User:Iritscen/WikiFuture: Difference between revisions

From OniGalore
m (→‎1.28: oops)
m (added PHP requirements for 1.42, 1.43)
(35 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Below are any notable changes that we should look forward to, or watch out for, if upgrading MediaWiki (besides various security fixes). Source:
Below are any notable changes that we should look forward to, or watch out for, if upgrading MediaWiki (as well as significant security fixes). [[mw:Release notes|(Source)]]

Oldest version of MediaWiki still supported as of June 2017: 1.27. Source:
Oldest maintained LTS version of MediaWiki: 1.39 (supported through November 2025).<br>
Latest LTS version of MediaWiki: 1.43 (supported through December 2027). [[mw:Version lifecycle|(Source)]]

Current version on OniGalore: '''{{CURRENTVERSION}}'''

==Future 1.19 versions==
You can browse each version of the MW code [ HERE].
No notable feature changes have come after our current installation version (1.19.2), but security fixes are available up to 1.19.24. This was a Long-Term Support version, but support for it ended in May 2015.

*First release was in Nov. 2012.
*1.20 has several database changes since 1.19, and will not work without schema updates.
*Minimum PHP version is now 5.3.2, minimum SQL version is now MySQL 5.0.2, PostgreSQL 8.3, SQLite 3.3.7.
*Improved diff view (but we have already back-ported this into our Vector.css).
*New special page Special:MostInterwikis.
*Live preview functionality has been improved.
*"Show" options on Special:RecentChanges and Special:RecentChangesLinked are now remembered between successive clicks.
*Sanitizer::fixDeprecatedAttributes should convert "align" attribute to margin or float instead of text-align (for non-table-cells).
*Removed white border around thumbnails in galleries.
*Section edit and TOC hide/show links are excluded from selection and copy/paste on supporting browsers.
*Allow importing pages as subpage.
*Allow <nowiki>{{PAGESINCATEGORY}}</nowiki> to distinguish between 'all', 'pages', 'files' and 'subcats'.
*Option on Special:Prefixindex and Special:Allpages to not show redirects.
*The user right 'upload_by_url' is no longer given to sysops by default. This only affects installations which have $wgAllowCopyUploads set to true.
*First release was in May 2013.
*1.21 has several database changes since 1.20, and will not work without schema updates.
*Requirements remain the same as for 1.20.
*BREAKING CHANGE: Filenames of maintenance scripts were standardized into lowerCamelCase format, and made more explicit.
*The username field is not pre-filled when creating an account.
*removeUnusedAccounts.php maintenance script now ignores newuser log when determining whether an account is used (there's a removeUnusedAccounts script?!).
*In the sidebar of Vector, CologneBlue, Monobook, and Monobook-based skins, the heading levels have been changed from (variously per skin) <nowiki><h4></nowiki>, <nowiki><h5></nowiki> or <nowiki><h6></nowiki> to only <nowiki><h3></nowiki>s, with a <nowiki><h2></nowiki> hidden heading above them. If you are styling or scripting the headings in a custom way, this change will require updates to your site's CSS or JS.
*Update filename field on Upload page after having sanitized it.
*Diffs while editing an old revision should again diff against the current revision.
*SpecialDoubleRedirect should support interwiki redirects.
*fixDoubleRedirects.php should support interwiki redirects.
*SpecialBrokenRedirect should not list interwiki redirects.
*Hide rollback link if a user is the only contributor of the page.
*The HTML5 <mark> tag has been whitelisted (this is for highlighting text).
*$wgVectorUseSimpleSearch is now enabled by default.
*First release was in Dec. 2013.
*1.22 has several database changes since 1.21, and will not work without schema updates.
*Requirements remain the same as for 1.20.
*Code specific to the Math extension was marked as deprecated.
*The collapsibleNav feature from the Vector extension has been moved to the Vector skin in core.
*Methods Title::userCanEditCssSubpage and Title::userCanEditJsSubpage, deprecated since 1.19, have been removed.
*MediaWiki will now flash a confirmation message upon successfully editing a page.
*A new Special:Redirect page was added, providing lookup by revision ID, user ID, or file name. The old Special:Filepath page was reimplemented to redirect through Special:Redirect.
*Event namespace used by jquery.makeCollapsible has been changed from 'mw-collapse' to 'mw-collapsible' for consistency with the module name.
*Converted the table of contents on wiki pages from <nowiki><table></nowiki> to <nowiki><div></nowiki> and adjusted skin CSS accordingly. The CSS was carefully crafted to be backwards-compatible in all reasonable cases (uses of the <nowiki>__TOC__</nowiki> magic word, the #toc CSS id and the .toc CSS class). However, particularly bad abuse of the id or the class can possibly break.
