AE:Bug-fix and feature requests

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Revision as of 17:59, 24 April 2013 by Iritscen (talk | contribs) (note tweak)

This is a place for reporting bugs in the AE and small fixes/improvements that the AE can make to original Oni. For general ideas for modding that don't fit within the current scope of the AE, see the Modding brainstorms page. For a broader perspective on improving Oni, see the Review criticisms page. If you're unclear on where your idea belongs, hopefully reading each page will give you an idea of what that page's scope is. --Iritscen

Improvements on original Oni that AE can make

Evil TCTF, or Explain This Odd Behaviour

I don't know if this has already been fixed, but in my copy of Oni, there is a civilian in TCTF HQ that is set to the wrong team so good AIs attack her. --Rossy

Is it the woman on the first floor in the side room with those wide long pieces of machinery in the middle of it? --Iritscen 14:11, 20 September 2008 (CEST)
I think so, yeah. --rossy 03:32, 21 September 2008 (CEST)
I'm not too sure what to think about Iritscen's commitment to specificity... If it's a_v1 you're talking about, there's nothing long or wide about the computer in her room. And if you mean lobby_victim06, the floor she's on is not "first" in any way. Oh well... the point is, all those civilians, female or not, are in their typical Neutral team, and the TCTF AI won't attack them unless there is a glitch. The glitch is apparently due to some confusion in the awareness/knowledge/whatever system: apparently, if the TCTF see an enemy and a civilian "at the same time", they tend to label them both as hostilethreat. TCTF HQ is the only mission where TCTF can be seen around civilians after seeing them with hostiles and defeating the latter. The same glitch happens with TCTF VS SecurityGuard, and probably with Syndicate VS SyndicateAccessory. Custom scripts based on OTA could help investigate this bug more systematically. From a more practical point of view, the glitch can be fixed with timely calls to ai2_forget. --geyser 05:22, 22 September 2008 (CEST)

Missing gears sound

When Dev Mode is one, and you are near the gears at the very end of Ch. 12, Science Prison, you get a message about a missing sound for the gears, some kind of ambient noise. It should be easy to find a royalty-free sound effect and stick it in there. --Iritscen 02:02, 27 April 2009 (UTC)

It would be even more easy to remove the line of the script that references a missing sound. :) Gumby 05:35, 3 May 2009 (UTC)
I don't think it's a line in the script, I think the engine is telling us that there's a sound for that area around the gears that is missing. Anyway, to me this is an opportunity to add a little something to Oni, to fix a glitch in a constructive way, not to just find a way to remove an error message. --Iritscen 11:46, 3 May 2009 (UTC)
The only reason the engine would do that is if the script called for a sound to be played. Five dollars says the scipters made a type though. Gumby 14:57, 3 May 2009 (UTC)
I don't see where in the script it would be, nor does it seem like it *could* be in the script. I'm not talking about something that happens in a cutscene, but rather any time in-game that Konoko is near the gears. So it's a sound volume, or whatever we call them, that leads to Oni trying to play the sound. I also briefly checked the sound files and don't see anything about gears, so while it could be a typo, I think they just plain forgot to include the resource. --Iritscen 17:13, 3 May 2009 (UTC)
There is a gears.grp, but I don't quite know where the ambient is. The best solution IMO would be to use an existing Oni sound. I'll poke around and see what I can find. Gumby 19:14, 4 May 2009 (UTC)
The problem is that gears.grp references SNDDgears.aif and that one does not exist. Neo
I added a sound file with the name SNDDgears.aif.oni to AE and recompiled level0. Now there is no missing sound warning, but I don't hear any difference. If you want to try it: Now the sound is nothing special, just used it for a test. EdT
That sound will only work for Macs, I'll try my own experimentation. :) By the way, make sure the volume in gears.grp isn't too low...Gumby 02:36, 5 May 2009 (UTC)

"Stop or I'll still shoot"

The security guard's lines in the State building are kind of silly. "Stop, or I'll shoot". He shoots no matter what you do...>_> --Gumby

Konoko is a "class B threat" wanted dead or alive, who stays defiant in response to the warning, so his "screw this" attitude is understandable... However, it is rather straightforward for a scripter to freeze the action until the player actually "moves a muscle". Another detail is the backup the guard called for; maybe he didn't alert the whole building, but some kind of backup ought to be on its way. --geyser 05:22, 22 September 2008 (CEST)
Another option is to have one guard watch Konoko with the gun as the other guard goes running for a secrity terminal (to call other guards), this would force Konoko into action of have to face the trobles of more security guards. Otaku-kun

Compound laser triggers

They need to alert the enemies in the vicinity. That is all. :) Gumby 09:25, 7 December 2008 (CET)

AE Bug Reports

Domino knockdowns and fistsoflegend

fistsoflegend is still broken. geyser indicated that knockdowns might be optional in the final release, but the question is, "Will using knockdowns always break fistsoflegend?". --Iritscen

0) Didn't fistsoflegend suck anyway? 1) I can see there being no such thing as a "final release". 2) Knockdowns will be optional, that's not an option ^_^ The question is whether they will be fixed. If we can prevent spurious domino knockdowns (I believe we can, but maybe Loser knows better), then there is a chance that fistsoflegend will be redeemed. --geyser 05:22, 22 September 2008 (CEST)