- This is about the door class resource. For door instances, see OBD:BINA/OBJC/DOOR
Offset |
Type |
Raw Hex |
Value |
0x00 |
res_id |
01 2B 03 00 |
811 |
0x04 |
lev_id |
01 00 00 00 |
0 |
level 0
0x08 |
link |
01 2C 03 00 |
812 |
link to 00812-.OFGA
0x0C |
link |
00 00 00 00 |
unused |
link to another OFGA file; never used in Oni
0x10 |
link |
01 28 03 00 |
808 |
link to 00808-small_anim.OBAN
0x14 |
float |
00 00 00 3F |
0.500000 |
passed sound "attenuation", exact formula unknown
0x18 |
int32 |
02 00 00 00 |
2 |
AI sound types which are allowed to pass, see below
0x1C |
int32 |
-1 |
AI sound type:
- -1 - no sound
- 0 - unimportant
- 1 - interest
- 2 - danger
- 3 - melee
- 4 - gunfire
0x20 |
float |
00 00 C8 42 |
100.000000 |
AI sound volume
0x24 |
char[32] |
door2_shrt |
door open sound (reference to 08355-door2_shrt.imp.OSBD)
0x44 |
char[32] |
door2_shrt |
door close sound (reference to 08355-door2_shrt.imp.OSBD)
0x64 |
int32 |
00 00 00 00 |
0 |
runtime only
0x68 |
int32 |
00 00 00 00 |
0 |
runtime only
0x6C |
char[20] |
dead |
About passable sounds ( fields 0x14 ; 0x18 )
- Selected sound types ( field 0x18 ) are allowed to pass through door while rest of sound types is halted as if door were a wall. To be exact, we talk about AI2 sound spheres, it does not really affect way a player can hear actual sounds.
- 0x18:
- 0 - all sound types allowed through
- 1 - unimportant and interest sound types halted, rest allowed through
- 2 - unimportant, interest, danger,melee sound types halted, gunfire type allowed through
- 3 - all sound types halted
- When AI2 sound sphere is allowed to pass, it is "attenuated" ( field 0x14 ), its reach is shortened. This shortening is not visible via ai2_showsounds=1 ( it will show whole AI2 sound sphere ). Shortening does not depend on how far source of sound is from door.