*Broken files tracking category removed from pages if an image with that name is uploaded.
*portal-url and currentevents-url have been removed from the default Sidebar; helppage now points to a page which is guaranteed to exist. Any sysop can customize the sidebar by editing MediaWiki:Sidebar.
*The 'edit' right no longer allows for editing a user's own CSS and JS.
*New rights 'editmyusercss', 'editmyuserjs', 'viewmywatchlist', 'editmywatchlist', 'viewmyprivateinfo', 'editmyprivateinfo', and 'editmyoptions' restrict actions that were formerly allowed by default. They have been added to the default for $wgGroupPermissions['*'].
*The 'editprotected' right no longer allows bypassing of all page protection restrictions. Any group using it for this purpose will now need to have all the individual rights listed in $wgRestrictionTypes for the same effect.
*Special:ListFiles can now show old versions of files. Additionally Special:AllMyUploads was introduced so the user can get a list of all things they have ever uploaded, even if it was subsequently overriden.
*Add a mode parameter to <nowiki><gallery></nowiki> tag with potential options of "traditional", "nolines", "packed", "packed-overlay", or "packed-hover".
*<wbr> can now be used inside WikiText.
*Special:PrefixIndex now lets you strip the searched prefix from the displayed titles. Given a list of articles named Bug1, Bug2, you can now transclude the list of bug numbers using: <nowiki>{{Special:PrefixIndex/Bug|stripprefix=1}}</nowiki>. The special page form received a new checkbox matching that option.
*New user rights have been added to increase granularity in rights management for extensions such as OAuth:
:*editmyusercss controls whether a user may edit their own CSS subpages.
:*editmyuserjs controls whether a user may edit their own JS subpages.
:*viewmywatchlist controls whether a user may view their watchlist.
:*editmywatchlist controls whether a user may edit their watchlist.
:*viewmyprivateinfo controls whether a user may access their private information (e.g. registered email address, real name).
:*editmyprivateinfo controls whether a user may change their private information.
:*editmyoptions controls whether a user may change their preferences.
*The lists of templates used on the page and hidden categories it is a member of, shown below the edit form, are now collapsible (and collapsed by default).
*<nowiki>{{ROOTPAGENAME}}</nowiki> introduced, contains the name of the topmost page without namespace.
*New versions of login (Special:UserLogin) and create account (Special:UserLogin/signup) forms using the "vform" compact vertical form layout. These forms use new messages that assume a "Help logging in" link, see; lists the message key changes.
*EditWarning: A warning is shown when an editor leaves the edit form without saving (enabled by default, users can opt-out via the 'useeditwarning' preference). This feature was moved from the Vector extension, and is now part of core for all skins. Take care when upgrading that you don't use an older version of the Vector extension as this feature may conflict.
*wikibits: Drop support for mwCustomEditButtons. It defaults to an empty array and emits mw.log.warn when accessed.
*Legacy skins Simple, MySkin, Chick, Standard and Nostalgia were all removed.
*First release was in Jun. 2014.
*1.23 has several database changes since 1.22, and will not work without schema updates.
*Requirements remain the same as for 1.20.
*Preferences 'watchcreations', 'watchdefault', 'enotifwatchlistpages' ("Add pages I create and files I upload to my watchlist", "Add pages and files I edit to my watchlist", "Email me when a page or file on my watchlist is changed") are now enabled by default. In addition new user accounts' personal and talk pages are now watched by them by default.
*Add expensive parser functions <nowiki>{{REVISIONID:}}</nowiki>, <nowiki>{{REVISIONUSER:}}</nowiki> and <nowiki>{{REVISIONTIMESTAMP:}}</nowiki> (with friends).
*The MediaWiki:Group-user.{css,js} pages can now be used to add custom CSS or JavaScript enabled only for registered users.
*<nowiki>[[Special:Diff]]</nowiki> was added, allowing users to create internal links to revision comparison pages using syntax such as <nowiki>[[Special:Diff/12345]]</nowiki>, <nowiki>[[Special:Diff/12345/prev]]</nowiki> or <nowiki>[[Special:Diff/12345/98765]]</nowiki>.
*Slight changes to the typography. The details are listed [ here], but the gist of it is a classier serif font for headers, slightly larger text, and that text is now dark-dark-gray instead of black.
*Redirect pages, when viewed with redirect=no, no longer hide the remaining page content.
*The global functions addButton and insertTags (for mw.toolbar.addButton and mw.toolbar.insertTags) now emits mw.log.warn when accessed.
*Display MediaWiki:Loginprompt on the login page (as in 1.21).

