linux
:: ''DotNet'' - .Net binary, executed by MS.NET on Windows, Mono on Mac OS X and Linux
:: ''Jar'' - Java .jar archive (assumed if ''ExeName'' ends in ".jar")
:: ''Jar'' - Java .jar archive (assumed if ''ExeName'' ends in ".jar")

Revision as of 11:28, 21 March 2013

The Anniversary Edition comes with a set of mods in the "package" format. This new framework also allows modders to make third-party mods that will install easily into the Edition. You can start your package by copying an existing AE package and modifying it to save time.

Package format 2.0

The AEI 2 prefers the new 2.0 package format, but will also read 1.1 packages.

To create a new mod package from scratch, follow these seven easy steps:

1. Open up your AE/install/packages/ folder.

2. Create a new folder with a name corresponding to your mod. No spaces, please. The five digit number in front corresponds to where in the load order you want your mod to be. Please, leave some space between your mod and other AE mods. See HERE to know how to number your mod.

3. Create (or copy) a config file named "Mod_Info.cfg" inside your new folder (see section "Mod_Info.cfg" below).

4. If you have .oni files, make a folder named "oni" inside your package folder. If you have .bsl files, make a folder named "bsl" inside the package folder. If you have XML patches (.oni-patch files), make a folder named "patches" inside the package folder.

5. Make a folder called "common" inside the oni/, bsl/, or patches/ folders if your mod will work on both Windows and Mac OS X. Make a folder called "win_only" or "mac_only" if you have files intended for only one platform or if certain files need to be in one format for Windows and one for OS X.

6. If your mod modifies the global data in level0_Final, make a "level0_Final" folder inside "oni" or "patches". For every level that your mod uses, make a "levelX_Final" folder inside "oni" (level1_Final, level2_Final, etc...). However, a BSL mod uses the names of the IGMD subfolders the script(s) will go into, e.g. a script that is meant for Chapter 1 goes in "bsl/EnvWarehouse/".

7. Put the appropriate types of files inside their respective levelX_Final/ directories. Check the section "Folder structure" below to make sure you did it right!

Special note: Be very careful when replacing (not adding) M3GM, TRAC and OBAN. With TRAC, you must include all of the children of the TRAC you are adding. With M3GM, you must also include the file that references the M3GM. With OBANs, you need to include the AKEV that links to them.



AEInstallVersion -> 2.0
NameOfMod -> Improved Weapons
Creator -> Geyser, Loser, Iritscen, Gumby
ModVersion -> 1.1
IncompatibleWith -> 11100,23050
DependsOn -> 45000
UnlockLevel -> 25
Readme -> Improves the appearance and mechanics of existing Oni weapons. \n \n Currently contains...
Explanation of fields

Entries marked with an asterisk (*) are only used if the mod is not yet listed on the Oni Mod Depot. Otherwise, the AEI will display the versions of those fields that are found on the Depot's node for that mod.

What version of the Installer is needed to read this package.
The "public" name of the mod. It can be anything you like, but should be written in an easily understandable manner *.
The version of the mod *.
The name(s) that you want to get credit for the mod *.
The read-me text. You can make linebreaks by using " \n " *.
Package numbers of mods this mod will not work with at the same time. Multiple entries separated by ",".
Package numbers of mods this mod depends on to function. Multiple entries separated by ",".
If set to "Yes", the Installer considers your mod a scenario and takes steps to exclude other BSL scenario mods from being installed for the same level. If set to "Addon", the Installer allows your mod to be installed to any level without restriction. Of course not all third-party BSL add-ons are guaranteed to be compatible with each other, but this is an inherent risk in third-party modding. Mods with conflicting BSL files for a level should be listed in the IncompatibleWith field. If this tag is left out, "Yes" is assumed by default if the mod contains a "bsl/" folder.
If this mod adds a new level this flag allows to unlock that level in persist.dat. Multiple level numbers can be given separated by ",".

Folder structure

Compared to the folder structure of AEI 1.1 packages, AEI 2.0 packages have one additional level of folders within the oni/ and bsl/ folders to allow one mod package to support both platforms. So if a mod contains sounds for Windows and Mac OS X, you put the OS-specific files within the appropriate folder, win_only/ or mac_only/. Furthermore, we now have the ability to add XML patches. Those have to go to the appropriate folder within patches/.


