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| Future has come, but I didn't invite it...
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| Loser I am. I went to ONI rules 1st video and wrote rude words. Words full of arrogancy, egoism.
| | I hope that ONIrules read it. |
| | | Thanks, geyser. |
| But that was not ME. It was HIM.
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| I exist. I am who I am, guy who tries to achieve something. But I have also HIM inside me. HE is egoistic. HE is arrogant. HE likes porn. HE swears. HE envies. And HE acts as HE is me.
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| NO!!! HE is not ME, HE only uses my body, so I feel guilty and HE laughs when I cry after I commit sin. HE was the one who wrote those egoistic envious words on ONIrules video, not ME!!! But HE is using my hands, my body, my brain....so everybody looks and tells it is ME.
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| It is awful. Consciousness is working, but suddenly it is NOT MY consciousness, I can feel HIM slowly taking control. I FEEL it, I REJECT it, I FIGHT it, I don't want to fap, I don't want to laugh while somebody suffers, I don't want to envy, I don't want to swear, but I am weak, I lose and HE will do his work, then leave me as winner, saying "Next time, don't even try to resist. You are weak. You know you WILL do it, sooner or later."
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| Hence I am loser. The one who repeatedly loses his fight with HIM. That is origin of my nickname. Now it is ME who is writing. ONIrules, I apologize for HIM. If somebody thinks I am attention whore, then it is his opinion. Maybe yes. But I can feel HIM for sure. HE is making preparations for next morning, he wants me watching porn. I DON'T WANT TO! HELP ME!!!! TEAR HIM AWAY! But you cannot, and he knows it, because the only one who can tear him away is Almighty God. But that needs ME to co-op. But I lose and lose and lose and lose.... and I don't give up! FAITH, HOPE & LOVE is the key! I know.
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| So ONIrules and all dear ONI modders, when you see me writing some way too sharp comments, some egoistic, envious or weird notes, just send me away or write that it WAS rude. Chance is that 90% it was HIM, not ME. I can write something a bit sharper, but I can declare logic reasons for it. HE cannot. HE can only offend. Sometimes quite sophistically, but still HE is not writing about problem, but about person, HE tries to insult the person instead of talking to subject of discussion.
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| Geyser knows (maybe).
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| ONIrules, gomenasai.
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| --[[User:Loser|Loser]] 22:19, 7 August 2008 (CEST)
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| :Dude, no one would have guessed about your evil alter ego if it wasn't for this confession of yours. Your comment(s) on ONIrules's video were brutally honest, maybe (after all, "uncontrolled lucidity" is a known side effect of using this wiki), but definitely ''not'' rude, all the less so as you've added a lot of smilies ^_^ This is a crazy world, and a lot of people are screwed up really bad; something like 75% of the people in the so-called "developed" countries either go and see a psychiatrist regularly, or ought to do so... ^_^ I may be exaggerating here, but I know ''I'' have issues: this Oni-oriented procrastination you know is only the tip of the iceberg. So relax, dude: maybe your case is neither redeemable nor comfortable, but in the big scheme of things you're still an angel. And even though you're confused right now, you'll eventually learn to deal with your contradictions like all the other billions of freaks out there. As a start, maybe clean up this page before you're (mis)labeled as a certified attention whore ^_^ The last thing we need on this wiki is an agony column about porn addiction ^_^
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| ::[[User:Geyser|geyser]] 00:20, 8 August 2008 (CEST)
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