*First release was in Nov. 2014.
:''I have checked the release notes through 1.39.9.''
*1.24 has several database changes since 1.23, and will not work without schema updates.
*Only small issues have been fixed since our current version of 1.39.6.
*Requirements remain the same as for 1.20 except that MediaWiki now requires PHP's iconv extension.
*MediaWiki will no longer run if register_globals or magic quotes are enabled.
*The server's canonical hostname is available as $wgServerName.
*Users in the 'sysop' group have access to Special:MergeHistory by default.
*<nowiki>{{!}}</nowiki> is now a magic word that produces the | character. This removes the need for our [[Template:Pipe|Pipe template]] for purposes such as passing pipes inside of parameters.
*Redirects to sections will now update the URL in browser's address bar using the HTML5 History API. When <nowiki>[[Dog]]</nowiki> redirects to <nowiki>[[Animals#Dog]]</nowiki>, the user will now see "Animals#Dog" in their browser instead of "Dog#Dog".
*Improved Vector skin performance by removing collapsibleNav, which used to collapse some sidebar elements by default. This removes -list id suffixes like p-lang-list: instead of using things like #p-lang-list, you can do #p-lang .body ul.
*BREAKING CHANGE: All four built-in MediaWiki skins (Vector, Monobook, Modern and Cologne Blue) were moved out of MediaWiki core to their own respective repositories. They will be installed with the release tarball, but you must install them separately if installing MediaWiki from source code.