Folders without content can be left out, so a basic mod with only level 0 .oni files for Mac OS X only will look like this:




AEInstallVersion -> 2.0
NameOfMod -> OniSplit
Creator -> Neo
ModVersion ->
Readme -> Management of Oni's .dat files
ExeName -> Tools/OniSplit.exe
ExeType -> DotNet
WorkingDir -> Base
IconName -> Tools/MyIcon.png
Explanation of fields

Entries marked with an asterisk (*) are only used if the mod is not yet listed on the Oni Mod Depot, otherwise the AEI will display the version of those fields that is found on the mod's Depot node.

What version of the Installer is needed to read this package.
The "public" name of the mod. It can be anything you like, but should be written in an easily understandable manner *.
The version of the mod *.
The name(s) that you want to get credit for the mod *.
The read-me text. You can make linebreaks by using " \n " *.
Path to the executable file if it should be added to the Tools menu of the AEI. Probably mostly useful for GUI-based tools. Do not forget to add the path to the file in relation to the AE/ folder. (Optional tag)
Type of the executable. Important if the executable has to be run by a specific interpreter like .Net. Can be either one of:
OSBinary - Normal binary which can be executed by itself (assumed by default)
WinExe - Normal Windows executable (.exe) - only supported for Windows only packages
DotNet - .Net binary, executed by MS.NET on Windows, Mono on Mac OS X and Linux
Jar - Java .jar archive (assumed if ExeName ends in ".jar")
Specify the working directory for the executable specified by ExeName. Can be either one of:
Base - Working directory is the AE/ folder (assumed by default)
Exe - Working directory is the folder where the executable is located
GDF - Working directory is GameDataFolder/
Path to an icon for the AEI Tools menu. Must be in PNG format and between 16x16 and 32x32 in size. If not specified, no icon will be used.

Folder structure


The folder plain/ is for files not related to mods. Files/folders within "plain/[platform]/" are relative to the base folder of the AE, so the example would put the file in "$VanillaOni/AE/Tools/OniSplit.exe" on both platforms.

Package format 1.1


AEInstallVersion -> 1.1
NameOfMod -> Improved Weapons
ModVersion -> 1.1
Category -> AE: Weapons
Creator -> Geyser/Loser/Iritscen/Gumby
HasOnis -> Yes
Readme -> Improves the appearence and mechanics of existing Oni weapons. \n \n Currently contains...
What version of the Installer is needed to read this package (choices are 1.0 and 1.1). 1.0 is deprecated, but for the sake of thorough documentation, here are the functional package-handling differences between the versions:
1.0 (Edition 2009-07): Initial release.
1.1 (Edition 2010-05):
  • Now supports BSL mods. This means that the HasBSL flag now works. See step 7.
  • No more division of level0_Final into level0_Character, level0_Textures, etc., and no more need for a double-path like level1_Final/level1_Final. See step 5.
  • ModString is now deprecated in place of ModVersion.
  • Supports floating-point version numbers, like "ModVersion -> 1.1".
  • Supports platform-specific mods by use of Platform flag.
The "public" name of the mod. It can be anything you like, but should be written in an easily understandable manner, since it is displayed for the user in the Installer.
The version of the mod; tells the Installer if you are using the most current version when updating.
The name(s) that you want to get credit for the mod, displayed to the user in the Installer.
Set this to "Yes" to tell the Installer that .oni files are present.
If set to "Yes", the Installer considers your mod a scenario and takes steps to exclude other BSL scenario mods from being installed for the same level. If set to "Addon", the Installer allows your mod to be installed to any level without restriction. Of course not all third-party BSL add-ons are guaranteed to be compatible with each other, but this is an inherent risk in third-party modding.
If set to "Windows", mod is not listed in the Installer window on the Macintosh. If set to "Macintosh", mod is ignored on Windows.
The read-me text displayed for the user in the Installer. You can make linebreaks by using " \n ".

Flags not documented here are currently ignored by the Installer.

You are done! Sample mod directory:



Package numbering

Please read on HERE.

used numbers

AE packages are marked with an asterisk (*).
Placeholders are marked with two asterisk (**).

