
From OniGalore

Warehouse Mod

Download directory

HERE (pay attention to the file sizes : it's over 30 megs...)

  • level0_Final.rar holds level0_Final.dat and level0_Final.raw : they go in your GameDataFolder (backup the originals)
  • OniLevel1a.rar holds level1_Final.dat and the level logic folder : the former goes in GameDataFolder (backup the original), the latter in GameDataFolder/IGMD, replacing the original EnvWarehouse folder (which you should backup too : rename it or move it away)
  • OniLevel1b.rar holds level1_Final.raw, which goes in GameDataFolder as well (backup the original)

Sorta change log

Adding text files to the download directory above some time, maybe...


Globally effective changes

  • Swapped run/dash anims for Strikers and Comguys (affects everyone except Thugs, Tankers, Ninjas, Elites and Mutant Muro)
  • Swapped particle tracks (flashier combos)
  • Striker front throw replaced with Comguy disarm (flashier, looks like a Fury throw)
  • Konoko's front kick throw replaced with stepping disarm (no crowd-clearing effect)
  • One of Konoko's running kick throws replaced with a Running Lariat
  • Something with the Sledgehammer Heel
  • Konoko's combos not unlocked
  • Other stuff


  • Relocated (hidden) datapad
  • Much healthier AI
  • Ninja particles for "Ninja Bots"
  • Thugs fight like Griffin
  • Other stuff


Completely rewritten level logic, surprise, surprise!

  • Scripted combo overrides for boss fight
  • Scripted weapon holstering for some AI
  • Locked doors (must seek alternate routes)
  • (Annoyingly) hard fights
  • Plenty ways to lose (e.g. warehouse manager can die...)
  • Controllable warehouse manager (nice, but buggy)
  • Other stuff

Warehouse Mod Too

Planned changes aka "what I WANT in it", not "what WILL be in it"


Globally effective changes

  • edit some combat files for better AI behavior
  • edit some melee files for new experience (we are used to old patterns)
  • edit some weapon files, add secondary fire mode (tribute to Geyser), make AI smarter with guns and aganist guns*
  • flashy attacks again but this time better used particles (I hope)
  • maybe somethig else

 *try a little experiment: take A_t48 thug in EnvWarehouse and make him invincible. Then get w1_tap(Equalizer) or w2_sap(Black adder) and turn on superammo cheat. Now startle thug, don't shoot. Lead him to the side opposite of the locked door which leads out of the building. Now dash to the door (so there is big hole between you and thug) and start permanent fire. You will see that after second or two he begins to strafe and he's trying to hide behind corners and objects. If he's too close, he will attack you. Problem is that w1_tap and w2_sap are only guns with that effect. Aganist other ones he just run towards his death.


Changes to level 1 binaries

  • edit characters ONCC files, add idle animations for some chars, health correction,some AI events(rotation, getups etc)
  • mix few textures and models to create Casey Shanagan character
  • edit thug TRAC so it will be Casey's TRAC. try to edit some thug TRAMs into Casey's unique fight style*
  • TRAC game: Thugs will recive Comguy TRAC, Casey will recive changed Thug TRAC, Kojiro and his minions will have Ninja TRAC
  • edit character bina file in way I need (renamed characters, changed patrols, switched character classes etc.)
  • edit flag bina file in way I need
  • edit patrol paths bina file, again try to refresh game experience
  • edit some trigger volumes bina files in way I need(mainly positions)
  • edit some TXMPs and TXANs, try to create some moving monitors as it was in trailer
  • probably all ^_-

 *I welcome any tips and hints for his moves.Please write them to Oni forum. But remember: Those moves can't be as clean and perfect as original because I can only reverse hack them(I don't have Bungie's animation program).


Scripted level logic

  • this time totally rewritten, not just improved original
  • again holstering enemies, this time I hope that in combination with Combat.bina file hack it will be more useful
  • some boss fight surprises
  • again alternate routes
  • a bit rewritten story*, possibility of two alternate endings of this level, which can affect next level gameplay(
  • through the level you will play as Konoko and as Casey(depends on situations)
  • something more???

 *For Geyser: I would like to talk only with you about this. I want this mod to be entertaining so players can't know all details now. Plus your sharp critics. :)

Overall, if this mod is successful(or ever made ^_^'), I will create another one of level two with alternate storylines(depends on ending of level 1). Log-time goal is to remake whole game :)


Warehouse Mod Minus The Warehouse

Basically the global component of the Warehouse Mod above : get it HERE (11 MB)

(both files in the archive should go in GameDataFolder, backup the originals, yada yada)

Change log

Detailed change logs : DAT RAW

  • Unlocked all of Konoko's combos
  • "Pseudo-dashing" for Konoko, Strikers and Comguys (running TRAMS link to same resources as sprinting TRAMS)
    • All characters are affected except Thugs, Tankers, Ninjas, Elites and Mutant Muro
    • Player is also affected (i.e. Konoko pseudo-dashes instead of running)
    • Konoko's sliding is enabled for pseudo-dashing to avoid frustration ^^
  • Flashy particles for :
    • Dashing and "pseudo-dashing"
    • Spinning Sidekick (KONCOMcomb_k_k_k)
    • Triple-Hit Haymaker (KONCOMcomb_p_p_p)
    • Sledgehammer Heel (KONCOMcomb_p_p_p)
    • Crescent Kick (KONCOMcomb_k_k_kfw)
    • Twister Kicks (KONCOMlt_fw_kick/KONCOMrt_fw_kick)
    • Striker Triple Kick (STRCOMcomb_k_k_k)
    • Striker Triple Punch (STRCOMcomb_p_p_p)
    • Comguy Triple Punch (COMCOMcomb_p_p_p)
    • Comguy Double Kick (COMCOMcomb_k_k)
  • "Radio Saber!" alternates at random with "Static Fist!"

And that's about it...