*First release was in May 2015.
:''I have checked the release notes through 1.40.3.''
*1.25 has several database changes since 1.24, and will not work without schema updates.
*'''Requires PHP 7.4.3+ and the PHP extensions ctype, dom, fileinfo, iconv, intl, json, mbstring, xml.'''
*MediaWiki now requires PHP 5.3.3, but other requirements have not changed since 1.24.
*Special:Search can now show thumbnails for results for titles outside NS_FILE. This is controlled via the new onSearchResultProvideThumbnail hook.
*Clickable anchors for each section heading in the content are now generated and appear in the gutter on hovering over the heading (huh?).
*A new preference ('search-thumbnail-extra-namespaces') to allow users to control whether to show more thumbnails (per $wgThumbnailNamespaces)
*Special:WantedPages no longer lists broken redirects (since that has always had its own special page).
*The preferences page now provides a search bar to find preferences, regardless of the tab on which they appear.
*A new message (defaulting to blank), 'editnotice-notext', can be shown to users when they are editing if no edit notices apply to the page being edited.
*$wgPasswordPolicies – This setting, which controls what makes for a valid password for wiki accounts, has been adjusted to raise the minimal password length from 1 to 8 characters. The initial limit of 1 has been in place since MediaWiki 1.26. If you wish to allow shorter passwords, you can over-ride it in your LocalSettings following the guidance on
*You can now make the sitenotice appear to logged-in users only by editing MediaWiki:Anonnotice and replacing its content with "". Setting it to "-" (default) will continue disable it and fallback to MediaWiki:Sitenotice.
*You should configure your webserver to return the http header 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff' for the /images directory. This will instruct browsers to not apply content sniffing when accessing the files. MediaWiki before 1.40 shipped with a content sniffer which disallowed potentially dangerous files at upload time, but this protection has now been removed in favor of this 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff' header and the installer will return a warning when it is not in place.
*MediaWiki now requires certain external libraries to be installed. In the past these were bundled inside the Git repository of MediaWiki core, but now they need to be installed separately. For users using the tarball, this will be taken care of and no action will be required. Users using Git will either need to use composer to fetch dependencies or use the mediawiki/vendor repository which includes all dependencies for MediaWiki core and ones used in Wikimedia deployment.
*Maintenance scripts should now be executed using maintenance/run.php, e.g. maintenance/run.php update not maintenance/update.php as before.
*The Special:WhatLinksHere page linked from 'Number of redirects to this page' on action=info about a file page does not list file links anymore (whuh?).
*Five extensions have now been bundled with MediaWiki:
*Search bar is not autofocused unless it is empty so that proper scrolling using arrow keys is possible.
**The [[mw:Extension:DiscussionTools|DiscussionTools]] extension, which provides a forum-like editing experience for wikitext-based discussion pages. This is the dreaded new "forum-like" experience for talk pages that I don't think any of us will want. It seems like it will be on by default so we'll have to change $wgDiscussionToolsEnable to false. Hopefully it doesn't do anything to mess with talk pages immediately upon install.
*The global importScriptURI and importStylesheetURI functions, as well as the loadedScripts object, from wikibits.js (deprecated since 1.17) now emit warnings through mw.log.warn when accessed.
**The [[mw:Extension:Echo|Echo]] extension, which provides a system of user notifications.
**The [[mw:Extension:Linter|Linter]] extension, which warns about use of deprecated wikitext.
**The [[mw:Extension:LoginNotify|LoginNotify]] extension, which warns users about failed attempted logins.
**The [[mw:Extension:Thanks|Thanks]] extension, which lets users thank editors for edits.
*The Renameuser extension has been moved to MediaWiki core. It is now possible to rename users without installing an extension. The extension had already been bundled with MediaWiki since 1.18.

*First release was in Nov. 2015.
:''I have checked the release notes through 1.41.4.''
*1.26 has several database changes since 1.25, and will not work without schema updates.
*'''Requires PHP 7.4.3+ and the PHP extensions ctype, dom, fileinfo, iconv, intl, json, mbstring, xml.'''
*Requirements remain the same as for 1.25.
*MediaWiki now requires browsers to support ES6 for them to receive JavaScript, up from ES5. In practice, this primarily means that users of Internet Explorer 11 (EOL in 2022) will no longer get JavaScript tools.
*The "Signature" button on the edit toolbar is now hidden by default in non-talk namespaces. A new configuration variable, $wgExtraSignatureNamespaces, controls in which subject (non-talk) namespaces the "Signature" button on the edit toolbar will be displayed.
*Some interesting new configuration variables:
**$wgImplicitRights - A list of implicit rights, in addition to the ones defined by the core. Rights in this list are granted implicitly to all users, but rate limits may apply to them.
**$wgInterwikiLogoOverride - List of interwiki logos overrides.
**$wgSVGNativeRendering - Whether native SVG rendering by the browser agent is allowed
**$wgSVGNativeRenderingSizeLimit - If $wgSVGNativeRendering is set to 'partial', this sets the size limit for an SVG file to be rendered as a PNG instead of directly by the browser.
**$wgWikidiff2Options - Configuration for Wikidiff2. Is Wikidiff2 used by default in 1.41? If so, it seems that they may have added new options and that's the reason they added this array variable. See [[mw:Manual:$wgWikidiff2Options|here]] for docs.
**$wgEnableEditRecovery - Enables a beta edit-saving feature that prevents data loss if the window closes. Apparently Visual Editor already has its own edit-saving feature that is almost as good.