Last update: Aug. 20, 2012

11000 Better Weapons (*)
11100 Three Dee Shells (3D bullet casing)
12000 New Weapons (*)
12010 Assualt Rifle
12100 ONIrules Weapons Collection 2
12300 Devastator
13000 Multi Use Explosive
21000 Upgraded ONCCs (*)
21200 Sentry Droid
21300 Guard Dogs
21400 Wraith Mod Squad / Wraith Squad
21500 Brutal AI
22000 New Characters 
22005 Sam Mega Pack - Characters
22006 Sam Mega Pack - Conversion
22007 Sam Mega Pack - Levels(**)
22008 Custom Character Mega Pack BGI (Level modifications + Characters)(**)
22009 Custom Character Mega Pack BGI (Characters only)(**)
22010 Custom Character Mega Pack BGI (Level modifications only)(**)
22015 BGI Executives, Guards, Receptionist*
22016 BGI Sarai (**)
22017 BGI Agents
22018 BGI Troopers (**)
22019 BGI Jubei and Akane original version 
22020 BGI Assassins (updated Jubei & Akane)(**)
22022 BGI Hydra (**)
22023 BGI Hammer
22024 BGI Typhoon(**)
22025 BGI Ninja Bot
22026 BGI Heavy Bot
22027 BGI Bat *
22110 White Chief
22111 Black Chief
22200 Konoko's Special Wardrobe
22300 Bozzman's TCTF
22500 Muro's Wardrobe
22390 RedBlackSwitch
22400 Blackops Syndicate by TOCS
22410 Konoko and Female Blackops
22450 Casual Tanker
22500 Daodanized Mukade
23000 Shinatama Too (*)
23100 Shinatama Bot
23150 Berserker Gally (Alita)
23200 Golden TCTF
23201 GoldenTCTF Fight
23205 Ultimate Griffin (**)
23210 ............. (?)
23300 James and Jamie Hasegawa
23400 Kyrie\Akirie (**)
23500 Casey
23580 Red Fury Variant 4
23590 GreyFury2.0
23595 Regenerating Tanker
23600 Kojiro 2.0
23605 Apollo (**)
23610 Hayate 2.0
23615 Hanako
23620 Thor*
23630 Mutant Jester
23640 RAYMAN (**)
23650 CHUCK NORRIS (**)
23690 Semi Mutant Muro (**)
23700 Mutant Konokos (**)
23900 Character Additives
23905 Skull Team Fight
24000 Severed Textures (*)
24100 HQ Training Textures
24104 HQ Airport Textures
24110 Vicious Reillys Konoko
24210 Yin Yang Fury
24220 StoneTank
24230 Metal Ninja
24240 Elite Tanker
24150 Konoko-Three-in-one
25000 Motoko
26000 Konoko HD
27000 Alita Last Order
28000 Griffin HD
29000 Character Retexture
29001 TCTF Package
24500 Better Consoles and Doors
24501 Better Warehouse and Training
31000 Glass Breaking Moves (*)
32000 Dangerous Glass (*)
32100 Complete Glass Mod
33000 Improved Weather (*)
34000 Exploding Barrel
34090 Blood
34100 Perceptible Blood
39000 Black Chenille (demo about black plus alpha issue)
42000 Dashing AI (*)
44000 Konoko Retextured
44001 Comguy Retextured Reflective
45000 Ninja Shadow Dash (*)
45500 Dash Blur (*)
46000 Prone Mode Revisited
50000 Jewel Fix
51000 Unlock All Moves (*)
52000 Andrashi TRAMs (*)
52100 Fixed TRAM
52200 Particle Trails
52230 Stunned Throws Fix
53000 Knockdown Revamp (*)
55000 New Animations
55000 Barabus Jetpack
55010 Barabus Draining Regeneration
56000 Mod Brick 1 Speed
60000 All Starlab
70000 HD Screens
70100 Mukade Clones
77700 Survival
77720 Crazy Casey
77721 Crazy Casey Final Battle
77730 Shins New Shoes
77770 Oni Zen Garden Roof
77771 Oni Zen Garden Arena
80100 Real Skies
80200 Arena of Hurt
80210 Junkyard
80220 Hexagon
80230 Muro's Lair - Mission 1
80240 Parkour Challenge
80260 De Dust Deluxe
80270 Boss Battle
80280 Old China
80300 Level Maze
83000 nyan cat
88000 TCTF Regional HQ MOD
90100 Titan Mode
90110 Aiport Assault 2 (v1)
99900 Door Lock Bombing (demo)
99901 Head Shot Mod (beta / POC)
99902 Muro Plasma
99903 Muro Kamehameha idea (**)