Anniversary Edition/Core: Difference between revisions

From OniGalore
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These mod packages can be found in the Edition release 2009-07. Names in blue link to more details on that mod.
These mod packages can be found in the Edition release 2009-07. Names in blue link to more details on that mod.

Revision as of 01:26, 28 April 2013

Aged parchment-60px.jpg

This page contains information that is out of date.
Please update this information to reflect where the community is at today.

These mod packages can be found in the Edition release 2009-07. Names in blue link to more details on that mod.

Number Name Category Ver. Description Preview
11000 Weapon Improvement AE: Weapons 1 Improves the appearence and mechanics of existing Oni weapons.
Currently contains:
1. Long lasting bullet casings.
12000 New Weapons AE: Weapons 1 Adds new weapons to Oni.
Currently contains:
1. BGI Subjugator.
2. BGI Rocket Launcher.
3. Chaingun.
4. Devil Star gun.
5. WMC Lite.
6. SBG2
7. TK (Telekinetic) Bracelet.
Other unnamed weapons....
21000 Upgraded ONCCs AE: Characters 1 Gives enemies more health, better bullet dodging, and better blocking skills.
22000 New Characters AE: Characters 1 Adds new characters to Oni.
Currently contains:
1. BGI troop pack.
2. Ninjabot 2.
23000 Shinatama Too AE: Characters 1 Adds a fighting Shinatama to the game, distinguishable by her unique outfit.
31000 Glass Breaking Moves AE: Animations 1 Makes all attacks break glass.
32000 Dangerous Glass AE: Particles 1 When windows are broken, the shards of broken glass hurt anyone they touch. This mod was designed to go along with Glass Breaking Moves.
33000 Improved Weather AE: Particles 1 Improves Oni's weather effects.
Currently contains:
1. Rain splash effect.
42000 Dashing AI AE: Animations 1 Makes AI-controlled characters dash instead of running. This levels the playing field so that Konoko cannot easily out-run them. \n Warning: will mess up a few cutscenes, but won't negatively affect gameplay.
45000 Ninja Shadow Dash AE: Animations 1 Ninja escape moves now make them disappear. They can travel through characters in this shadow state.
51000 Unlock All Moves AE: Animations 1 Unlocks all attacks.
52000 Andrashi Melee System AE: Animations 1 Changes the melee system. Also unlocks all moves.
53000 Knockdown Revamp AE: Animations 1 1. Characters don't lose their weapon on normal knockdowns; this allows you to shoot from a knocked-down position. You, and the AI, will still lose the weapon on throws and leg sweep knockdowns, however.
2. Blownup enemies can knock other people down.
54000 Brutal AI AE: Animations 1 Improves the melee AI for Konoko and Strikers. Brutal Konoko can be seen in Dream Lab (Chapter 11). Brutal Strikers appear wherever a normal striker would appear in Easy/Normal mode. In Hard mode, they get a different skin, but are just as Brutal.