*First release was in Jun. 2016.
:''I have checked the release notes through 1.42.4.''
*1.27 has several database changes since 1.26, and will not work without schema updates.
*'''Requires PHP 8.1.0+ and the PHP extensions ctype, dom, fileinfo, iconv, intl, json, mbstring, xml.'''
*MediaWiki now requires PHP 5.5.9 and MySQL 5.0.3 instead of 5.0.2.
*'''MediaWiki now requires Composer 2.x, and any related (vendor) files generated by Composer must be generated by Composer 2.x. Composer 1.x is mostly end-of-life upstream, and using it will result in slower actions when downloading and installing packages.'''
*Many changes to the authentication process have been made, which may affect our third-party extension ConfirmAccount.
*<code>filter:</code> is now allowed in inline CSS in wikitext.

:''These changes are listed through 1.28.2.''
:''I have checked the release notes through 1.43.0.''
*First release was in Nov. 2016.
*'''Requires PHP 8.1.0+ and the PHP extensions ctype, dom, fileinfo, iconv, intl, json, mbstring, xml, plus openssl.'''
*1.28 has several database changes since 1.27, and will not work without schema updates.
*'''update.php updates the Linter database table with two migration scripts that can take a long time to run: with the provided settings, each migration script update roughly 500 rows per second. If at all possible, it is highly recommended to let update.php run these migration scripts.'''
*Numeric sorting in categories is now supported.
*Special:TalkPage is a new special page that will redirect to the associated talk namespace page, e.g. Special:TalkPage/Foo redirects to Talk:Foo; Special:TalkPage/Project:Foo goes to Project talk:Foo. This allows for links by templates and tools without having to parse what namespaces are valid and have associated talk pages.
*Special:NamespaceInfo is a new special page that displays a list of namespaces available on the wiki, their descriptions and configuration.


Latest revision as of 17:19, 10 February 2025

Below are any notable changes that we should look forward to, or watch out for, if upgrading MediaWiki (as well as significant security fixes). (Source)

Oldest maintained LTS version of MediaWiki: 1.39 (supported through November 2025).
Latest LTS version of MediaWiki: 1.43 (supported through December 2027). (Source)

Current version on OniGalore: 1.39.6

You can browse each version of the MW code HERE.


I have checked the release notes through 1.39.9.
  • Only small issues have been fixed since our current version of 1.39.6.


