From OniGalore
Revision as of 14:49, 27 April 2013 by Paradox-01 (talk | contribs) (txma, idxa (quad group id), some agqg stuff)
AKVA : Oni Game Level
XML modding tips
  • See HERE to start learning about XML modding.
  • See HERE if you are searching for information on how to handle object coordinates.
  • See HERE for some typical modding errors and their causes.

AISA << Other file types >> BINA

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Unfinished building-60px.jpg

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XML tag content type description
<AKEV id="...">


XML tag content type description
<PNTA id="...">


XML tag content type description
<PLEA id="...">


XML tag content type description
<TXCA id="...">


XML tag content type description
<AGQG id="..."> integer Instance id. Should be 4.
<Color> color Colors are stored as four value arrays: R G B [A], which means Red Green Blue and the optional Alpha channel value. Min value: 0. Max value: 255.
This belongs to vertex coloring.
<Flags> flag
DoorFrame (invisible quad that uses the _DOOR_FRAME texture, however, this flag has no effect on the game)
Ghost (pathfinding volume separator, see AKVA etc)
TwoSided (make polygons visible from both sides)
NoCollision (no character collision, no particle collision)
Invisible (makes polygons visible; tip: use two-faced wall for no transition, use one-faced wall for one-way transition)
NoObjectCollision (no particle collision)
NoCharacterCollision (characters can go through polygons)
Danger (automatic creation via _marker_danger texture)
Horizontal (slope > 70°, automatic creation)
Vertical (slope < 70°, automatic creation)
GridIgnore (onisplit will ignore the object when it calculate the pathfinding grids, so the grids will be white)
NoDecals (decals can't be applied to object, doors use this)
Furniture (Cntl + Shift + s: makes furniture textures red)
ProjectionBit0 (automatic creation)
ProjectionBit1 (automatic creation)
<ObjectId> int32 Object type and object id are merged here to one number.
Example 1: If <ObjectId> is 251658333 the converted hex value is (0)f 00 00 5d. With that you get the type 0f = console and the id 5d = 93.
Example 2: If <ObjectId> is 50331739 the converted hex value is (0)3 00 00 5b. With that you get the type 03 = door and the id 5b = 91.


01 - character
02 - patrol path
03 - door
04 - flag
05 - furniture
08 - particle
09 - powerup
0A - sound
0B - trigger volume
0C - weapon
0D - trigger
0E - turret
0F - console
10 - combat
11 - melee
12 - neutral

Obviously not all object types have corresponding gunk quads. The only object types that are used in ONOA by the original levels are door, furniture, turret, trigger and console. In addition it appears that the engine only searches for door type.


XML tag content type description
<AGQR id="...">


XML tag content type description
<AGQC id="...">


XML tag content type description
<TXMA id="..."> integer Instance Id. Should be 8.
The TXMA instance stores all textures used by level geometry.
<Textures> - This is an int32 array for <Link> tags.
<Link> link TXMPname


XML tag content type description
<AKVA id="...">


XML tag content type description
<AKBA id="...">

IDXA (quad group list)

XML tag content type description
<IDXA id="...">

IDXA (quad group id)

XML tag content type description
<IDXA id="..."> integer Instance Id. Should be 12.
<Indices> - This is an int32 array for the <Int32> tags.
<Int32> int32 Stores an object Id used by BSL commands env_broken, env_shade, env_show and env_texswap. Ergo this IDXA should belong to AKEV 2.
Why can Ids appear here multiple times? Most objects are made of multiple triangles/quads. Probably there are as many equal Ids as an object has triangle/quads. So when you want show/hide/etc. an object, all triangles/quads will be targeted by this way.


XML tag content type description
<AKBP id="...">


XML tag content type description
<ABNA id="...">


XML tag content type description
<AKOT id="...">


XML tag content type description
<AKAA id="...">


<AKDA id="17" />


XML tag content type description
<OTIT id="...">


XML tag content type description
<OTLF id="...">


XML tag content type description
<QTNA id="...">

IDXA (gunk quad)

XML tag content type description
<IDXA id="...">


XML tag content type description
<IDXA id="...">