I have checked the release notes through 1.40.3.
  • Requires PHP 7.4.3+ and the PHP extensions ctype, dom, fileinfo, iconv, intl, json, mbstring, xml.
  • Special:Search can now show thumbnails for results for titles outside NS_FILE. This is controlled via the new onSearchResultProvideThumbnail hook.
  • A new preference ('search-thumbnail-extra-namespaces') to allow users to control whether to show more thumbnails (per $wgThumbnailNamespaces)
  • The preferences page now provides a search bar to find preferences, regardless of the tab on which they appear.
  • $wgPasswordPolicies – This setting, which controls what makes for a valid password for wiki accounts, has been adjusted to raise the minimal password length from 1 to 8 characters. The initial limit of 1 has been in place since MediaWiki 1.26. If you wish to allow shorter passwords, you can over-ride it in your LocalSettings following the guidance on
  • You should configure your webserver to return the http header 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff' for the /images directory. This will instruct browsers to not apply content sniffing when accessing the files. MediaWiki before 1.40 shipped with a content sniffer which disallowed potentially dangerous files at upload time, but this protection has now been removed in favor of this 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff' header and the installer will return a warning when it is not in place.
  • Maintenance scripts should now be executed using maintenance/run.php, e.g. maintenance/run.php update not maintenance/update.php as before.
  • Five extensions have now been bundled with MediaWiki:
    • The DiscussionTools extension, which provides a forum-like editing experience for wikitext-based discussion pages. This is the dreaded new "forum-like" experience for talk pages that I don't think any of us will want. It seems like it will be on by default so we'll have to change $wgDiscussionToolsEnable to false. Hopefully it doesn't do anything to mess with talk pages immediately upon install.
    • The Echo extension, which provides a system of user notifications.
    • The Linter extension, which warns about use of deprecated wikitext.
    • The LoginNotify extension, which warns users about failed attempted logins.
    • The Thanks extension, which lets users thank editors for edits.
  • The Renameuser extension has been moved to MediaWiki core. It is now possible to rename users without installing an extension. The extension had already been bundled with MediaWiki since 1.18.


I have checked the release notes through 1.41.4.
  • Requires PHP 7.4.3+ and the PHP extensions ctype, dom, fileinfo, iconv, intl, json, mbstring, xml.
  • MediaWiki now requires browsers to support ES6 for them to receive JavaScript, up from ES5. In practice, this primarily means that users of Internet Explorer 11 (EOL in 2022) will no longer get JavaScript tools.
  • Some interesting new configuration variables:
    • $wgImplicitRights - A list of implicit rights, in addition to the ones defined by the core. Rights in this list are granted implicitly to all users, but rate limits may apply to them.
    • $wgInterwikiLogoOverride - List of interwiki logos overrides.
    • $wgSVGNativeRendering - Whether native SVG rendering by the browser agent is allowed
    • $wgSVGNativeRenderingSizeLimit - If $wgSVGNativeRendering is set to 'partial', this sets the size limit for an SVG file to be rendered as a PNG instead of directly by the browser.
    • $wgWikidiff2Options - Configuration for Wikidiff2. Is Wikidiff2 used by default in 1.41? If so, it seems that they may have added new options and that's the reason they added this array variable. See here for docs.
    • $wgEnableEditRecovery - Enables a beta edit-saving feature that prevents data loss if the window closes. Apparently Visual Editor already has its own edit-saving feature that is almost as good.


I have checked the release notes through 1.42.4.
  • Requires PHP 8.1.0+ and the PHP extensions ctype, dom, fileinfo, iconv, intl, json, mbstring, xml.
  • MediaWiki now requires Composer 2.x, and any related (vendor) files generated by Composer must be generated by Composer 2.x. Composer 1.x is mostly end-of-life upstream, and using it will result in slower actions when downloading and installing packages.
  • filter: is now allowed in inline CSS in wikitext.


I have checked the release notes through 1.43.0.
  • Requires PHP 8.1.0+ and the PHP extensions ctype, dom, fileinfo, iconv, intl, json, mbstring, xml, plus openssl.
  • update.php updates the Linter database table with two migration scripts that can take a long time to run: with the provided settings, each migration script update roughly 500 rows per second. If at all possible, it is highly recommended to let update.php run these migration scripts.
  • Special:TalkPage is a new special page that will redirect to the associated talk namespace page, e.g. Special:TalkPage/Foo redirects to Talk:Foo; Special:TalkPage/Project:Foo goes to Project talk:Foo. This allows for links by templates and tools without having to parse what namespaces are valid and have associated talk pages.
  • Special:NamespaceInfo is a new special page that displays a list of namespaces available on the wiki, their descriptions and configuration.